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Interview with Steve on RockPaperShotgun

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In order to design for effect you need to first identify the SPECIFIC effect you're looking for.

It's a while since I've played SL or ASL, but IIRC all roads were one tile wide - that's, what? 40m? Regadless of country or county, roads are 40m. I believe the reason (apart from the obvious requirement that it fit within the constraints of the hex grid) is that the designers felt that units moving across a road should always be exposed long enough for the enemy to get a shot in, so that's the effect that was designed for.

Map makers in CMx2 have a similar 'design for effect' decision to make. Roads in CMx2 are always one tile, 8m, wide, but buildings can be right up agains tthe edge of the road or set back, meaning the road can be as narrow as 8m or as wide as ... 20, 30, 40m, whatever. In fact, buildings can be as close as just 4m apart, leaving only a little backalley betwixt them. Further, by adding an internal door, troops can move between buildings - or not - without going outside.

It depends on the effect the designer is trying to create, using engineered elements.

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Good stuff and a complete surprise. I read RockPaperShotgun every morning and was pleasantly surprised to see Combat Mission on the list. :)

You were surprised? I'll go you one better.

I was reading RPS (not a sign of the article) came directly to this forum afterwards and right away saw the thread about CMN being featured on RPS. Had me go "wut?" at myself.

Liked the dead cow bit. Funny how stuff like that gets attention. We are a strange bunch.

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I say there is a market for an air war game....

Make a WW1 game...look at how well Wings of war the boardgame\minature game has sold.

You would have all that market plus the Over Flanders Field and Rise of Flight market aswell I'm sure...

I already have a great design idea..just need the progamming skills:(

Good read though...makes me very happy we have Battlefront around.

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Map makers in CMx2 have a similar 'design for effect' decision to make. Roads in CMx2 are always one tile, 8m, wide, but buildings can be right up agains tthe edge of the road or set back, meaning the road can be as narrow as 8m or as wide as ... 20, 30, 40m, whatever. In fact, buildings can be as close as just 4m apart, leaving only a little backalley betwixt them. Further, by adding an internal door, troops can move between buildings - or not - without going outside.

It depends on the effect the designer is trying to create, using engineered elements.

And I am looking forward to some Nijmegen scenarios using these features to my benefit.

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It's a while since I've played SL or ASL, but IIRC all roads were one tile wide - that's, what? 40m?

Yeah, and in CMx1 they were roughly 16m wide because the fidelity didn't allow them to be smaller. And that's more of an issue of fidelity rather than design vs. engineered. However, the finer the detail the more design for effect becomes a hinderance than a help. Which means EFFECTIVELY to get high fidelity you probably need to be more engineered than designed for effect.

It depends on the effect the designer is trying to create, using engineered elements.

An interesting perspective. It's true, now that I think about it, that the scenario makers benefit from the engineered philosophy because there's a broader pallet of stuff to draw from when trying to get a certain feeling out of a particular scenario. Without a highly engineered environment that pallet, like CMx1's, would have to be smaller and less diverse.


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It's a while since I've played SL or ASL, but IIRC all roads were one tile wide - that's, what? 40m?

BTW, ISTR that the designer's explanation for that scale was that it was the only way that the longer-ranged weaponry could be adequately portrayed on the typical AH mapboard. IMHO it was a regrettable decision that led to a lot of bad things. In addition to 40 meter wide roads, it also had manpack flamethrowers with a range of 80 meters and similar absurdities.


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The other thing from the interview was the old trench fox hole issue (old thread floating about i know).

Trenches that mould to terrain: (ala CMSF):

- are problem because of frame rates

- are a problem because they are not hidden ? you can see the undulations when browsing the map therefore fortified areas are known pre battle ?

Foxholes (ala CMBN):

- are hidden because they behave like units do , fog of war applies.

- but the down side is they are not as aesthetically pleasing as terrain meshing ... ie grass growing through the fox hole base etc.

So BF decided to go with the fog of war , less frame rate option. That makes sence to me. You play the game due to playability not nice looks ... although graphics help realism but not at the expense of game play IMO.

Is that it in a nutshell ?

When this game is released i bet there are many complaints about this area , do you have a rebuff prepared :)

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Yes we have seen the foxholes in the screenshots and I, for one, am more than happy with them. They look slightly odd but it is very much worth it to have them FOW.

Just FYI guys - the foxholes you guys saw in the AAR were always just place holders, Ive made some changes to them and overall am actually reasonably happy with their look now, all things considered. :)


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Sorry guys, have just done a reinstall and am in the middle of flavor objects at the moment so dont have time for a screen shot but basically we reduced the height of the dirt and added a layer or so of sandbags to the top...as a result I think they visually they look much more like a reasonably good reinforced position considering the compromises with regards to FOW. :) Trenches have also been reworked with the new sandbags, in fact fortifications in general have probably been completely revamped from any screen shots you guys may have seen (older than a couple of weeks at least). :)


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