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New Website status update

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All I can say Steve is....OMG.    The new site looks great.    I know it been a long time and I'm sure you guys worked hard to get it done.   I don't what this to sound goofy but I think as the old saying goes"Better late than never".  Good work.  looking forward to pre-ordering.

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Hi @Battlefront.com,


Here is a screenshot from my Samsung Galaxy Tab A


You'll see that the menu bar at the top has become one of those ugly widgets. It contributes to give a very Spartan impression. 

On the desktop, I find the fonts to be at odds with those used in the menus etc. Maybe you could get hold of a nice css/javascript library to make things look prettier.


Edited by BletchleyGeek
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19 minutes ago, Wicky said:

Worked fine for me

Any time BigDaddy is involved in a website project I'm asked to work on I get a feeling of dread as they hide away the functions in the domain control panel that most others provide willingly upfront. Saying that they have improved their online support from the days when they were only contactable over the phone.

This one isn't really their fault.  The nameservers were tied to a legacy system and I couldn't view them, neither could they.  So when I nuked them I nuked everything that was in there.  Little did I know there was a CNAME reference to this Forum!  So as soon as the DNS propagation hit, bye-bye access to the Forum!  Fortunately the support folks here were right on it and I got it fixed quickly.


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A little feedback from me, hope it is helpful ....

Firstly, thanks for the new site: very welcome!

My re-setting of my password and subsequent site access worked first time: but ...

From My Account I can click through to My Orders, which are present and listed, and can be opened to show dates, my name and address details, etc: however, the actual product content of the orders is not present, hence there are no links to e.g. re-download etc. (I don't need to at the moment, so no problem for me: just noting the glitch.)

Edited by PhilM
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An addendum ...

Just noticed that my address details are not correct: it says I live in Aberdeenshire! (In state / province field.)

Lovely though that bit of Scotland is, it isn't correct ... I'm assuming that it is the first (Ab ...) in an alphabetical list of the options (counties ...) for a UK address for that field, and it has used that first list entry rather than the actual one??


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14 minutes ago, PhilM said:

A little feedback from me, hope it is helpful ....

Firstly, thanks for the new site: very welcome!

My re-setting of my password and subsequent site access worked first time: but ...

From My Account I can click through to My Orders, which are present and listed, and can be opened to show dates, my name and address details, etc: however, the actual product content of the orders is not present, hence there are no links to e.g. re-download etc. (I don't need to at the moment, so no problem for me: just noting the glitch.)

Yup, that is a problem that we're only now aware of.  It's just the display that's wrong because the data is all there safe and sound (I can see it with the admin tools).  So either a display script got munged just before showtime or we were all too focused on new orders and overlooked this.  Either way the tech guys at the ecommerce host are working on it already.


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34 minutes ago, markus544 said:

All I can say Steve is....OMG.    The new site looks great.    I know it been a long time and I'm sure you guys worked hard to get it done.   I don't what this to sound goofy but I think as the old saying goes"Better late than never".  Good work.  looking forward to pre-ordering.

Thanks!  It's been an interesting and time consuming experience, that's for sure.

32 minutes ago, BletchleyGeek said:

Hi @Battlefront.com,


Here is a screenshot from my Samsung Galaxy Tab A


You'll see that the menu bar at the top has become one of those ugly widgets. It contributes to give a Spartan impression. 

On the desktop, I find the fonts to be at odds with those used in the menus etc. Maybe you could get hold of a nice css/javascript library to make things look prettier.


After the dust settles on the big stuff I'm definitely interested in tweaking the look/feel to the extent possible.  This is a custom website set up on a templated ecommerce system, so there are definite limitations.  CSS and what not, usually not a problem.

6 minutes ago, PhilM said:

An addendum ...

Just noticed that my address details are not correct: it says I live in Aberdeenshire! (In state / province field.)

Lovely though that bit of Scotland is, it isn't correct ... I'm assuming that it is the first (Ab ...) in an alphabetical list of the options (counties ...) for a UK address for that field, and it has used that first list entry rather than the actual one??


No, I just saw it on my old test orders as well.  Something must have got munged in the data transfer.  Not a problem because it doesn't affect anything going forward.  I will see if it can be fixed though.


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I know the website still has its flaws right now because its fresh, but it looks great and I am really excited to get ahold of CMSF2. the screenshots looks really good and I've always been a HUGE combat mission fan. Thanks for the hours of enjoyment you all provide us gamers. 

Edited by ViperAssassin26
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5 hours ago, Battlefront.com said:

I'd be curious to see a screenshot (or picture or whatever) of how it's showing up differently on Android.  It's supposed to look the same as the desktop.  I don't have an Andriod but I'm sure some of our testers checked it out on it.


Looks like@BletchleyGeek beat me to it but here is the phone version for what it's worth.



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The CMFB link on the main dashboard (the area that scrolls the pictures of all the titles) is broken. It gives a "the page cannot be found" error when clicked.



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2 minutes ago, Ithikial_AU said:

Looks like@BletchleyGeek beat me to it but here is the phone version for what it's worth.



I get that plus the addition of the image slideshow when I use the website on my iphone in landscape view.

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patches page seems to have some missing icons or something next to each patches link

would link an image to show it, but seems battlefronts not the only ones to update their website recently, imgur's also updated theirs and I cannot find how to login to the bloody thing now....


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When I connect to (http://)battlefront.com, my browser gets redirected to https://www.battlefront.com  (interesting choice to add the 'www' since the general trend to be to move away from that redundant prefix). The problem is that the SSL/TLS certificate is wrong, it looks none is provided, and I have to make an security exception in my browser to keep connecting. Anyway, I know you are still working on it, but still I just wanted to be sure you knew, since no one else has brought it up.

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I'm glad people are enjoying the new look and feel.  We knew the old site was, er, old, however until we started really working with the new one it didn't really hit home how bad the old one was.  This is the problem with trying to be a game developer and a web developer at the same time.  Game developer always wins out ;)

Quick answers:

1.  On a phone in portrait mode the background image at the top disappears.  That's by design and won't change.  However, tech support for the ecommerce company confirmed the GAMES menu problem and have bumped it up to their programmers.  Hopefully they'll get a fix soon.

2.  The missing icon for the Patches page is something I can fix easily, but not this minute :)


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Great that the new home for Battlefront has been built. Looks good so far given that it is WIP.

One thing that carried over from the old one that I would like changed if possible and that is the list of previous purchases/orders. I can't for the world remember which game I purchased when, so if possible have products listed so I immediately know which one to click on.

I like the header with screenshots. Very inviting for new customers :) 

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Hummm I'm still seeing the old site both at work and with my mobile carrier. This is Silicon Valley north we are supposed to have way better service than string and cans here. Weird I guess I'll try again in a few hours - and yes I cleared my browser cache...

Oh who am I kidding I'm going to sit here with a window open and press F5 until the new stuff shows up :D

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When we was testing the new web site everything was working, now when I try to go to the new site I get this problem:

The hostname in the website’s security certificate differs from the website you are trying to visit.


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1 hour ago, IanL said:

Hummm I'm still seeing the old site both at work and with my mobile carrier. This is Silicon Valley north we are supposed to have way better service than string and cans here. Weird I guess I'll try again in a few hours - and yes I cleared my browser cache...

Oh who am I kidding I'm going to sit here with a window open and press F5 until the new stuff shows up :D

Since the move to the new website seems to have been a DNS change, the only logical explanation for that should be DNS caching at your providers and the TTL setting of the domain at the time someone with your provider last visited it. If the TTL (TimeToLive) was set at 10 hours, it will only do a dns lookup at the authorative nameservers 10 hours after the last time it did that. 

Anyway, the new website does show for me. It looks a lot more modern :) 
I like the new menu's functionality and the new header images with great screenshots of the game. One thing I noticed is that those images seem to be aligned right on the main page, while being aligned left on a product page.

See attached screenshots, I do have a 2560x1440 screen and chrome (and I did clear browser cache just in case).

The only thing I did is that I clicked on the CMFI image in the header:


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1 hour ago, IanL said:

Hummm I'm still seeing the old site both at work and with my mobile carrier. This is Silicon Valley north we are supposed to have way better service than string and cans here. Weird I guess I'll try again in a few hours - and yes I cleared my browser cache...

Oh who am I kidding I'm going to sit here with a window open and press F5 until the new stuff shows up :D

Referring to the GTA as "Silicon Valley North" is good for a laugh but not much else. Expecting decent service from either Bell or Rogers is also pretty funny.

Anyway, anyone who can't see the new site should use for their DNS. Everyone should. It's better than whatever garbage your isp has set up.


New page looks pretty good. The link to the forums under Community goes directly to the tech support subforum.


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12 hours ago, Battlefront.com said:

For you IT geeks out there...

One of the major glitches that tripped things up was related to the fact that we secured the www.battlefront.com domain in 1998 and haven't switched it since 2007.  10-20 years is more than a few lifetimes in the IT world.  I had to spend 2 hours on the phone with GoDaddy trying to sort out things which don't exist any more, yet were part of our profile.  Can't edit an A Record if you can't see it :(  Apparently we were part of some legacy transition of something GoDaddy bought and that needed to get sorted out.

Rather annoying.

The other causes of delays were bugs in the coding of our site.  Some data migration issues also crept in to cause delays.  Turning the old store back on wasn't even remotely a good idea, so you sat without your links working and we sat with $0 per day earnings.  I might be a bit biased because that money is used to buy food and pay the mortgages, but I think we got the worse end of the delay.  Just say'n!


Ahhh, DNS. I have 'some' experience with DNS while working with a domainname registrar myself a while back. That is, basically my IT career started when I decided to learn programming and develop a DNS manage tool for customers, after I/we got tired of directly editing zonefiles in the nameservers themselves and manually commiting them for propagation in the console. Good old days of the internet :-)

Anyway, Godaddy should have been able to inspect the actual zonefile in their nameservers (instead of what is stored in the customer portal domain DNS profile), but at a company the size of godaddy the issue is finding the right person that can actually do that or even knows about it. 
The great thing of DNS is that when there is any issue with a host, the fix will only show up after the TTL at the respective ISP has expired. Now try explaining that to customers who's website is offline. Of course they always have an expensive ad campaign running right when they do domain transfers or host transfers and TTL suddenly enters their reality.

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