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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Everyone Please Diminish Your Expectations

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I have been looking forward to the CM Normandy myself. I'm looking forward to contributing to scenario design, etc. I liked CMSF, but I had a hard time getting into a fictional war. Nevertheless, I commend Battlefront for its effort.

We are all excited about the new game. But lets be careful. While the Battlefront team is first rate, there will inevitably be errors and issues. They're product support is fantastic, the mod community off the charts, and I view the game, even when its released, as a work in progress. There will be bugs and whatnot, and various other issues (e.g., why do the paratroopers look like GI Joes, or whatever). A release like this is more akin to a partnership between its players and the designers: we need to work with them in fine tuning by adding constructive suggestions and input. Of course, most of you know this, but I thought it should be reiterated.

I'm looking forward to yet other fine product from your company, that will evolve and change a bit over time.



P.S. The MG 42s better sound bad ass.

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Franko, there's a bunch of guys doing a lot of work to iron out those bugs. The game is superbly polished already, and is getting better every day. I wouldn't worry too much about it. This will not be anything like the release of CMSF. The first release will be 600 times more polished than CMSF. There's always going to be tiny bugs and preference issues as any individual will want things a little different to suit their own tastes. But, in beta phase, the game is better than ANY game of it's type ever made, even if it doesn't do everything you've ever dreamed it should do. ;)

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You can tell that some have already set themslves up beforehand to be disappointed because CM:BN won't be able to make waffles for them in the morning. They're convinced BFC is perversely sabotaging their own product by not including the must-have waffle-making feature. They've been dreaming for ten years about waffles and cannot understand how BFC could refuse to make their waffle dreams a reality. Granted, its an impossible request with the current technology and has nothing to do with the game concept, but that's not the point! ;)

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The lack of waffles is nothing. It's been clearly established that by this point in the war, waffles were only nominally allocated in TO&Es. Practically, most units were never issued their waffles, and those that were found them inadequate for the task at hand and quickly abandoned them for the superior pancakes.

What will be upsetting is the lack of sporks. Everyone knows the critical role they played in Wittmann's breakfast before Villers Bocage.

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What will be upsetting is the lack of sporks. Everyone knows the critical role they played in Wittmann's breakfast before Villers Bocage.

This is true. Everyone knows that if Wittmann had used an inferior American M8 spork rather than his trusty Spk. VII spork, one of the prongs might have bent and things would have happened very differently.

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I don't think it is a bad idea to adjust expectations. That's because there is NO WAY that we can put everything in that is collectively wanted. Some people seem to think it is reasonable to expect that we'll have every feature that was in CMx1, all the new features CM:SF introduced, the new features of CM:BN, and (just to top things off) features that we've never had and never said we'd put in. Yeah... that's really possible :D


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The "waffles" meme got me thinking..yeah, these CM freaks are still bat-sh*t crazy. Its nice to know there are constants in the universe.

It's about to get a whole lot worse as the Peng thread from the CMSF forum is at 299 posts. So the tragic and traumatizing transfer to the new CMBN is imminent. :eek:

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I have very big expectations! But im absolutely sure that all the features Ive hoped to be in are not there, but in terms of gameplay I now im not gonna be dissapointed. Whe are a different kind of community otherwise we would be on the "modern warfare" forum yelling all the time on the developers. Who cares anyway... we all know where gonna be playing CM:BN for a couple of years anyway.

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You can tell that some have already set themslves up beforehand to be disappointed because CM:BN won't be able to make waffles for them in the morning. They're convinced BFC is perversely sabotaging their own product by not including the must-have waffle-making feature. They've been dreaming for ten years about waffles and cannot understand how BFC could refuse to make their waffle dreams a reality. Granted, its an impossible request with the current technology and has nothing to do with the game concept, but that's not the point! ;)

I don't even like waffles. Go figure.

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