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Lend-Lease stuff coming soon?

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That is a pretty harsh assessment of a 2 person team. How did you come to the determination that they were no longer listening versus just really busy?  Periodically we get these “BF really hates their users” posts and they just don’t add up.  You don’t produce this game with just a couple people who could make much more elsewnere if they really had this level of regard for their client base.  They just don’t think the constant cries for a regular information cycle are near as important as some folks try to claim they are.

BF has for a very very long time expressly said they do not believe in giving constant updates if they don’t have anything important to note. This is not at all new behavior and is a simple reflection of their work priorities. Would we all like more info, yes. What I don’t need is monthly updates that are just - “nothing much new here..... still working on stuff.  See you next month”  I personally prefer that they focus on producing and letting me know if there is something significant  it isn’t gonna change my life to know that 4.0 patch might be out next week versus a month from next week.

re-reading my post you are right it does seem a little harsh, but the point i was trying to make is if your the business owner and enough of your customers are making waves over basically the same thing, information, then are we wrong for asking for it? Or are they wrong for not giving it.



I've got the RT module well underway- The module is being worked on nearly every day, and has been for well over a year now. But there is still more to be done in order to show people something that incorporates the cool new stuff. Otherwise you get weird, untextured bits, bugs and weird game behaviors when you weren't prepared to show something. THAT causes problems, and opens up questions that are really a waste of everyone's time, because that's not how the game will look by release. 

Getting everything slotted in, in the right way takes a loooooong time and is a huge amount of effort, to say nothing of- planning the module, making the maps (the maps!), making the campaigns, building the scenarios, testing, 2D artwork, 3D artwork, testing, testing, TESTING everything. And so on.

PR may not seem to be the main effort (the crew is too small for that now)- but the games are. That may put some people off that like updates, and I do get it- but within reason. We all like to see the new stuff, I'm the same in that respect.

Really- I would love to show off some things we have nearly done or are complete. But there are other parts that aren't slotted in or in progress, so it would screw everyone up to see them in that state- and give an inaccurate representation of a huge amount of effort. I'm sure Steve would respond "When it's ready....", which is the best, most honest answer that can be given. You can take that as frustrating, or as a truly honest answer- but it is indeed the truth, regardless.

I think I've said all I can say at the moment. Hang in there. The games are coming, and the extra time isn't being wasted. There is constant work being done, to a very high standard on every aspect of the various BFC endevors.

It could not have taken to long to write that, and it makes everyone happier. Thanks benpark for the update.


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31 minutes ago, slippy said:

re-reading my post you are right it does seem a little harsh, but the point i was trying to make is if your the business owner and enough of your customers are making waves over basically the same thing, information, then are we wrong for asking for it? Or are they wrong for not giving it.


It could not have taken to long to write that, and it makes everyone happier. Thanks benpark for the update.


What is “enough of your customers”?  10, 20?  

and Benpark stopped to give you an update that told you essentially nothing.  No offense Ben.  :D  which then confirms the point of why it makes little sense for Steve to do so.  He has made the same above statement before explaining why they don’t communicate more often.  

And no one said you were wrong for asking for it.   The only thing I and some others have said is there isn’t much likelihood you will get a response until Steve feels it is time.  What I do think is wrong is the suggestion that BF does not care about their customers. Giving you updates that say essentially nothing does not show they care. 

Patience grasshopper, when you can accurately predict from steve’s statements what the REAL timeline will be, then you will have achieved enlightenment.  ;)

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On 4/23/2018 at 11:10 PM, Michael Emrys said:

We were still sending them stuff right up to Japan's formal surrender. In fact, some of it might still be arriving even later. And the U-boats were fully operational until Germany surrendered. Doenitz sent out an immediate cease fire order, but there might also have been a boat or two that did not receive the message that day.


Whatever we were sending must have been a drop in the bucket by that time.  Why keep doing it?  Or was it mostly trucks?

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21 minutes ago, wadepm said:

Or was it mostly trucks?

Good god no. We sent food, boots, copper wiring, radios, whatever an army might need, tires, airplanes, towards the end landing craft, the list goes on and on. We sent them designs for factories and some of the machinery to put in them.


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There were also Western Allied POWs falling into Russian hands at closing stages of WW2 , plus aircrew + others that Russians made life difficult in getting them returned - so understandably attitude was to keep Stalin sweet to ensure their return.  Soviet ruthlessness was demonstrated by Russian POWs who'd fought for Germans and in turn captured by West knew their fate when it was agreed they''d be returned to Stalin, often preferred suicide than return 'home'.

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8 hours ago, Wicky said:

Soviet ruthlessness was demonstrated by Russian POWs who'd fought for Germans and in turn captured by West knew their fate when it was agreed they''d be returned to Stalin, often preferred suicide than return 'home'.

Traitors who not just collaborated, but fought for nazis with wepons in hands shouldn't be punished?!

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On 24-4-2018 at 11:17 PM, sburke said:

What is “enough of your customers”?  10, 20?  

and Benpark stopped to give you an update that told you essentially nothing.  No offense Ben.  :D  which then confirms the point of why it makes little sense for Steve to do so.  He has made the same above statement before explaining why they don’t communicate more often.  

And no one said you were wrong for asking for it.   The only thing I and some others have said is there isn’t much likelihood you will get a response until Steve feels it is time.  What I do think is wrong is the suggestion that BF does not care about their customers. Giving you updates that say essentially nothing does not show they care. 

Patience grasshopper, when you can accurately predict from steve’s statements what the REAL timeline will be, then you will have achieved enlightenment.  ;)

Since you and some other people here keep repeating themselves, allow me to do the same, sburke. :) We would already be satisfied with some screenshots. Bud has already been so kind to do that for the new Italy module and the reactions are mainly polite and grateful. Benpark's 'update' is just a repetition of what we are hearing for years now. It adds nothing and his time would be better used if he posted some screenshots. Again no offence, Ben.

I'm not asking for a release date or a complete TOE, although it worries me that simple facts like that are STILL not known. Just some simple screenshots of the new CMRT module, people. Stop making things so complicated. ;)

Edited by Aragorn2002
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1 hour ago, DMS said:

Traitors who not just collaborated, but fought for nazis with wepons in hands shouldn't be punished?!

Not just them but anyone on the 'wrong' side inc folk who'd surrendered, forced laboured or were refugees - anyone who'd come into contact with the West.





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3 hours ago, Wicky said:

Not just them but anyone on the 'wrong' side inc folk who'd surrendered, forced laboured or were refugees 

Slap a label like traitor (or collaborator or enemy combatant) on someone and you can get away with all kinds of Ill treatment. Assuming your population is gullible or oppressed enough.

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There can be no screenshots until art is all in place. Otherwise, it will look an awful lot like RT in too many places, and most people will not get that. There is indeed information in my post- that there can't be screenshots without a certain level of art assets slotted in. This title is 3rd on the roster, I believe- so we will see screenshots of the other two titles prior, I would expect.

So, no screenshots for a while yet.


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37 minutes ago, benpark said:

There can be no screenshots until art is all in place. Otherwise, it will look an awful lot like RT in too many places, and most people will not get that. There is indeed information in my post- that there can't be screenshots without a certain level of art assets slotted in. This title is 3rd on the roster, I believe- so we will see screenshots of the other two titles prior, I would expect.

So, no screenshots for a while yet.


Okay, not happy about that, but that's clear then, Benpark. Thanks for that.

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No problem. Things are indeed cooking along at a very good pace, but when things ARE something but LOOK like something else still- not great for visuals in every case. As soon as we have things further along visually (generally this is polished fairly late in development), I'm sure we will be releasing some as soon as possible- I just can't say when, as I'm not sure.

Okay, I'm going back to work now, so that's all from me for a bit as far as RT module status goes. I'm typing this now, instead of making something I should be working on for the module...

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On 4/28/2018 at 2:09 PM, Michael Emrys said:

Good god no. We sent food, boots, copper wiring, radios, whatever an army might need, tires, airplanes, towards the end landing craft, the list goes on and on. We sent them designs for factories and some of the machinery to put in them.


Aye, and not just whatever the army needed -- but also what the civilian population needed. We often forget that the Red Army was fed better than the civilians. Urban and industrial cities were reliant on lend-lease non-perishables (such as milk and egg powder), as the, already insufficient, breadbasket was occupied. Good way to win hearts and minds, Roosevelt probably thought.

On 4/29/2018 at 8:28 AM, IanL said:

Slap a label like traitor (or collaborator or enemy combatant) on someone and you can get away with all kinds of Ill treatment. Assuming your population is gullible or oppressed enough.

Aye, opportunism was never considered a crime in the West. Many German POWs also preferred to stay in Canada, after spending their war in resorts, hotels and vacation spas. I would rather be in a place untouched by the war, with a booming economy and pristine infrastructure. If I have valuable skills -- like aerospace engineering, maybe I can be forgiven? Working in a POW camp in the West, seems better than returning a war criminal in Europe. Would you want to return to a post-war Germany or Soviet Union?

This being said, I can also see the Soviets' sentiment. I can see why they may be a 'tad bit too tough on associates (even unwilling ones) of a faction that attempted to systematically wipe them off the face of the world. After losing countless relatives, property and freedoms, I can imagine the desire to make the punishment fit the crime. After 4 years of mortal struggle, both in the field and at the homefront, would you be eager to welcome those who abandoned you, and others like yourself, to total annihilation?

On 4/29/2018 at 10:13 AM, benpark said:

Okay, I'm going back to work now, so that's all from me for a bit as far as RT module status goes. I'm typing this now, instead of making something I should be working on for the module...

Thank you for the update, and the hard work is greatly appreciated.

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On 29.04.2018 at 12:26 PM, Wicky said:

Not just them but anyone on the 'wrong' side inc folk who'd surrendered, forced laboured or were refugees - anyone who'd come into contact with the West.

Nope, they all were "filtered" in the "filtration camps", majority were checked and released. Polizeis, collaborators, hiwi were punished. Not all of them, some of the criminals were found long after the war, in 1970s, 1980s. There was no punishment for "contacts with the West". (If you mean western allies, not German authorities)

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Sorry @DMS but everything Ive eber read about Ww2 in the East, from American, British, German, Russian and other sources all universally agree that yes sometimes Red Army PoWs were reinstated to the army no prob or were given weapons then punished after hostilities cease.

However about 90% Ive read points to the Communist regime seeing being captured as a crime of cowardice in itself, and plus you were now exposed to "idealogical" influences.  IIRC the accounts I remember reading from Russian frontoviki themselves was they were expected to have become partisans and it wasnt understood why they hadnt or hadnt died fighting.

Im not claiming all ex German Pows were executed, but id wager 3 or 4/5s that actually survived German captivity were penalized in some form - aka gulag for 5 or 10 years or whatever.  Hard to tell besides they were arrested and vanished because of the ever present lies and secrecy of the USSR.

I mean after all lets not give the Russians too much credit on being reasonable - WW2 started over Poland which was invaded only once the Russians said ok and even invaded its Eastern part 3 weeks in.

These same Russians demanded that territorial agreement be upheld with a straight face when meeting with Churchill and Roosevelt at the end of the war.


It must be remember this was the government that perpetrated Katyn, Stalin bragged was the only army in the world where retreat was more dangerous than attack etc.

Same regime that also seems to have heavily embellished the facts about Pavlovs House in Stalingrad. And outright perhaps made up a story about a fight to the death of several soldiers near Tula or Vyazma. It was mentioned here before - yes I know this last reference is insanely vague so Ill look for a link -but in essence it was found that these several soldiers who died "for the Rodina" after taking down hordes of Germans; it was found something was off. For one it was found some of them were not dead. And two it was found IIRC one even had deserted in that time frame. 

War time propaganda is one thing. Edith Cavell the Brit Ww1 nurse who was executed by the Germans and hordes of propaganda put out about it seems actually was a spy ' despite vehement statements otherwise for decades. The West also made up stuff like Germans crucifying babies on Belgium (wonder if the SVR. got their Ukrainian baby agitprop from a history book). Point Im making is in wartime of course ppl will lie and villainizr your enemies. the problem is when the propaganda grows and grows and continues well after the war is over.  Its totally in the Eastern Blocs interest to lie about what really happened to Pows liberated.  Once again this is a regime that ecen after Stalin put up the Berlin Wall and everything and with a straight face told the world it was to "keep people out of the socialist paradise" when any moron living knew the truth.

Also ps Stalins government also famously would makr you disappear frol pictures if deemed persona non grata i.e. Yezhov and his stroll with Stalin along the Moscow Canal

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