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1 hour ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

I should have spotted your hand in the map sooner.....This scenario gave the hump to begin with (kept messing it up), but I was still in a CM:SF head-state, and as we already know (or have come to learn the hard way), CM:BS is a whole other game.  ;)

He! He! Aye the AI plan took a while to finesse I’ll admit. Pleased to see it works.

I’m playing @slysniper’s CMBS tourney and it’s even more brutal playing against humans! Watched most of my command blow up in a few minutes in one game...

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1 hour ago, 37mm said:

With the Steam release due tomorrow, I scratched together a quick little CMBS vid...

+1 Another nice video.  I like where you showed the troops going back to the BTRs for more ammo.  Some people thinking about buying the game probably aren't aware of some of these details.   

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20 hours ago, MOS:96B2P said:

+1 Another nice video.  I like where you showed the troops going back to the BTRs for more ammo.  Some people thinking about buying the game probably aren't aware of some of these details.   

Indeed another nice video!

Plus I can't really watch the new people playing the game posting video's. Not that the vids are bad but after a decade plus it's hard to watch someone new to the game play stuff and (fully understandable at times) assume that things work different than how they actually work lol. It's like watching me back when I started playing CMSF1. 🤣

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15 hours ago, Lethaface said:

Indeed another nice video!

Plus I can't really watch the new people playing the game posting video's. Not that the vids are bad but after a decade plus it's hard to watch someone new to the game play stuff and (fully understandable at times) assume that things work different than how they actually work lol. It's like watching me back when I started playing CMSF1. 🤣

He! He! I agree. I find myself saying to the screen 'don't do that!!' as someone just plonks down a waypoint from point a to pint b (1kma way...) or does some weird 'tactical' move that results in death for their guys then complains that shouldn't happen...

I much prefer to watch vids that tell a story and/or AAR and are well edited, rather than a recording of someone playing. Vids by @37mm, @Ithikial_AU, @Wargaming with AG /@PanzerPajamasare excellent examples of excellently produced and edited vids. If you've not seen any of their vids worth checking them out on YouTube.

Although I did get some sort of smug satisfaction watching one 'live' recording and noticing the player had left a key unit exposed, and thought, "hhm I wouldn't do that.." and then watched it get promptly blatted. The player failed to notice this till later in their livestream. The cognitive dissonance as they searched for their key unit inly to realise it and the passengers were now a wreck and dead was rather priceless. Then the realisation they'd lost the game...

Still I think my err 'tactical genius' would not pass scrutiny...

I think there is opportunity for someone (with suitable insight and tactical genius) to do game play/tactical commentary over someone's live stream much like you see pundits do on football matches. I'd watch that :)

Edited by George MC
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36 minutes ago, George MC said:

I much prefer to watch vids that tell a story and/or AAR and are well edited, rather than a recording of someone playing. Vids by @37mm, @Ithikial_AU, @Wargaming with AG /@PanzerPajamasare excellent examples of excellently produced and edited vids. If you've not seen any of their vids worth checking them out on YouTube.

I haven't been on YouTube for years! ;) I think Josey Wales, DoubleD and Hapless have the honour of carrying the torch now.

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9 minutes ago, Ithikial_AU said:

I haven't been on YouTube for years! ;) I think Josey Wales, DoubleD and Hapless have the honour of carrying the torch now.

Aye but your stuff still stands the test. Oh and aye big shout out for these guys also. Actually now we list it there is a lot of real talent out there :)

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@George MC  Your plan.....I think I broke it:


He's on 2xM1A2s & 3xM2s so far, all of them burning (he's just pausing to machinegun their crew).....I've got a plausibly immobilised, well & properly artillerised, Abrams lined up for him next.  :ph34r:

I'm amazed to find myself slaughtering US forces this way.....And they seem to outnumber me in armour too!  :o

PS - Wish I could  have made a video of this guy steaming down the hill and up behind the US armour, the panic was almost palpable!  B)

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10 minutes ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

@George MC  Your plan.....I think I broke it:


He's on 2xM1A2s & 3xM2s so far, all of them burning (he's just pausing to machinegun their crew).....I've got a plausibly immobilised, well & properly artillerised, Abrams lined up for him next.  :ph34r:

I'm amazed to find myself slaughtering US forces this way.....And they seem to outnumber me in armour too!  :o

Ah ha! Is that Rolling Thunder?  Did you do a Kobiyashu Moru and change the AI plan? 🤪

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Nope.....Unusually for me I withdrew a T-90 at the right time, the US armour turned it's attention to my infantry, and their backs to the T-90, so I sent him charging in.....I was expecting him to eat a Javelin, but nope he wound up behind the US force at point blank range and then he started shooting first!  :o

He's after an Abrams hat-trick.....Just lining the fekka up now, he's side on!  :ph34r:

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1 minute ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

Nope.....Unusually for me I withdrew a T-90 at the right time, the US armour turned it's attention to my infantry, and their backs to the T-90, so I sent him charging in.....I was expecting him to eat a Javelin, but nope he wound up behind the US force at point blank range and then he started shooting first!  :o

He's after an Abrams hat-trick.....Just lining the fekka up now, he's side on!  :ph34r:

Ah they forgot that rule - watch yer back! Good effort though. 
Normally Abrams are like terminators. All you need to do is ram one now and you have your own 21st Century Kursk myth :)

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We got 'em all!  :D

Russian Tactical Victory.....I'm well pleased with that in CM:BS!  ;)

TBH I'd have done a bit better if I'd called a ceasefire earlier, a late arriving Apache took out my Tunguska and then had a field day!  :(

Great scenario, but I knew it would be, it's one of yours.  B)

PS - Outta likes again!  :rolleyes:

PPS - I'm going to go further.....TBH that was the most enjoyable CM:BS scenario I have ever played, it genuinely felt like either side could win at any time, which isn't an easy balance to strike in this game.  Kudos!  B)

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On 1/22/2021 at 11:37 AM, George MC said:

He! He! I agree. I find myself saying to the screen 'don't do that!!' as someone just plonks down a waypoint from point a to pint b (1kma way...) or does some weird 'tactical' move that results in death for their guys then complains that shouldn't happen...

I much prefer to watch vids that tell a story and/or AAR and are well edited, rather than a recording of someone playing. Vids by @37mm, @Ithikial_AU, @Wargaming with AG /@PanzerPajamasare excellent examples of excellently produced and edited vids. If you've not seen any of their vids worth checking them out on YouTube.


Yes, did discover those channels and the others mentioned (in the thread). 👍

Actually just fully watched the AAR DoubleD made of the first round in the CMBS tournament. Nice movie and good action! 


On 1/22/2021 at 11:37 AM, George MC said:

Although I did get some sort of smug satisfaction watching one 'live' recording and noticing the player had left a key unit exposed, and thought, "hhm I wouldn't do that.." and then watched it get promptly blatted. The player failed to notice this till later in their livestream. The cognitive dissonance as they searched for their key unit inly to realise it and the passengers were now a wreck and dead was rather priceless. Then the realisation they'd lost the game...

Lol I watched someone loading up the infantry in IFVs to get ready to assault the objective. Right about where I'd normally dismount the infantry 🤣
It might work of course, but IIRC they ate an ATGM or RPG and all died in the explosion. So at least solid lessons being learned I hope.


On 1/22/2021 at 11:37 AM, George MC said:

Still I think my err 'tactical genius' would not pass scrutiny...

Who knows? Already from the experience and knowledge of all the scenario's you've created, I'd say you'll pass many scrutiny levels. :)

Sometimes I plan to write up a proper AAR of a battle I played (because I thought it was interesting) and include screens / edit some movies. But than RL reminds me that there's only so much hours in a day. Doing it incrementally while while playing a game would perhaps make the workload more manageable. 

On 1/22/2021 at 11:37 AM, George MC said:

I think there is opportunity for someone (with suitable insight and tactical genius) to do game play/tactical commentary over someone's live stream much like you see pundits do on football matches. I'd watch that :)

I'd like to see something like that for H2H battles, especially if looked from both sides. 

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9 hours ago, chuckdyke said:

@Haiduk which game did you play? I put them in cover and concealment on Hide with a cover arc. 

This is about previous video. Snipers were spotted and eliminated too easy. I also played several scenarios in CMBS and marked, that had the same problem. One time BTR-82 stood directly near the modular building and could spot my sniper on the its last storey. Never know, that it sights can be turned vertically on 90 degrees %)

Also snipers have too low effectiveness. On the video above sniper shot with SVD like with AK (!!!) and miss-miss-miss! Of course, not each shot with sniper rifle inflicts the target hit, but I think game engine need some corrections. I had a situation, when my veteran sniper successfully hit the target with SVD from 500 m, but during next turns, firing on approaching enemy half-squad, could hit only one time from 150 m, though spent dozen bullets. Enemy infantry after the casualty took cover only for 2 minutes and started advance again in full-height. Though in real situations, even one enemy sniper ahead could delay advance of bigger units on dozen minutes or even hours. No one will want to get hole in the head

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Yeah, I'd have to agree with @Haiduk again here, Snipers (& IMHO ATGM Teams) are spotted too easily in CM generally.

Also US AFVs get a laser warning too soon when facing Russian ATGMs, these weapons are beam-riders and do not rely on back-scatter, thus (as I understand it) there is no need to directly lase the target until immediately before impact.

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You plot the LOF manually or do you let the TacAI do it? I don't have CMBS but have CBSF2. Our style of game play is different I think. I let the TacAI call the shots for the reason in RL you don't order a sniper to take a shot. He gives his position away. Possibly the BTR-82 received the contact unit from another unit through his C2 and the AI used it to eliminate your sniper. Before I plot LOF myself with very poor results similar to yours. 

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