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Happy New Year's Day! 2018 look ahead

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Really curious about the Shock Force update. The question is will it be updated to the situation that is going on now in Syria? What a conflagration. So much involvement by different groups. Makes it all the more interesting. Even could involve nations like the US, Russia, Israel, Iran, and Saudi Arabia. 

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13 minutes ago, NightTrain said:

The question is will it be updated to the situation that is going on now in Syria? What a conflagration. So much involvement by different groups. Makes it all the more interesting. Even could involve nations like the US, Russia, Israel, Iran, and Saudi Arabia.

Simple answer.....No.  :mellow:

It will be the original CM:SF scenario, updated to the new engine v:4.....Possibly with a few tweaks to the TOE to reflect information that has come to light since the games initial release.

Nevertheless it will feel like a completely different game.....Simply because the underlying mechanics will allow the scenario designers to do all manner of things they simply couldn't in the original.....Frankly I can't wait!  B)

Edited by Sgt.Squarehead
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1 minute ago, NightTrain said:

Really curious about the Shock Force update. The question is will it be updated to the situation that is going on now in Syria? What a conflagration. So much involvement by different groups. Makes it all the more interesting. Even could involve nations like the US, Russia, Israel, Iran, and Saudi Arabia. 

no. lots of posts on this, just poke around.  BF is updating engine, art work, models etc, but the premise of the game is still CMSF 2004.  Within that there is a lot of room to make the game just about whatever you want within the time frame and units available.  No new nations, but with a bit of modding and selective unit picking you can do quite a bit.

Personally I like that BF is leaving it in 2004.  CMBS as much as I like it still feels a bit too much "Starship Troopers".  The limitations in CMSF make it a bit tougher.

The bones thread goes into a little more detail on CSMF 2 items.  Yeah I am there with you wishing there was a whole lot more content to add, but honestly there is so much meat on the CMSF 2 bone that it will be a while before I really need anything additional.  Map making alone is gonna be a treat.

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Muhahaha.....Ninja'd!  :ph34r:

5 minutes ago, sburke said:

Map making alone is gonna be a treat.

No more manual internal window removal.....WooYay! for that alone!  :D

I reckon I've worn out a couple of mice doing that job over the years!  ;)

Edited by Sgt.Squarehead
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10 hours ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

I'm hoping to try some completely different ideas with the new engine.....Ever wondered what it might be like to be an ambitious Taxi driver in sunny Ramadi?  :D

SPOILER ALERT ********************************************

Sh1t and dangerous probably ;)

SPOILER ENDS***********************************************

Edited by Combatintman
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On 1/1/2018 at 5:27 PM, Battlefront.com said:

It's time for our more-or-less traditional end/beginning of the year's "state of the state" update for Battlefront and Combat Mision.  At this point no new images to show, but I promise they won't be too long coming now that the Holidays are pretty much passed.  I didn't want to bug anybody for screenshots this past week, but I will start bugging testers quite soon :)

2017 was an interesting year for us (though every year is in its own way!).  As anybody who's followed us over the years knows, one of the things that's kept us going for two decades is our caution about the size and composition of full time staff.  There's nothing that will put a games company, in particular, out of business faster than the wrong headcount for circumstances.  Game development is a never ending cycle of "hurry up and wait" as one person has to wait for the work of another, then has to work double hard once they get what they need.  This is a really difficult process to manage for both the company and the employees, but since nobody has ever figured an alternative it is what it is.

Why mention this?  Well, because it's a way of explaining why 2017 was a bit slower in producing products for sale than we had expected.  Based on the success of both the CMBN and CMBS Battle Packs we've shifted development to rely more upon part-time paid help on a projet by project basis.  This gives us more flexibility at the expense of development speed.  In our view this shift is working pretty well, however it's taking a bit of time for us to work out the kinks.

The good news is that 2018 is set to reap the benefits of 2017's development efforts.  Right now we have three products in advanced stage of development:

  • CMFI Rome to Victory Module to bring the timeline to the end of the war
  • CMSF being thoroughly updated for its move to Engine 4 and all of its massive improvements over the original 2007/2009 code
  • CMRT Module 1 (no name announced yet) bringing the war's end timeframe for the Eastern Front

The order of release isn't nailed down as we're working on all three at once with our usual "when it's done, it's done" mindset.  And because the three don't have a lot of interest overlap, we're not going to artificially hold any of these back for marketing/sales reasons.  Knowing where each of these are in development, I predict they will come out pretty much right on top of each other.  Relatively speaking ;)

As stated up top, there's no screenshots to show you today.  However, the mountains of artwork ready, or nearly ready, to show you definitely means screenshots are not far away.  Yes, that means seeing winterized IS-2s in the bleak plains of Germany, Free French Forces moving up through Italy, and shots of the fully updated Shock Force soldier models battling it out with similarly improved NATO soldiers.

We'll keep you updated on how things are going as time progress, but as usual the first indication you'll have that something is nearing release is when preorders for it are opened up.  That usually means 4-8 weeks until release.  We're also not going to talk about anything else we're working on until at least 2 of the 3 are in your hands.  And yes, we're always working on more than we talk about publicly :D

Looking forward to 2018 with you all!


P.S.  I did not mention the New Zealand contract.  We are nearing completion on that as well, but it's not available for sale to the public and so no point teasing you with shots of Kiwis running around with Pinzgauers.

Will we have anything for CMBS during this year? 

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13 hours ago, Oleksandr said:

Will we have anything for CMBS during this year? 

......The good news is that 2018 is set to reap the benefits of 2017's development efforts.  Right now we have three products in advanced stage of development:

  • CMFI Rome to Victory Module to bring the timeline to the end of the war
  • CMSF being thoroughly updated for its move to Engine 4 and all of its massive improvements over the original 2007/2009 code
  • CMRT Module 1 (no name announced yet) bringing the war's end timeframe for the Eastern Front

This makes us hungry but dont let us see any crumbs of bread....hope soon we will have something...sigh..!!

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57 minutes ago, 3j2m7 said:

This makes us hungry but dont let us see any crumbs of bread....hope soon we will have something...sigh..!!


5 hours ago, Combatintman said:

Well if Steve's post quoted above is taken at face value, the assumption has to be no.

From another thread:


"6.  CMBS jumped ahead of others with its own Battle Pack, but is owed a Module.  We've been doing them in order of release and that means CMBS is theoretically next after CMRT.  Marines are an obvious selection for the first Module and the work being done for CMSF2 is going to pave the way for that to happen" - Steve

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31 minutes ago, The_MonkeyKing said:


From another thread:


"6.  CMBS jumped ahead of others with its own Battle Pack, but is owed a Module.  We've been doing them in order of release and that means CMBS is theoretically next after CMRT.  Marines are an obvious selection for the first Module and the work being done for CMSF2 is going to pave the way for that to happen" - Steve

Well sorry my post is on the wrong place was talking in general rules for the promised awaiting release and not about CMBS !!

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It's bloody amazing that we can expect CMSF2 alone this year imo.  The work load for BF to do the other modules etc. must be very heavy.  Given that BF can be trusted to not release anything until it's "done right" the best approach for us customers is to be supportive and patient.

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14 minutes ago, Erwin said:

It's bloody amazing that we can expect CMSF2 alone this year imo.  The work load for BF to do the other modules etc. must be very heavy.  Given that BF can be trusted to not release anything until it's "done right" the best approach for us customers is to be supportive and patient.

Agree totally  with you but we dont need a finish produce now we will be very happy to see only some screenshots without words and infos to see how BF work step by step to the new things announced...!!!

Edited by 3j2m7
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By the way, didn't they say they would start in the late war and then work their way backwards, getting to the early war eventually? Or was it that the game families would go back in time, but modules would progress forward in time?

It seems both the new games (CMFB) and new the new modules for exsiting games are now converging towards the end of the war. This seems a bit strange to me, because we will then fight the basically same situation in three different games:

Nearly beaten Germany vs the USA (CMFB)

Nearly beaten Germany vs the USA - but in Italy! (CMFI Rome to Victory)

Nearly beaten Germany vs the Soviets (CMRT end of war module)

I guess you could say it makes business sense to use the already developed content in as many products as possible, and a lot of the customers probably want to fight in the late war, with the most powerful tanks etc. I'm not saying those three settings won't be interesting to play. But for variety, I think it would be more interesting to branch out in different years of the war, where the relative strengths were different.

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On 09/02/2018 at 3:41 PM, Erwin said:

It's bloody amazing that we can expect CMSF2 alone this year imo.  The work load for BF to do the other modules etc. must be very heavy.  Given that BF can be trusted to not release anything until it's "done right" the best approach for us customers is to be supportive and patient.

Erwin and everybody on the forum don't tell me you would not be happy to see one or two screenshots of Rome to victory only to see how heavy could the work could be !!

Be realist please... like Mord says in a post (I dont remember where) !

"There is only one picture from From Rome to victory since two years a simple view of a soldier view in turbans...!!!

I am patient respecfull  for the workers but very exited to see how BF and his Staff would ending the wwar II with the (2 (last) modules) I and for sure everybody  would  like to know little more...

Fortsetzung folgt...

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2 hours ago, Bulletpoint said:

By the way, didn't they say they would start in the late war and then work their way backwards, getting to the early war eventually? Or was it that the game families would go back in time, but modules would progress forward in time?

Battlefront kind of started in the middle  of the end.  CMFI July 1943.  They are working their way to the end of WWII with mostly modules but also one game, CMFB (it follows CMBN).  Once they reach the end my understanding is that they will work their way backwards through the early years (how far and in how much detail I don't think they have said).  When working there way forward modules progress time forward.  It will be interesting to see in what direction modules will progress time when working backwards through history......    

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