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Agnes Smith 69 was presented with a gift basket of chloroquine goodies, best wishes for a Happy Easter, a fond farewell and gratitude to her generation for their sacrifice to help Make America Great Again.
It slowly dawned on Melania that her hubby's age also made him eligible for the mass Senicide program he was rolling out...

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Acting Navy secretary Thomas Modly, whose fiery insults of a naval officer who raised alarm about the service’s handling of a coronavirus outbreak prompted widespread condemnation, has resigned, according to three people familiar with the discussions.

The decision comes after a building political crisis in which Modly traveled from Washington to Guam on Monday and assailed the character of Navy Capt. Brett Crozier, who was removed by Modly as the commanding officer of the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt last week.

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After 76 days — Wuhan’s lockdown is officially over.  Wuhan’s 11 million residents will be able to leave only after receiving official authorization that they are healthy and haven’t recently been in contact with a coronavirus patient.  To do so, the Chinese government is making use of its mandatory smartphone application that, along with other government surveillance, tracks the movement and health status of every person.   ...official figures have been widely called into question over fears that Beijing is continuing to downplay the severity of the pandemic. 

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22 minutes ago, Erwin said:


Acting Navy secretary Thomas Modly, whose fiery insults of a naval officer who raised alarm about the service’s handling of a coronavirus outbreak prompted widespread condemnation, has resigned, according to three people familiar with the discussions.

The decision comes after a building political crisis in which Modly traveled from Washington to Guam on Monday and assailed the character of Navy Capt. Brett Crozier, who was removed by Modly as the commanding officer of the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt last week.

Hmmm a business man in charge of the Navy?

Ok he was an Navy officer for 7 years...

Sounds like a good choice to run the entire navy I thought he might have been an admiral? 

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9 hours ago, Erwin said:

Of course if I die from Covid19 it will be a tragedy and I will be really p'd off.

However, I have been trying to look at the bigger picture as I was a bit puzzled why Trump has so much emphasis on people getting back to work.  Then I realized that Covid 19 is actually a potential geopolitical game changer.  Whichever major nation (specifically US or China, maybe EEC/Europe) gets back on its feet economically first, will have the opportunity to dominate the world economically by expanding into desperately needy markets, taking larger market share etc.  If this is correct then one can see why it is imperative to get folks back to being productive asap as this pandemic could be a huge opportunity for China to dominate the world or for the US/west to suppress China's aggressive expansionist goals.  





That, and there is an election coming up. Trump was riding high on a wave of statistical tremendous economic successes. Won't be able to use that with the way things are now.

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3 hours ago, nik mond said:

That, and there is an election coming up. Trump was riding high on a wave of statistical tremendous economic successes. Won't be able to use that with the way things are now.

Doesn't matter.  Pandemic virtually guarantees re-election.  Scared people do not switch horses in the middle of crises, but go with what they are familiar with.

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Possible explanation why the West is being particularly hard hit.



A century-old tuberculosis vaccine that also offers protection against a variety of other infections could play a role in preventing coronavirus deaths or severe illness from the disease that has ravaged the nation and the world.

The Bacillus Calmette-Guerin vaccine has been widely used in developing countries to protect against tuberculosis since its introduction in 1921.

It’s the most widely administered vaccine in the history of medicine and just last year was given to 120 million newborns worldwide, according to the World Health Organization.

But about 10 years ago, scientists started to notice “off-target effects” of the vaccine, “It was offering a survival advantage against unrelated infections,” said Dr. Denise Faustman, director of immunobiology at Massachusetts General Hospital.




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On 4/7/2020 at 8:26 PM, nik mond said:

That, and there is an election coming up. Trump was riding high on a wave of statistical tremendous economic successes. Won't be able to use that with the way things are now.

oh facts have never stopped him

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On 4/8/2020 at 12:15 AM, Erwin said:

Doesn't matter.  Pandemic virtually guarantees re-election.  Scared people do not switch horses in the middle of crises, but go with what they are familiar with.

that and the democrats failed epically to produce a viable candidate.

Biden isnt it.  none of the people they brought will be able to handle djts BS on stage etc.

sorry but that we go high when they go low was tried and it just made us look weak.

frankly we needed a good politician who was also very witty and verbally aggressive.  Biden and none of the others will fit, they have to be able to outshout trump and also be able to keep a laser like focus on an issue and keep dragging him back to it.  Thats whats needed - he needs to forced to adress the major flags he always avoids, and for example the press corp should just Ask, and if he moves on repeat the question, and not leave it until he answers or openly refuses to answer which is a loss. IF he goes into longwinded bs like he always does, interrupt him  - just as he would others - and call him on it.

They wont though. IF they did the GOP would have a fit.

frankly I think the nations broken. in a strange bit of schadenfreude I also feel we americans deserve all the misery we got coming when we do reelect agent orange. it was shocking like that debate where he literally followed hrc around breathing down her neck.  All she had to do was make a scene!! for once in her life play the female role!  All she had to do was say basically wtf is your issue following me?' and made a snarky comment relating to his histry of sex assault accusations.  Bam.  That alone would DRAMATICALLY have shifted Some stuff.  I really think that alone may have changed the election - provided she kept her aggresssion up.  Also this double standard of allowing djt to flame people and troll the country at best, and at worst tweet stuff thats treasonous or conspiracy for treason, or conspiracy for criminal acts, which is defended as 'hes hitting back'  yet everyone on the right has a fit when any dems say anything. the dems need to fight fire with fire, just as some people only understand violence trumps core supporters really do tend to be the stereotype - wrestlemania redneck fans.  You dont win these people with reason. you win them with fear and emotions, out shouting or embarrassing your opponent.  These are the types that Ciceros famous argument that someones wife was a slut -so he couldnt have commited a crime-would work with.  (one totally unrelated to his wife btw, and yes I paraphrased obv)

my .02 cents

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29 minutes ago, Sublime said:

it was shocking like that debate where he literally followed hrc around breathing down her neck.

That was down to lens focusing.  If you use a longer focal length lens you can make objects look close that are actually not.  There may exist legit criticisms of Trump, but they are always undercut when people who want to vent personal animosity get hysterical over made up nonsense as that erodes their own credibility re legit criticisms.  Hysterical reactions to every little thing that certain people dislike about Trump erodes support for their position (and is what will help get him re-elected).  

It would be great if Bernie Sanders got the Dem nomination.  He is the best fighter the Dems have, and even if he didn't beat Trump, we would finally see a real discussion of radically different viewpoints as to what direction the US should go re social and economic issues.

And the debates would be very entertaining of course.  Max ratings.

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55 minutes ago, Erwin said:

That was down to lens focusing.  If you use a longer focal length lens you can make objects look close that are actually not.  There may exist legit criticisms of Trump, but they are always undercut when people who want to vent personal animosity get hysterical over made up nonsense as that erodes their own credibility re legit criticisms.  Hysterical reactions to every little thing that certain people dislike about Trump erodes support for their position (and is what will help get him re-elected).  

It would be great if Bernie Sanders got the Dem nomination.  He is the best fighter the Dems have, and even if he didn't beat Trump, we would finally see a real discussion of radically different viewpoints as to what direction the US should go re social and economic issues.

And the debates would be very entertaining of course.  Max ratings.

He withdrew his candidacy about 24 hours ago so it would be a stretch.

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Actually with the State in control of most movements and ability to work, BS would never of had a chance since we are now living through his "utopia". Everyone is so ticked off, that the dream of a Marxist takeover of America is now doomed. The media is salivating over "never let a crisis go unexploited".  But they are so stupid they don't even understand they are throwing the primeist red meat across the aisle to their enemies on the Right. When the smoke clears, it will be understood that the private sector got us out this mess in a way that a doddering angry Brooklyn limousine socialist could have never fathomed. 


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7 hours ago, Erwin said:

That was down to lens focusing.  If you use a longer focal length lens you can make objects look close that are actually not.  There may exist legit criticisms of Trump, but they are always undercut when people who want to vent personal animosity get hysterical over made up nonsense as that erodes their own credibility re legit criticisms.  Hysterical reactions to every little thing that certain people dislike about Trump erodes support for their position (and is what will help get him re-elected).  

It would be great if Bernie Sanders got the Dem nomination.  He is the best fighter the Dems have, and even if he didn't beat Trump, we would finally see a real discussion of radically different viewpoints as to what direction the US should go re social and economic issues.

And the debates would be very entertaining of course.  Max ratings.

I dont know man, ive seen it from multiple angles. even if HRC is lying (she said she could actually feel his breath on her neck) why was he following her around from behind like that anyways? theres no way to explain it except for what it was, an instinctive almost stalking movement meant to intimidate a woman of much smaller stature.  thats my take and it was pretty clear to me.

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3 hours ago, kevinkin said:

Actually with the State in control of most movements and ability to work, BS would never of had a chance since we are now living through his "utopia". Everyone is so ticked off, that the dream of a Marxist takeover of America is now doomed. The media is salivating over "never let a crisis go unexploited".  But they are so stupid they don't even understand they are throwing the primeist red meat across the aisle to their enemies on the Right. When the smoke clears, it will be understood that the private sector got us out this mess in a way that a doddering angry Brooklyn limousine socialist could have never fathomed. 


just dont allow yourself to be taken in by so many others - the other parties head guy is another sleazy corporate limousine fat cat. hes just from Queens.

He isnt one of you. He isnt one of us.  Unless you were born rich and your father 'only' loaned you a few million (actually turned out to be a lie and he got a lot more)

he is the establishment. he isnt gonna take it on or shake it up.  if he gets reelected oh well, Ill laugh and watch his supporters to crazy contortions verbally to explain his failures are the medias fault.

"he tells it like it is" until he says the wrong thing. then its fake n00z or a deep fake or a media plot.

anyways sorry for bringing up politics everyone.  I think tomorrow ill take advantage of the lack of crowds and go look at Logan airport, and picture our brave militias storming the flight lines, shooting the Red Coats and seizing the airfields for our freedom, like our courageous GOP president said.

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1 hour ago, Sublime said:

theres no way to explain it except for what it was, an instinctive almost stalking movement meant to intimidate a woman of much smaller stature.  thats my take and it was pretty clear to me.

Well, that is clearly indisputable and irrefutable proof that no one can argue with.  Case closed your honor.  Get the black cap on..   ^_^

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On 4/7/2020 at 9:15 PM, Erwin said:

Doesn't matter.  Pandemic virtually guarantees re-election.  Scared people do not switch horses in the middle of crises, but go with what they are familiar with.

unless of course that person shows they haven't the slightest f'n clue what they are doing and are way out of their depth to even console their population and calm them.  Then maybe the idea of keeping them around becomes clearly a bad idea for most of the population plus the additional amount needed to overcome GOP voter suppression.

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7 hours ago, John Kettler said:

Something I've seen and heard precisely nothing about in the media is the potential value of colloidal silver.It's know to have antiviral effects vs two other viruses.


John Kettler


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So ~1900 dead in US yesterday.  An undercount because those who die at home are found & counted later often, as is happening in NY right now.  US at around ~96k dead, will pass 100k over the weekend.  Death rate in US nowhere near peaking. 

Thankfully this is "just a bad cold".  "no worse than seasonal flu".  Will the people who listened to the lies now say "my news sources & politicians lied to me!  the evil scientists, even the evil mainstream media actually told the truth -- maybe I've been lied to for years and should re-evaluate my worldview".  No, they will double down on the lies, and believe that the utterly anti-competent narcissist in charge of federal govt did "an amazing job".  No, they will continue to spend all day being brainwashed and blaming everyone not responsible.  "evil WHO!".

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