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Warts 'n' all

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Everything posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. I can't remember exactly when I bought Beyond Overlord. But, the game came with an "Additional CD". There were quite a few battles set in southern France. One of the maps in particular looked really good, hillsides covered in vineyards etc.
  2. BBC reporter Wynford Vaughan-Thomas called it the "Champagne campaign", whether that is a true reflection of it's ease, or his own drinking habits I'm not sure. It is certainly true that the Germans weakened their forces in the south quite a bit between June and August.
  3. I normally enter all my results for both single battles and campaigns in a log. But I was so annoyed "losing" a campaign in which I'd won every battle that I didn't bother to do it for Operation Deadstick. So I can't remember how many casualties I suffered in each mission.
  4. It happened to me too.. When the word "Defeat" appeared on my screen I was totally baffled.
  5. I'm not sure what "Rubbish Times Two" looks like. Twice as many warts, perhaps.
  6. Oh yes.... I'm too rubbish to take on a human opponent.
  7. "worst advice ever".... You may well be right. I wouldn't want to spoil other player's fun by naming the scenario. But it has worked for me once. I only made one slight change to the initial disposition of my troops during the set-up phase and that was it. A "Total Victory" with only a few casualties. When checking on my troops at the end, I noticed that one of my AT Guns had turned almost 180 degrees and knocked out two enemy vehicles without any orders.
  8. Sometimes when defending it is best not to give your troops any orders at all. Just let them get on with winning the battle themselves.
  9. I've only played it on "Warrior" level. Scored a "Major Victory" as the Germans. And "Total Victory" as the Allies. I can't remember how and to be honest, it is pretty rare for me to do well playing CMx2.
  10. I think you got it just right. And thanks for putting in the effort.
  11. That was a great watch. So gritty and realistic. And them screams had me almost forgetting that I was watching a game, I actually found myself wincing at their pain.
  12. Thanks for that. Despite the technical glitch it was fun to watch. Keep 'em coming.
  13. Just a little thing that I have noticed. Even infantry will move slower in "Heavy Forest" than they do in "Light Forest". I assume this is down to them having to pick their way through the undergrowth, brambles, fallen branches etc
  14. I tried the dropbox link too, and it worked a treat, unlike my past attempts via GAJ and the repository that only gave me the divisional logo on the vehicles. I'm so impressed with the uniforms that I can't resist the temptation to take another wander down The Scottish Corridor and put CMFI on hold for a while. Somehow I suspect that I will get my Limey arse kicked just as hard as I did when I tried this campaign a year ago. But at least, my dead Jocks will look great.
  15. Looking good to me. Playing in an environment like this would be great even if I lose.
  16. Yes, it is shame about the shoulder patches not working. But, you still get the Lion Rampant on the Bren Carriers which looks pretty good to me.
  17. @ Heinrich.... If my memory serves me correctly most of the Red Berets I met over in The Netherlands were from Yorkshire. They enjoy a scrap, even with their own neighbours, let alone "The Jerries".
  18. A brilliant series, I've really enjoyed it following through to the end. @ Heinrich .... My old girlfriend used to own a restaurant that played host to veterans from the battle every September, none of them would ever have said "FRAAK". Perhaps you're not allowed to use the word that they actually used, which strikes me as a bit sad.
  19. It would have been nice if the US Military could have used different letters for different things... R for rifle, M for Mortar etc. But they put names behind everything so it wasn't a problem for them at the time, e.g... M3 half-track, M3 light tank etc. Little did they realise then that 70/80 years later they would be confusing the likes of us.
  20. I have to agree with the OP... It must make a big enough difference otherwise BFC wouldn't have bothered to have "spalling" and "partial penetration" indicated. My own personal take on it, in terms of game play. When I see "spalling" I think, "Good, the enemy crew are getting little flakes of hot metal in their faces". When I see "partial penetration" I think "Even better, we've dented the b*******, one more shot like that and we've got 'em". This may not be the most technical of answers. But, I wouldn't want "spalling" and "partial penetration" to be replaced by the single word "hit".
  21. Having the Nazi flags hanging down the front of the building is chillingly realistic.
  22. I don't know his name on the boards. But, I think his videos are great. Particularly the fact that he doesn't try to edit out his mistakes.
  23. What a coincidence! I'm a 2.12 er, and am slowly working my way chronologically through all the battles. I should be taking this on in a week or two. The map looks great Pete. I'll check this thread again after the AI has given me a good kicking.
  24. I have to agree with Mord. After years of treating CMx1 as a stroll in the park, I was amazed at how difficult I found CMBN. But, as much as I hate losing, I find myself loving the fact that I struggle with this game. It means that I learn something new every time I play it.
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