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Status update on "Black Sea"

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Setting aside whether full operational service by 2017 is anywhere within possibility (history says not), neither exists in any form known to the public and so would prove an insurmountable challenge to add to the game as anything other than a fantastical guess.

Armata is supposed to be shown in less than a year (May 2015), so possibilities for inclusion in a module might open up thereafter.

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That was a great day! One thing is certain, my admiration for you and Phil has only grown since then and I was very impressed then (and thanks again for taking the time to do that). Your twitchtv stuff reminds me of that day in some ways which makes me happy you are where you are.

I'm fairly happy about where I am too. :D

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Setting aside whether full operational service by 2017 is anywhere within possibility (history says not), neither exists in any form known to the public and so would prove an insurmountable challenge to add to the game as anything other than a fantastical guess.

This. I take any pronouncements of when a brand new system is going to be operational with a truck-sized grain of salt. Just take A cursory glance at the myriad failed/cancelled/stalled/delayed programs for military equipment, not only for Russia but even for the US which has far better funding for these sorts of projects. Consequently I don't take the dates given in such announcements very seriously unless there's other information or factors to raise confidence. And then there is my favorite form of "operational" roll out, where the vehicle/weapon/aircraft/whatever indeed becomes operational, but only ten of them get purchased for the next five years. :D

Armata is supposed to be shown in less than a year (May 2015), so possibilities for inclusion in a module might open up thereafter.

And this.

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So will this game be using a New Graphics Engine like in Red Thunder?

Also I can hardly wait for this.. have been wanting to test a M1A2 vs T-90 and soviet Equipment.

Also I am sure that NATO Forces would be involved as well..

Germany, France, UK, Hell maybe even the Italians... Turkey I believe is also a NATO member and would be watching the Ukraine area with much interest.

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Armata is supposed to be shown in less than a year (May 2015), so possibilities for inclusion in a module might open up thereafter.

It is likely that we will see six platforms next May day parade, which should make for an interesting parade that year if nothing else.

As the module release schedule for CMSF was over a long timeframe, I would say that Armata, kurganets, and boomerang (like T-90 and BMP-3 for CMSF Syria) could easily be plugged in at a later date.

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So the Armata, like any other in-development weapons project is subject to unforeseen problems, like delays and lack of funding etc..

What about the BMPT/BMPT-72 "Terminator 1/2" Tank Support Fighting Vehicle? It is already in service with the Russian Ground Forces, albeit in small numbers. But because it is based on the T-72 tank and indigenous manufacturers, a large number of these vehicles could probably be turned out quickly with a conflict looming.

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This is an insightful article on Ukraine's military turnaround and why Ukraine might be well advised not to go for an all-out victory vs the so-called militants. The article credits 23 million dollars of US (nonmilitary) aid, but I believe the real credit goes to the Czech Republic and Slovak trainers who came in when the US refused to provide such help. I've written about such matters in several of the six posts I've done on the Ukraine Crisis

The article's somewhat marred at the gate, though, by a photo caption calling a Ukraine T-72 a "battleship." Yes, you read that correctly. I cringe these days when idiot reporters use "battleship" where "warship" is the right word, but to call a tank a battleship is way past that.



John Kettler

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The article's somewhat marred at the gate, though, by a photo caption calling a Ukraine T-72 a "battleship." Yes, you read that correctly. I cringe these days when idiot reporters use "battleship" where "warship" is the right word

I cringe when you call Ukrainian T-64 a T-72. :P

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So the Armata, like any other in-development weapons project is subject to unforeseen problems, like delays and lack of funding etc..

What about the BMPT/BMPT-72 "Terminator 1/2" Tank Support Fighting Vehicle? It is already in service with the Russian Ground Forces, albeit in small numbers. But because it is based on the T-72 tank and indigenous manufacturers, a large number of these vehicles could probably be turned out quickly with a conflict looming.

They showed the BMP-T2 at the last expo, design wasnt really changed much but it was still pretty cool. Think it was just more integrated with an original T-72/T-90 chassis to be marketed as a drop-in turret upgrade. Would be sweet if it was included in a later expansion though.

Another avenue that could be explored is the Burlak turret upgrade by KBTM. I wouldnt be suprised if they had a prototype on show (and not under a tarpaulain) by next year also.

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I appologise in advance for the double post.

Question toward the devs:

Will you be able to replicate the current Russian Battalion Tactical Group structure which seem to be the "new black" in the Russian military and indeed on the Ukrainian border, with the Russian ORBAT ingame?

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Some update on situation in Ukraine :

4-7 km. It is the estimated size of the corridor connecting Ukrainian controlled area with three -almost -encircled Ukrainian brigades: (79 airborne, 24 and 72th motorized) that were tasked to 'control' the border with Russia. Currently bloody fights are being fought to control the corridor (at Saur-Mogila, the hand written place in the left lower corner).

To the north, armored strike on Lughansk compeltely failed and Ukrainian army was forced to withdraw to starting position. At the same time the separatists started counteroffensive from Donetsk and encircled Ukrainian forces near Marinovka village.

Map of the south eastern-Ukrainian border:


Just to make things clear: both sides are using heavy weapons and artillery.

Some interesting pictures and videos:

Ukrainian 24th motorized brigade bombarded by 'GRAD MLRS' near the Zelenopol village:


Place of the failed Ukrainian armored attack near Lughansk:


and Krasnodon (north eastern part of the map, this is how far Ukrainian troops managed to get along the border with Russia)


Separatists' reinforcements heading to Donetsk. Apart from T-64 BWs you can see some Gvozdika self propelled artillery:


Ukrainian APCs destroyed at Sniznoe. Separatists claim destruction of 27 tanks and APCs: http://lifenews.ru/news/136528

OSCE observers in Lughansk (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe) evaluate civilian loses and damage. The town and its residential areas are constantly shelled by Ukrainian army:

And as a curiousity showing the scale of corruption : Ukrainian army first aid kits issued to soldiers of 25th airborne brigade:


Yes you are right: they consist only of leaflet, no actual first aid kit inside

Families in Tarnopol try to stop forced conscription into Ukrainian army:


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The plane is said to have been shot down by a SA-11 Buk, a system that requires about a company of highly trained personnel to use. It's amazing what the "separatists" are finding at the local hardware store.

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The plane is said to have been shot down by a SA-11 Buk, a system that requires about a company of highly trained personnel to use. It's amazing what the "separatists" are finding at the local hardware store.



The self-defense forces of Donetsk People’s Republic seized control of a Ukrainian anti-air military installation, RIA Novosti reports.

"The forces of Donetsk People’s Republic assumed control of A-1402 military base," the militia's representative said. According to him, it is an anti-aircraft missile forces facility equipped with Buk mobile surface-to-air missile systems.

During the last several days the militia took control of two internal security troops' installations in eastern Ukraine.

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Yeah, but taking control of a base doesn't mean you can automatically start using the things you find there, especially not a complex AA system. I would not be surprised if it turns out the missile came from across the Russian border. If not, then the Russians have clearly sent people over the border who are trained to use the SA-11 system.

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A tweet (in Russian) from a key Twitter account used by pro-Russian separatists, in which they claim to have captured a Buk surface-to-air missile system, has now been deleted, BBC Monitoring observes. Ukrainians say the Malaysian plane could have been downed with a Buk, but pro-Russian rebels have now denied they have it.

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The plane is said to have been shot down by a SA-11 Buk, a system that requires about a company of highly trained personnel to use. It's amazing what the "separatists" are finding at the local hardware store.

Exactly my thoughts after hearing about the 'crash' (obviously shot down from 10km altitude). Been on this same flight (ams - kl) about 7 times in my life so the thought is chilling. Friends of a acquaintance of mine in Malaysia appear to have been on this plane. My condolences for all that suffered a loss.

Heard a rumor about the Pentagon stating the missile came from inside Russia. Anyhow I wouldn't be surprised if this means further Western assistance to Ukraine and Russian won't be 'happy' bout that.

Indeed a dark day, hope this won't mean that BF.C's backstory for BS comes any closer to reality! although I fear it might. :(

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This is highly probable separatists did shot the plane down as a mistake. They probably wanted to shoot down Ukrainian plane carring water and food for 3 encircled Ukrainian brigades. There is a speculation that Ukrainian military copied the route of civilian plane and failed to warn the pilot (on purpose?) he was entering the war zone.

EDIT: The pilot changed the course to the south before the crash, it is going to be interesting if investigators can discover who ordered him to do so.

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