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New module - Combat Mission:Afghanistan?!

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funny thing is that the only place where CMSF:Marines in sold in RETAIL is russia, i think steve or moon said that some weeks ago.

so maybe its a russian only module? maybe they where fed up with all this unnessesary western toys and go for the real stuff, RED on RED!? skiping the EURO module?

heck this is just some idea, only the wodka soaked officials of 1C know more, if they didnt forgett it by now :D (obviousely a joke ;) ).

i think the most important thing now would be to get a person wich can read russian, wich gives us a short or better long summary of what the arcticle says this product is and should be. if there are any indications for a release date, now that it is 70% done.

Sorry, but all indications point to this being editor work packaged with some new skins.

you think? this is verry well possible too, especially in russia i think. make some scenarios, and skins for it and release it as "afghan 80ies" module/pack. wicked idea to charge money for that, but as said maybe its russia only and we will never see this over here.

so the russians will fight afghanistan in the 80ies with syrian monkey models out of 2008 :D what an idea... :/


is there a text source for this arcticle or is the only source this picture? i could online translate the text and make a summary out of it, if i could copy paste the text...

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Unfortunately the article is very vague. It says the ETA is fall of 09. It says there will be 2 campaigns, and 115 new units. The person complained that the balance is weird, in the ambush the tanks just destroyed the abmushers and then the column, when ordered to move forward again, just went every which way. Overall the article is weird and quite negative. I mean I have never red the preview article of a product where reviewer was bashing it. I thought when preview is being done and the magazine gets an exclusive preview version there is at least an attempt to do professional and balanced review and reviewer is not a Diablo fan - in this case the reviewer is... :(

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It says there will be 2 campaigns, and 115 new units.

NEW!? 115!? hm, this sounds odd...

I mean I have never red the preview article of a product where reviewer was bashing it.

remember that one IGN or somesuch, review, of the early game after release, that came quiet close to bashing :D

i think it doesnt matter what nationalety you are, if you dont get it, you dont get it. simple :D he obviousely had no idea how to play the game.


does the article say if its a module for CMSF or a standalone game/product!? or any hints on that in the text if not told directly? by the looks of the screens, if this arent any CMSF random screens throwen in, it will be for CMSF but it doesnt mean the screens showen, have to show the actual product.

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Moons comment... BFC not semi-gloating about a new product? Unheard off!!!

I took Moons comment to be deliberately designed to start a frenzy of speculation, of which I obliged :)

I don't think we will hear an official announcement until they decide to translate it into english - hopefully soon!

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In the Russian magazine Igromania has appeared preview of the game Combat Mission: Afghanistan. Action taked place in the eighties, the USSR vs mujahidins. The developer is Russian campaign Apeiron, founders 7,62 High Calibre .


7.62 Hi-Calibre is a bug ridden piece of crap, it still has a serious memory leak that the developers claim can't be fixed! Apeiron is notorious for buggy unpolished software and provide little or no customer support for their products. They wouldn't even provide English customers the final Russian patches for Brigade E5.

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Sorry for leaving you guys hanging. In our defense, it wasn't our choice to have someone figure this out over the 4th of July holiday weekend :) So here comes some off-the-cuff responses:

Many months ago we partnered with a Russian developer (not 1C, BTW) whom we have worked with on several other projects. They wanted to make an Afghanistan game for the Russian market. Since the CMx2 engine is designed to be worked on by outside developers *and* almost all of the requirements for this setting already existed *and* it wouldn't interfere with CM:SF and Normandy development... well, it was a no-brainer to do it.

This is not a Module for CM:SF. It is a stand alone Title with completely new forces and a modest number of new features. None of the TO&E in CM:SF is found in this new game, though of course a lot of the hardware is the same. But not everything is familiar to you guys. I'm going to leave it at that for now :D

There are four forces, two on each side; Soviet and DRA (Democratic Republic of Afghanistan) forces are on one side, Tribal Militias and Islamic Regiments (Mujahideen, as most in the West think of them) are on the other side. In comparison to CM:SF, the Soviet BMP and BTR borne Mech Infantry are the only ones that are relatively familiar to CM:SF players. That is because the Syrian equivalent was based on a slightly newer version of these forces. The rest of the Soviet forces, however, are not similar.

The modest number of new features in Afghanistan are ones which players will get a hold of in Normandy and beyond. The two significant gameplay changes are AAA in ground role and "random" personal weapons variations. By "random" I mean there are defined choices and the game dynamically assigns personal weapons within those parameters. This greatly increases the variety of weaponry found in the hands of any single Tribal Militia and Islamic Regiment unit, which in turn gives them a much less organized feel than the CM:SF Unconventional forces have. You can have anything from a contemporary top-of-the-line full automatic rifle to a surplus WW2 bolt action rifle within the same Squad/Team, then have a different mix of weapons for the next Squad/Team.

The campaigns and scenarios are historically based, thus giving the player a feel for the Afghanistan conflict as it played out. Like everything else in the Afghanistan game, we didn't make these. In fact, most of our beta testers had no idea this game was in development. We tell them almost everything about what is going on, with an emphasis on "almost" :)


The bottom line question I know you have is "if I have CM:SF, will I want to purchase this new Afghanistan game?". Honestly, unless you have a particular interest in the Soviet involvement in Afghanistan, or are hankering for some of the new stuff that the game has in it, I'd say the answer is "unlikely". I say that because this is definitely a niche game which appeals to a particular national audience, much the way American Civil War has much stronger appeal to US based gamers and Napoleonics has to Western Europeans. Or, to put it in CMx1 terms, just like many people loved the Western Front and didn't buy into the Eastern Front, or Eastern Front people not buying into Afrika Korps. Which is fine with us since making lowest common denominator games isn't what we are about.

To sum up...

In the end this game was made by Russians for the Russian market. If there are non-Russians outside of the Russian market who want to play this game... great! The more the merrier :D But if people outside of the targeted demographic aren't interested, no harm done since this hasn't interfered with anything BFC is doing nor will it harm the potential of the Afghanistan game since it wasn't made to please the wider wargaming audience.

We've said all along that CMx2 was designed for parallel and outside development. We weren't joking :D


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In the end this game was made by Russians for the Russian market. If there are non-Russians outside of the Russian market who want to play this game... great! The more the merrier :D But if people outside of the targeted demographic aren't interested, no harm done since this hasn't interfered with anything BFC is doing nor will it harm the potential of the Afghanistan game since it wasn't made to please the wider wargaming audience.

We've said all along that CMx2 was designed for parallel and outside development. We weren't joking :D


Well, look how wrong I was. Anyways, the most important question is: will it be available for purchase in an English version at Battlefront.com, preferably without typical Russian standards for translation?

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Well, given a half decent translation I would definately buy it for the chance to play with Soviet forces. Just for clarification, does that mean there is no chance of equipment etc porting from one game to another?

Thanks for the explaination Steve!

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Battlefront will release an English version. I'm not sure if the timing of the release will be exactly the same as the Russian version, but it should be close to it. We only have to translate the scenario briefings and the manual sections specific to the Afghanistan theater. Not a small amount of work, of course, but considering how much work has gone into the game itself... it's pretty small potatoes :D

As stated, this is a stand-alone game. There is no relationship to CM:SF other than *nearly* the same game engine being used for both. Which of course means you can't do things like have current British forces fighting 1970s/80s Soviet or Afghan forces, no more than you'll be able to put Shermans against T-72s once the Normandy game comes out.



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The screenshots in there are very, very old. I can assure you that there are completely unique soldier models for all forces. Heck, they even made their own vehicle models instead of just reusing the ones we made for CM:SF!

As for quality control, the bulk of that is in our hands since it's our code and I've made the TO&E (using their specs) that the game is built around. They are doing the scenario/campaign design, implementation, and testing. So if there is a scenario that isn't a good depiction of a particular battle, sorry... not our area of expertise. Especially because there's not much about the military end of things printed in English. Since they are intending this game for those who know a lot about that conflict I'm sure they are paying attention to those details.


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Sorry for leaving you guys hanging. In our defense, it wasn't our choice to have someone figure this out over the 4th of July holiday weekend :) So here comes some off-the-cuff responses:...

Vis-a-vis Steve's response: And here I thought it was a hoax intended to distract us from the still-not-quite-arrived announcement of the British expansion's release date! :P

how about the http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YcDl4FqYgY, will she be modeled in the game too? :D

(At the risk of sounding like a spoil-sport...) Contrary to popular opinion, 'exotic' dancing while wearing a belly-dancer costume (as in the above-linked clip) is not

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Sure, but that's the same for any source on any war. I emntioned TBWOTM because it is the best, most readily accesible english-language resource I know of in relation to the Soviets in Afghanistan.

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Improvements from one game to the next depends heavily on what the improvement is. New animations, for example, probably will work for everything and not one specific game. Some improvements may not be applicable simply because the item is present in one but not another. For example, the code supports anti-tank guns now, however neither CM:SF nor Afghanistan have towed ATGs. Others are theoretically available but aren't automatically available because previous scenario/TO&E formatting may not support it. An example of this is the multiple weapon picking added to Afghanistan and Normandy. The current CM:SF TO&E isn't coded to do that sort of thing so it would have to be specifically altered.

Since CMx2 is an ever evolving engine we have to draw lines as to when we stop adding new stuff. Otherwise we'll find future games suffering because our attention is diverted on the games that came before it. Therefore, our rule of thumb is that any improvements that involve no extra work or testing time will not be purposefully disabled for patches to previous games. Other stuff, which does involve additional work to make backwards compatible, will not. As we release more and more product a backwards facing strategy is clearly impractical.


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Has there been any mention of the possibility of there being further modules for CMAfghan? Chechnya is the obvious one.

And I suppose this means that if a credible proposal was put forward by an interested group, an 80s Cold War CM is a possibility? Afterall, with this game 80s Soviet gear will be available, 'only' western 80s gear to go...

(anybody interested?)


AAA in ground role
This suggests that zsu-23 is in...right?
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