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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Big announcement... Battlefront is now Slitherine

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Started as a PC player... moved to macos as a personal decision a lot of years ago. You make your choice, you deal with the consequences. If new macos stuff comes out, it is a win. If not, well, that's another choice. I'd prefer one, and dislike the other, but them's the breaks. Handle it.

BFC has done an admirable job over the years supporting the niche I've chosen. Kudos to them, and all the best wishes going forward. When retirement comes around (sooner rather than later), I had always hoped to send them an "I'm retired, pay me $20/month, and I'll work on this awesome game doing whatever, TOE, maps(which I suck at), or play-testing, your choice..." email.

CMxx is the realization of what I had been looking for since playing Squad Leader on boards, with cardboard counters, in the wargaming club at college/university since 200something.

Rock on my friends.


Edited by herr_oberst
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I am thrilled that the future looks bright and a whole closer than it was with the added people and resources.

Can't say I love the idea of the Slitherine/Matrix installer, but I'll get used to it.

Also thrilled that there are no plans to kill this forum, since the Slitherine forums are...not good.

Now Steve can finally make those E series Panzers he promised me!

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9 hours ago, JM Stuff said:

This is a little what I am affraid, the future of the forum


Nothing stays the same, my friend. Especially when there's money involved.

Let's hope it's all for the best. I must say it annoys me that we still don't have any real news about the latest developments with regard to new stuff and what we can expect this and next year.

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4 hours ago, Aragorn2002 said:

Nothing stays the same, my friend. Especially when there's money involved.

Let's hope it's all for the best. I must say it annoys me that we still don't have any real news about the latest developments with regard to new stuff and what we can expect this and next year.

Just remind me the song of Pink Floyd "Money"...


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To get all my game games registered with Slitherine was big pain in the *** with all the bundles and engine upgrades.  Codes which are no longer valid for elicense were needed for Slitherine.

I feel that all customers should have needed to do:

(1)  Create if needed a MATRIX/SLITHERINE store ID.

(2)  Provide there BFC store ID.

BFC should have automatically transfered over all games and modules.  I just spent the last hour hunting an elicense code no longer good for CMFI BUNDLE to finally activate CMFI:  Rome to Victory.

One would have assumed that once an elicense key took precedence over an older key that the older key would no longer be used.  (never again ... instead of digging through old emails; I have a file registrations; only current)

This could have been smoother.

Yes, it is most complicated for loyal customers who bought everything; even pre-ordered.


Edited by markshot
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22 hours ago, Battlefront.com said:

BTW, notice we're having this conversation here on this Forum and not on Slitherine's own discussion areas.  Guess why?  Because they recognize the value in this community and want to keep it going.  Most companies would have shut this place down the second the transition became public.  While I can't say this Forum will remain here forever (because that's a long time!), there are zero plans for closing it.


That is great news, because the Matrix forum system, and in particular (very particular), their forum messaging system, sucks.  They should actually use whatever system you guys use.

All the best on the transition.  None of us is getting any younger, and I am sure this move frees up time for you guys to spend time with family, maybe take a trip, focus more on the game rather than business, etc.

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2 hours ago, markshot said:

To get all my game games registered with Slitherine was big pain in the *** with all the bundles and engine upgrades.  Codes which are no longer valid for elicense were needed for Slitherine.

BFC should have automatically transfered over all games and modules.  I just spent the last hour hunting an elicense code no longer good for CMFI BUNDLE to finally activate CMFI:  Rome to Victory.

Yes it was a bit tricky.

For CMBN you have to wrote the V4 upgrade license.

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It occurs to me that with the additional resources of Slitherine, maybe we'll see early war content sooner than I was expecting? I assume they'll still want to work backwards from where they left off (so Tunisia before Western Desert campaign, Western Desert campaign before France 1940 (and of course getting the existing CM2 WW2 settings into CM3 before any of that, since I guess the CM3 cat is out of the bag now)). But with the additional resources that process might go considerably faster (maybe it'll even take less than a decade?).

Just a couple of days ago Forgotten Weapons dropped yet another reason for me to hope for a Combat Mission game set in Poland 1939. I really want to see this anti-tank rifle in action:

According to the video this can penetrate about 20mm of armor at 100 yards, with pretty decent post-penetration effects for an AT-rifle. Should punch holes in Panzer 1s, Panzer 2s, Panzer 35ts, and Panzer 38ts handily enough. Not sure how it will perform against early-war Panzer 3s and Panzer 4s. Might be able to punch holes in the sides of Panzer 4s (IIRC early-war Panzer 4s only had 15mm of side armor), but I'm pretty sure that early Panzer 3s had an all-around armor profile of 30mm. Fortunately Panzer 3s and Panzer 4s are pretty rare in September 1939, so this should be able to take on the overwhelming majority of panzers.

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13 hours ago, Redwolf said:

Then why do all game engines (Unity, Unreal, the open source ones) have Mac versions?

A future CMx3 for Mac would be based on Unity's Mac port and as Steve pointed out that is already working out for whatever build they have right now.

Because they can.  So the follow up question is if all those platforms support Mac, why aren't there more Mac games?

If your core market is massive, that means from a business perspective, it'll be easier to justify Mac resources.  Mainly because it'll cost the same to develop a game on Mac for 1000 players as it is for 100,000.  But if your game starts out as a niche product, its hard to justify the expenditure of resources on a niche market like the Mac gaming.  So if the niche is 1000 players, its not good business sense.  If its 100,000, it makes more sense.

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3 hours ago, markshot said:

Also, does multi DLC CMBN 4.05 include multi DLC 4.04?  It would be nice if this was made clear?


It includes everything, you just need to click the little down arrow on the right to select each item and paste in your code for each one.

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Gaming platform Percentage
of developers
creating games
PC 63%
PS5 31%
Android 30%
iOS 30%
Xbox Series X/S 29%
Xbox One/One X 22%
PS4 (and Pro) 21%
Nintendo Switch 20%
Mac 18%
Web browser games 10%
VR 7%
Linux 3%
(already dead service)


The numbers my company had in our data was almost 200,000 games for windows and 7000 for Mac.  These are existing over 10-15 years or in development.


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