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John Kettler status report

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OK, indulge me lads - what are JK's believes? Any link will do, I can check it out myself.

The original post links to his blog.

I haven't spent much time on matters Kettlerian, but it's apparently all about the gov't cover-up of the extraterrestrial threat.

Yes, that.

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Even though nowadays I consider myself an atheist, but also having been a good catholic boy who went to Sunday school, I couldn't help remember this snippet from the Sermon on the Mount, after reading this thread:

For with whatever judgment you judge, you will be judged;

and with whatever measure you measure, it will be measured to you.


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Any supposed knowledge JK has of military matters is far outweighed by his extreme vulnerability to believe and then promote here any crackpot author who's ever written a book (e.g., Suvorov) or those who simply have been shown to be frauds - all the while promoting the info as "fascinating!" or "fantastic!" And then of course there's his - shall we say - extremely oddball beliefs about alien life forms and his efforts to make a buck off said beliefs. And that's what my original comment was in response to.

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His constant posts in threads full of info no one really wants followed by loads of links can get annoying and break the flow when every other post in a thread is his.

In one thread of Lukes about his mod Luke couldn't have made it more clear he didn't want his input..yet he kept on posting and posting and posting..eventually he opened a separate thread on the subject like he couldn't help himself from posting. This sort of thing doesn't do him any favours and in a way he is his own worse enemy on here.

Saying all that he is harmless and at times I do feel sorry for him..but as I said he is his own worse enemy.

The head injury seems like July last year he has posted on here this year so he must be fine.

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OK, thank you guys for clarifications. While I agree with some of the points you make I repeat that being mean to him that way is not the way to go. Put him on ignore and you'll be fine. Enjoying picking on someone like him is a whole another story though...

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Same, here.

-Would add that I don't think I've ever seen John be anything other than polite, enthusiastic and helpful in his presence on this forum.

I agree, he attempts to be helpful with all of his posts and I have never read one of his posts that was mean tempered or offensive which is more than I can say about a lot of posts that I have read on this forum.

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Wishing JK all the best in health.

It seems he gets under people's skin in such a way that they are amused by his accident, or even consider it important to let the world know how they think about him, in a thread about his well being?? Those persons should question themselves, who is more in the wrong?

Apart from that I don't see how this thread is related to CM.

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completely on tangent this thread, yes.I do find funny though people bitching about John posting some links (just don't click on them , crazy I know) or expressing his , perhaps slightly bonkers, but harmless views, while they could bitch rather ,let's say , how such war criminals as Bush and Blair are not behind bars yet.

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To take but three examples from amongst many;

Advocating people drink bleach is not harmless.

Espousing the wackiest of the 9/11 conspiracy theories is not inoffensive.

Constantly sidestepping direct and simple questions with spam and rubbish is neither polite nor good manners.

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You know, reading one of those threads JonS linked to, Kettler came out with some very knowledgable statistics about links from this forum and how high they come up in google searches etc.

You don't realize this, but the BFC Forum is what Google deems an authority site. As such, it is heavily watched by the Web spiders and often comes back page one, sometimes first citation, on searches. Don't believe me? Type "syrian airborne" and see what you get. I did that in Google Images and got a bunch of CMSF screenshots. BFC's Alexa rating is a highly respectable 123, 867, and it has no less than 551 sites linking in.

I've noticed when he posts some of his absolute rubbish, it often sticks out like dogs proverbials form his usual postings. It reads as a blog post, with many many useless links to his mates websites.

Is it possible John is a cynical genius and is using this forum's high traffic and reputation to boost clickthroughs to his loony brigade websites?

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If some poor soul drink or bath in bleach because John tell them to do so - pure Darwinism , right there.

I'm not offended by his views as I don't take them seriously.

Length of posts could be annoying sometimes , true. But as a white middle aged male living in the big city in WE with access to the Internet , I feel privileged and spoiled enough already , so I just grind my teeth and scroll.

Mob mentality displayed by some on this boards and character assassination - this does offend me a lot.

Is it making John feel 'unwelcome' on this forum really worth the energy?

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His constant posts in threads full of info no one really wants followed by loads of links can get annoying and break the flow when every other post in a thread is his.

In one thread of Lukes about his mod Luke couldn't have made it more clear he didn't want his input..yet he kept on posting and posting and posting..eventually he opened a separate thread on the subject like he couldn't help himself from posting. This sort of thing doesn't do him any favours and in a way he is his own worse enemy on here.


Still, you don't have to read excessive posts in a thread if you don't want to - we've all got "thread skimming" skills, I imagine and if someone really gets your goat, there's the ignore function. And for every post of JK's which may be off-topic, there's at least one with some very useful links.

PLUS - and I think this is important - to the best of my knowledge of lurking and/or posting here for many years - JK NEVER brought up his website or beliefs on this forum until someone else asked him to confirm if it was his. So whether or not you think his ideas are "crackpot" or not, he never pushed them here.

I myself have a close relative who believes and espouses many conspiracy theories ( including several even more "wacky" than some on JK's site ). But, like JK, he harbours no ill-will towards anyone who doesn't believe in them and I can't see any reason to harbour ill-will towards him.

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Length of posts could be annoying sometimes , true.

No, you misunderstand. it's not the length of the post. It is the constant evasion, lying, misdirection, random changes of subject, and out right irrelevancies.

Take a look at this thread, for example:


Read from Kettler's post #47 onwards, noting particularly PaK 43s question at post #51, then follow the interplay between PaK and Kettles.

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