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Anybody that didn't play CMSF gonna get CMBS?


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We have anybody here that never played CMSF planning on buying Black Sea?


Do you play RT, BN, FI? Or will this be your first CMX2 game?


I am gonna be interested to see how well you guys handle the culture shock of the technology leap. I actually had to unlearn a few things stepping backward in time from CMSF to BN. Modern had beat caution into my brain so much I was loathe to lose a single team once back on the WWII battlefield...it made me cagey and unwilling to take many chances. Whelp, if the body count in my latest game of BN is any statement, I can rest assured I have been cured. I am really looking forward to Black Sea and even us Shock Force vets are gonna have some major learning to do—habits from both WWII and CMSF will need some adjusting. It looks like it is gonna be a really fun game.



Let me know what you guys are looking forward to and what you think your hurdles might be stepping into the modern arena for the first time.




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Despite the 'CMSF beta tester' hung on my profile once, I never played it.  Of course, I am not going to buy CMBS, but I am certainly going to play the hell out of it once it is released.  I did a lot of playtesting in the Alpha and early Beta phase and have contributed a lot to working balance/realism issues, but have had limited time to actually play the thing now that many of the scenarios are approaching finished.  Scenario build (only one) and AAR have consumed my game time.  I did play CMBN w/ all packs (paid for one I think, and base game), CMFI/GL (paid for base game - my first CM), and CMRT.  Were I not helping build CMBS I would certainly buy it.  The focus is entirely different (as I understand it) from CMSF.  It is full-bore high intensity near-peer armored combat at its finest.  I fully intend to recommend it to Army friends and leaders for training value and to showcase it to everyone I can for the valuable peek it gives at the implications of the lethal stuff that defense firms are cranking out world-wide these days.  

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Hey Mord, never played CMSF... okay that is a bald faced lie, I love CMSF.......


But back to what I was gonna say, CMBS is even a bigger leap for WW2 gamers.  You are talking a 10 year leap in technology in the information age and I think BF has done a fair job of trying to demo that.  It is a fascinating look into the modern high intensity conflict battlefield.  I know of several ww2 gamers who have no interest in it.  What I'd be curious to know is how many CMSF players are there out there who never considered the ww 2 stuff?


The CMBS forum seems very active with folks I do not recognize - pretty cool.

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Speaking of demo...


I played the Shock Force demo and then decided to get CMFI + GL. I prefered Italy over the Normandy due to the terrain, probably because it felt closer to the first Combat mission I "played" (Afrika Korps).


Black Sea got me into the forums, and while I didn't preorder it I plan on buying it sooner or later.

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I got involved in the beta testing CMSF but never really took to it.

CMBN was my dream game.

Of the modern period I am semi schooled in 80's kit so was hoping for a fulda gap game.(Dream's of being a tank commander being thwarted due to being a tad too tall!)

CMBS has peaked my interest in modern warfare again and the aar's have sold it to me. Was really looking forward to my two weeks off to play it.

:( pity it has been delayed, so walking dead has taken my Christmas coin....

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When CMSF was released I didn't have a computer that could run it and I wasn't so interested in modern warfare. But after enjoying CMBN, CMFI and CMRT immensely I will definitely get CMBS. I bet the transition will be hard and probably result in a lot of frustration. But in an enjoyable way. After watching Chris on Twitch last week I realized that BS will punish you hard for any mistake. Spotted first = dead in a few seconds. Not getting the first shot off = instant one hit death. Miss one LOS slightly = KO.

But I guess that's what I look forward to the most - having to learn things from scratch in a vastly different setting.

Edited by rocketman
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I really enjoy CMSF. I particularly like red on red battles, but playing as the Syrians vs. NATO is certainly a big challenge. Red Stream (Syrian army vs. insurgents) was probably the best scenario I played. I have everything except for Market Garden at the moment and they're all truly excellent, but I mostly play CMFI and CMBN. I even played Afrika Korps recently and while the graphics are dated, the gameplay is still top-notch. I actually think the CMx1 games were better suited to larger battles due to the greater level of abstraction. That doesn't reflect poorly on the new games though, they're just different. 


Even though the technology has changed, I imagine many of the principles from the WW2 games will remain true. Just think of everything as a Panther with an elite crew who are really good at pigeonholing.

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 It is a fascinating look into the modern high intensity conflict battlefield.  I know of several ww2 gamers who have no interest in it. 


The CMBS forum seems very active with folks I do not recognize - pretty cool.


I am always at a loss how people can't be interested. I doubt BFC could put out a CM game that wouldn't capture my imagniation somehow, regardless of how obscure or foreign the theater/topic would be. Sometimes I think I might be cursed with an overabundance of curiosity...as in not enough lifetimes to learn and delve into all the areas I'd like.


And yeah, I have noticed all the new blood since the new forum opened. It's nice to get all the fresh faces and perspectives—keeps things from getting stagnant.




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But back to what I was gonna say, CMBS is even a bigger leap for WW2 gamers.  You are talking a 10 year leap in technology in the information age and I think BF has done a fair job of trying to demo that.

There's also the fact that if you wanted to, you could play CMSF in the 'classic' style. Especially Red vs Red was fun for WW2 players because the cold war Soviet tech wasn't anything too fancy - better tanks, better infantry, but nothing supernatural. CMBS is going to be different in that all sides have plenty of highly advanced hardware and not much in the way of T-55 type People's Tanks.

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I am always at a loss how people can't be interested. I doubt BFC could put out a CM game that wouldn't capture my imagniation somehow, regardless of how obscure or foreign the theater/topic would be. Sometimes I think I might be cursed with an overabundance of curiosity...as in not enough lifetimes to learn and delve into all the areas I'd like.


And yeah, I have noticed all the new blood since the new forum opened. It's nice to get all the fresh faces and perspectives—keeps things from getting stagnant.





CMSF got me interested enough to get all CM games after it, missed out on CMx1 due to the turn based concept (didn't like it at that time). PBEM opened the turn based concept for me and since CMBN I play mostly WEGO, only small battles in RT. I'm still unlearning CMSF, probably because I didn't play at all in 2011 and 2012 (only picked CMBN up in 2013) and I have sunk much more hours into CMSF than any other CMx2 game. I probably enjoyed the challenge of playing with Syrians against NATO power the most (love planning hit and run/die tactics), so I'm very interested in CMBS :)

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Ha! I fired up the CMSF demo again for the first time in years just yesterday to get a little taster of modern action... Am now contemplating the full bundle.


Also interested in the the 80's era Europe mod.  Would like to see the cold war era covered in a proper title "one day"



Edit - yeah I'm a CM1 diehard too, CMBB and CMETO mostly, still fire it up once in a while.





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Wanting to play and having the means to play CMSF are two interrelated issues, at least for me. The subject most definitely interested me, especially since my brother was in the first SBCT ever deployed into battle; was mortared,rocketed and nearly blown up by a VBIED while out patrolling Anbar Province in an armored Hummer. My computer (800 MHz iMac) back then lacked the cyber horsepower, which was moot, since there was no Mac version of the game. Given my Cold War intel analyst background, not to mention the current excitement there in Ukraine, I'm quite interested in CMBS. But since my 3.06 Intel Core 2 Duo iMac is wheezing along, while dealing with CMBN 3.1, I doubt it'll be able to hack CMBS, where my anemic 256 MB of VRAM may well die of overwork!  Meanwhile, I can't run the latest browsers (YT keeps telling me mine is obsolete and makes a face at me) or Mac OS, and Wordpress just kills me in terms of demands it makes on my rig. Sadly, Santa didn't bring me a new iMac. Consequently, am pinning my hopes on the Cyber Fairy!




John Kettler

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I am always at a loss how people can't be interested. I doubt BFC could put out a CM game that wouldn't capture my imagniation somehow, regardless of how obscure or foreign the theater/topic would be. Sometimes I think I might be cursed with an overabundance of curiosity...as in not enough lifetimes to learn and delve into all the areas I'd like.

I bought all CMx2 games except Red Thunder. It is odd, kinda, because the Eastern Front in WW2 is said to be the holy grail for most war gamers. Although Red Thunder did capture my imagination, i kinda felt like i wont play it much. I ve always been more interested in modern war games than WW2. I thought about getting it anyways to keep my collection of CM games complete, but i was low on cash, so i decided against that as well. With CMBS, on the other hand, i feel like i cant wait for it :D. To me, it is like the best of both worlds: the eastern front + modern equipment. I hope BFC will make module that introduces the Bundeswehr, that would be most awesome.

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Meanwhile, I can't run the latest browsers (YT keeps telling me mine is obsolete and makes a face at me)...


Huh? I have the same rig as you, John, and I run Safari 7.1.2 which seems to get along with YT quite happily. You might want to check to see if you have the latest version of Flash installed. That seems to be all-important with streaming videos.



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Played with CMSF Demo, but didn't like the nerffed CMx1 features, as well as the one-sided battles. Good training for minimizing casualties as BLUE, but limited for conventional battle.


I also have emotional issues with the desert. :(


CM is finally "good enough for me" with the 3.0 update, and grabbed RT. Will definitely grab CMBS!


Once we get burnable terrain I'll grab BN and modules, if there is an additional vehicle pack (to play with the WASP's). Hopefully this will occur w. CMx2 engine (maybe w. Bulge and end-of-war modules? How the heck are you going to do Berlin battles without everything burning....?).


Oh how I miss the mayhem of CMx1 and fire....

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I will be buying CMBS on release for certain!


I never did buy nor have ever played CMSF. I guess I was turned off by the shock of BFC not sticking with WW2 when moving to CMx2, and so continued to play CMx1 games. I looked at CMSF about a year after release, but my impression was that the new system was still problematic and so never pulled the trigger on it. It took the return to WW2 and the fact that clearly most of the bugs had been worked through to get me into the CMx2 world. Now that I am I own everything from CMBN onward and love it all.

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