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So are you more adverse to casualties with CMBN 1:1 then CMX1?

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I certainly was with CM:Shock Force and thought it might be the present day setting but I find myself being much more careful with my pixeltruppen now then I was with CMBO/CMBB/CMAK. I just don't like to see my guys get hit and going up against these Germans-they're much more an even match then the Syrians- it happens a lot. Guess I'll just have to get use to it or get better or hit the reload.

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Yes I am. The 1:1 representation has made infantry actions much more fun than CMx1's three stooges and I am finding myself naturally trying to maximize suppression and minimize casualties.

I'm still making my orders from "up high". But zooming during play back is simply a joy.

Do you know? I might even give CMSF another spin after this. :-)

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YES, but that is not stopping my troops and tanks from death, at this point. I stink and its a testament to how good CMBN is, I believe. I'm getting owned and I've played many hours of CMSF. I'll get better but the learning curve higher than I ever thought.

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I think 1:1 makes it easier to maintain situational awareness, and that results in fewer casualties. I "relate" to the battlefield better.

Made a platoon-sized infantry skirmish just a few minutes ago, and kept the camera about head height. Probably the most fun I've had all week. :)

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Hell yes. But after taking very high casualties in the demo, and feeling both awful and resentful about it, I realized that I, not the game, was the problem (the same thing happened in CMSF).

I am being a "gamer", and trying to rush things along impatiently. The doggies need to do a lot more SLOW or FAST (dashing) once they make contact, and keep their heads down behind the berms (hedgerows) until they can create enough mass to dominate the firefight. Otherwise the Kraut MGs make dogmeat of them.... creating the ahistorical casualty rates we were discussing a while back.

Of course, festina lente raises the ugly question of: how long before the enemy mortars range in on my crawling men?

And that, in a nutshell, is the basic RL tactical problem in attacking dug-in Germans.

EDIT: Now, whether the scenario designers have allowed me enough time to use those RL tactics remains to be seen....

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I've always been as careful as possible, but yes--now even moreso. So far, I've been very meticulous about giving buddy aid. I don't like to see those red circle crosses going unattended. -Top tip somebody gave on using your XO for buddy aid for units that can't be reached by others.

-Am also loving being able to recover weapons. Last night, I had a crew that bailed right before their AC was knocked out (saw it coming). I was just intending to use them for buddy aid after that, but after a bit of med work, they became quite the little commando unit (3 smg's and a rifle!). I didn't want to be gamey, but I just had to let them clear a building. Kept em' on guard duty after that.

Thank you guys sooo much for your superb work. -Just got the full game installed (used flashget for the download). No issues.


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I'm not usually too shy of sacrificing a few men... squads... eh, half of the company to get things done, but I do try to tend the casualties.

The biggest flaw with the 1:1 modelling is that it's incredibly difficult to position your troops so that they're sitting on the faces of the fallen enemies. This game needs a TEABAG command for PBEM!

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Well, I'm not concerned about casualties too much but about some maps "forcing" them on you by pushing you into a meat-grinder.

Like the second campaign mission where you have to assault the bridge. After the first try I gave up simply sent one squad after the other over to the bridge to get blown apart by arty... until the Germans eventually ran out.

Total victory lol.

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I definitely am more averse.

Now when I go back to CMx1 those decreasing unit numbers mean a little more, too :)

I think it's a combination of the visceral experience of each man being taken down, but also the more realistic _effect_ of this. The effect in CMx1 was a few numbers change (firepower and maybe moral status) but that's really all. You could drive a CMx1 unit to 1 man as long as it didn't panic. I think that CMBN units panic more realistically, and start to fail to operate more realistically, with guys cowering etc.


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The atillery seems much more lethal than in CMSF. I wonder if it isn't too overpowering. i just had one round take out most of a squad. One would think modern arty to get more kills. If it is too powerful then this may just turn into a game of spotting for arty to do most of the work.

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First i was like in CMSF: "Oh no, my soldier got hit! Quick covering fire, smoke screen, medic... 10 minutes later, ok he's saved, lets continue with the operation. Oh no, my soldier got hit!..." :D

Now im getting more used to seeing those red crosses and saying "Sucks to be you buddy."

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I'm finding a rather steep learning casulaty curve with BN. I have found myself put squads into some pretty bad situations only to see them cut to ribbons......Oh well.

"Attach bayonets, walk forwards towards the MG nest, onwards!"

Maybe I'll spend a little more time with suppressive fire....

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It's funny, but I'm far more adverse to my guys getting shot in CMCN than in Shock Force.

In CMSF I was rather cavalier in my attitude towards casualites (hence the fact that I don't think I've won a single Major NATO victory). But in Battle for Normandy as soon as I run a squad into the path of an MG42 I get huge pangs of guilt. Maybe it's because they are relying on ME more than sophisticated gadgetry.

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It's been a while since I played any CM1, but I didn't really care about what happened to Larry, Curly and Moe as long as they got the job done.

Already in CMBN I'm being more conservative with my American pixeltruppen than I was in CMSF as the higher precision supporting weaponry could get me out of trouble pretty quickly if a squad got pinned, plus they were all wearing body armour which meant a lot more yellow than red bases.

I just lost 6 men to 2 well placed MP-40 bursts from a dug in lone survivor from a German HQ team that ruined my careful and well planned assault. Close up fighting in heavily wooded terrain is totally lethal, and not something I'd really run up against in CMSF (unsurprisingly). Watching Curly and Moe fall over was never this traumatic!

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Playing the CMSF and Marines Campaigns has conditioned me to not taking casualties so it hurts now.

Comparing it to CMx1 engines when I lost a guy it would be oh no my squad firepower is decreasing and only after a few casualties would I really start to feel for em.

Now it's oh no how do I buddy aid him or do I just let him go.

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I find myself more aware of casualties, but I tend to take quite a few anyway so that only helps so much. The most effective way to kill the baddies is to keep my men shooting, so in a round about way, I try to keep as many weapons on line as possible.

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