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  1. Upvote
    DerKommissar reacted to Jumpete in Pre-orders for Fire and Rubble are now open!!   
    If  the work was in an advanced development status around one week ago, how is it now? 97%? 98? Finished? Is the delay meaning that was included a bit more TOE?
  2. Upvote
    DerKommissar reacted to Thewood1 in If this can be our awaiting CM3...!!   
    You are way out of the loop then.  ARMA 3 has been out for 6-7 years I think.  As an MP squad shooter, its good.  But as a combined arms tactical simulator, its very shallow.
  3. Like
    DerKommissar got a reaction from IMHO in [Music] Setting the mood   
    A little bit from the other side:
  4. Like
    DerKommissar reacted to sawomi in [Music] Setting the mood   
  5. Like
    DerKommissar reacted to silverstars in [Music] Setting the mood   
    I am deeply pleased by the amount of Goth/Industrial fans on a hardcore military wargaming forum.
  6. Upvote
    DerKommissar reacted to The_Capt in CM Cold War - Beta AAR - Soviet Thread - Glorious Soviet Victory at Small German Town 1980   
    March to Glorious Victory - Post #6  "The Devil's Red Right Hand" (12-15)
    First off I apologize for the long return on this one, beyond Bil's glacial return pace, the main reason is that nothing really happened on the Soviet side of this thing.  I am sure Bil is doing a frame-by-frame Warren Commission-esque analysis (because that is what int nerds do) but frankly he has already missed his early victory boat.
    When I left you we were discussing options and landed on the least suicidal of the bunch given the somewhat less-than-optimal starting position.
    The only question left is "what will Bil do?".  I have thoughts on this but let's leave them til the end (someone remind me if I forget).
    So the only interesting thing to happen before the big push was the loss of another T64

    This little fella bought in on my left, which was unfortunate but I also observed something interesting before the kill.  

    These two T64s soaked up over a dozen hits between them from those M60s on the ridge.  Clearly not bullet proof but from the front these beast are very hard to kill.  This also speaks well for the Plan, as I would rather Bils tanks pinging off my T64s rather than killing my BMPs and T-62s. 
    So here was ol Bil's shot to end this thing about 13-14 mins in:

    You can see here we are all bunched up moving into position for the slot.  If Bil had DPICM'd this traffic jam, that pretty much would  have been it.  The bridge may have saved a couple but it would have been a bloody massacre.
    But he missed that boat.

    Turn 14 and I can start to breathe, the troops moving up the slot saw no direct fire.  Bil is lobbing shells into the area but frankly the steel soldiers of mother Russia give exactly zero F's about artillery.

    All that arty has about 2-3 casualties on me so far but I am sure it makes the old man - sitting in a faded bathrobe, the one from the 70s, his old-lady slippers, old man underwear with the torn waistband - feel better.   By end of Turn 15, we are about 1/3 through.

    So on the far side of the slot we have pretty much a tank pl and 3 x BMP.  In turn 16 I should be at 50%.  The dismounted pl on my left is looking good and pretty much unmolested.  They are going to link up with that scout pl and be my hands.  You can see on my left I have a screen in place of 2 x T64s and about 4 BMPs, that is a very good position in case Bil gets frisky on my left, which based on that smoke I am guessing is a possibility.  The biggest threat now is a DPICM strike but I am less worried about it now as my Tank Coy and BMPS are spread out and moving fast, so at worst I may take a few casualties.  Main concern now is getting that inf platoon on my right into those buildings.  The HQ and squad did get pinned so I need them to get going.
    And let's not forget the Eyes on my Right.

     So I have 2 x T64s on the right with good LOS (I just noticed one got immobilized, which is a pain but it is in a solid position).  That little BMP in the little clump of woods nails another M150.  These guys on my right can actually cover the ridgeline and the left, so pretty happy with that for now.  I am very happy at nailing the M150s.  It may seem odd to a bunch of tank nerds but these thing are actually more dangerous right now.  They have TI, so can see through smoke and those TOW are not going to take 6 hits to kill me.
    So now what?  Well finish moving through the Slot and then we spread out and start the knife fight in the woods.  So what is Bil going to do?  Well my bet is he is looking longingly at my left flank, two or three columns of smoke are singing sweetly to him do doubt...I welcome him to try.
    Next he could focus on the village and do a center push but in about 120 seconds I am going to have 2 x Inf platoons at near 100% with options for tank and BMP support.  Bil has ACR scout teams, M113 which are basically halftracks and a bunch of M60s who will not do well in an urban fight. 
    So that leaves the woods on my right.  Here he has better approaches but if thing go even half decently I will have a another Soviet infantry pl back up by a lot of armor for this little dance against Scout teams, who are not really designed for this sort of thing.  So all in all, I am liking my odds...but...and there is always a but....the next 120-180 second have to go well.  That and I know that Bil has Cobras...so this thing is not over yet.
  7. Like
    DerKommissar got a reaction from ng cavscout in [Music] Setting the mood   
  8. Like
    DerKommissar got a reaction from Bulletpoint in Pre-orders for Fire and Rubble are now open!!   
    A towel is just about the most massively useful thing a tank hitchhiker can carry.
  9. Like
    DerKommissar reacted to FlatEric999 in PT 76   
    Wasn't the PT-76 the first combat victim of the TOW missile (in Vietnam)? I think the key advantage of the PT-76 was it could swim / float - other than that it was a fairly basic vehicle with thin armour and a modest gun (effective range 600-700m?).  They used to display one at Duxford as part of the mini-tankfest events they organised to coincide with Father's day - very dusty affairs!

    This time with added dust and showing off it's 'mega hatch' to good effect:

    Since comparisons have been made with the CVR-T, here are some shots of a Scorpion and a Sabre (a hybrid vehicle that mated a Scorpion chassis with the turret from a Fox armoured car to produce a Scimitar-like vehicle).


  10. Like
    DerKommissar got a reaction from ratdeath in [Music] Setting the mood   
  11. Like
    DerKommissar got a reaction from JM Stuff in [Music] Setting the mood   
  12. Like
    DerKommissar got a reaction from Able Archer in [Music] Setting the mood   
  13. Upvote
    DerKommissar got a reaction from IICptMillerII in [Music] Setting the mood   
  14. Like
    DerKommissar got a reaction from Lethaface in Khabour Trail: Screenshot AAR   
    Suburban Hell

    Driver! REVERSE!

    The Eryx teams are quick to deploy and establish kill zones. Just in time for an armoured SAA thrust.

    We're dry! And they just keep coming!

    The cavalry is here -- and not too soon!

    The SAA expend their T-62s in a foolish adventure. Now, the town's capture is only a matter of time.

  15. Upvote
    DerKommissar got a reaction from Aragorn2002 in Celleno: The Final Battle IAR   
    Celleno: The Final Battle

    The Mission

    Before us, lies the hill-top fortress of Celleno. This is the final objective of our campaign, and it looks to be the toughest one, yet. We did our best to conserve our fuel, ammo and manpower for this battle. We are ahead of the recce, and nearly blind. Now, night approaches and we must begin the assault.
    The Plan

    Phase 1: Establish observation points and direct the initial bombardment.
    Phase 2: Occupy the heights and establish a base of fire.
    Phase 3: Begin the combined assault on ALPHA.
    Phase 4: Mop up BRAVO and CHARLIE.
    The Forces

    Task Force 1 (Armoured): C Squadron (Major Chetty)
    Task Force 2 (Infantry): B Company (Major Jansen)
    Task Force 3 (Infantry): C Company (Major Ntsimango)
    Supports: 2 x Recce Troops, 2 x Forward Observers, 2 x Machinegun Sections
  16. Upvote
    DerKommissar got a reaction from Rinaldi in Celleno: The Final Battle IAR   
    Celleno: The Final Battle

    The Mission

    Before us, lies the hill-top fortress of Celleno. This is the final objective of our campaign, and it looks to be the toughest one, yet. We did our best to conserve our fuel, ammo and manpower for this battle. We are ahead of the recce, and nearly blind. Now, night approaches and we must begin the assault.
    The Plan

    Phase 1: Establish observation points and direct the initial bombardment.
    Phase 2: Occupy the heights and establish a base of fire.
    Phase 3: Begin the combined assault on ALPHA.
    Phase 4: Mop up BRAVO and CHARLIE.
    The Forces

    Task Force 1 (Armoured): C Squadron (Major Chetty)
    Task Force 2 (Infantry): B Company (Major Jansen)
    Task Force 3 (Infantry): C Company (Major Ntsimango)
    Supports: 2 x Recce Troops, 2 x Forward Observers, 2 x Machinegun Sections
  17. Like
    DerKommissar reacted to MikeyD in Pre-orders for Combat Mission Cold War are now open.   
    By coincidence I've got a scenario in the coming Fire and Rubble module that also includes a barbed wire line the full width of the map.
  18. Upvote
    DerKommissar reacted to Erw in Real Time. Smashing Sirians by Erw. CMSF2:British Forces by ErwinPdL. Total Victory.   
    Second Scenary. British Forces Campaing. Total Victory.
  19. Upvote
    DerKommissar reacted to Bil Hardenberger in New things added to the new thing   
    Soviet equipment.
  20. Like
    DerKommissar reacted to infierno in [Music] Setting the mood   
    It's a bit late for the timeline, but I'll have some Celtic Frost riffs pump my blood and encourage rash decisions.
  21. Upvote
    DerKommissar reacted to Field Oggy in Archer Tank Destroyers facing wrong way?   
    That's an urban myth. 
  22. Like
    DerKommissar got a reaction from umlaut in [Music] Setting the mood   
    A little bit from the other side:
  23. Upvote
    DerKommissar got a reaction from Chip76 in [Music] Setting the mood   
    Big Front 242 fan here.
    Gonna get the obvious one, out of the way:
  24. Upvote
    DerKommissar reacted to Bil Hardenberger in Frustrated by this recent CMCW announcement . . .   
    CMCW did not steal any resources from F&R.  
    They were concurrent developments and in fact CMCW did not impinge on any F&R testers/content developers until very late in development.  @BFCElvissaw to that  
  25. Like
    DerKommissar reacted to Megalon Jones in [Music] Setting the mood   
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