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Warts 'n' all

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Everything posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. Interesting list. But, I'm not sure why you say that they still have to be around four years later. Most (if not all) of the Panzer divisions that took part in the invasion of France and the Low Countries in 1940 were shipped East. What early AFV's that did remain in France tended to be allocated to training units, and wouldn't have had veteran crews.
  2. I think the problem lies in the fact that AS sizes, building size and flavour objects don't quite tally up. No matter how good your mouse control is, a poster will almost always stand proud of the wall it is meant to be stuck to. You just have to fiddle around with the "Alt" and "shift" keys to get it as close as you can. I find that it is best to push it towards the wall 1m at a time until it disappears, move my camera inside the building and then rotate the poster one mouse click at a time. Hopefully with the last click it will reappear on the external wall. If that doesn't work, then I'm afraid you will have to have it slightly in front of the wall. Although it shouldn't appear too obvious, unless you zoom in.
  3. By pure coincidence I did run a test a few weeks back. I fired up the "Roadblock" tutorial mission. I gave one M4 orders to head across the open field and into the left hand corner. Then fire on the nearest farm building. One tree lost it's leaves very quickly, the upper branches soon followed. And the tree itself disappeared from the map at the same time as the barn collapsed. Of course, that wasn't a "scientific" test. And, I'm no expert on ballistics. But, it seems to me that the game handles trees as well as can be expected given that north-western Europe is full of trees of various type, age, trunk diameter, hardness etc
  4. Given the fact that I have previous when it comes to dealing with members of the upper orders, I do have to point out that they do not use their christian names in their titles, as I'm sure Lord Grammont of Bangor will be happy to confirm.
  5. I tend to be fairly tolerant. But this is what happened to the last chap to call me a "fanboi".
  6. A very valid point from IanL... If I see a church tower in any battle, it is the first thing to get blasted by my tanks.
  7. I love the "Brew Up" picture on the truck's door. Nowadays the most common writing on a van or truck here in Limeyland is "Clean Me".
  8. I do have the FI/GL bundle, although I have to say that Italy is my least favourite theatre, so I haven't played it for quite a while. Red Thunder was a Christmas present to myself and will probably keep me busy for the foreseeable future. But, yes I'll certainly give your mod a look soon.
  9. This game offers up so much variety I find filling in time pretty easy.
  10. Sadly the site seems to be still stuck on 6th February. In the meantime I decided to take on my first winter battle, Frozen Rope. I was really impressed. Both, with the scenario design, and the mods. So a big thank you to all you guys who have given Red Thunder a whole new look and feel.
  11. My German is pretty much limited to beer styles, football teams and, a smattering of historical words. But, I do enjoying using the German UI when I play a battle or campaigns as the Germans. I think providing an optional German language briefing would be nice, although I suspect it would take quite a bit of work.
  12. Yes, Red Hordes is brilliant. A lot of fun to play from either the Axis or Allied side. Certainly give it a go.
  13. Could it be that the mortars themselves are too close to a building or something else that might prevent them from firing?
  14. Oh yes, that was remiss of me. Given that Dickie Guy came and played for Maidstone after his time with the Wombles I shouldn't have forgotten @womble. To our friends from across the pond that was an obscure Association Football reference.
  15. Cap'n, would it be possible for you to confine your fighting to the game itself, rather than the forum? As a self-confessed "rubbish" player of this game I need all the advice I can get. Michael, sburke and, IanL are probably the most helpful members of the forum that I've come across. If you aren't willing to accept their answers on a given subject please put them on ignore. Your name calling and snide remarks are not really productive to people who actually need the advice that this forum has to offer.
  16. Try War and Peace, that should keep you going for a bit.
  17. Currently most mods can be gotten from the repository on this site. Although that will soon close down. There is a link to the new dedicated mod site on the opening page of the repository. Or you can access it by typing in www.greenasjade.net When you download mods they will come with info on how to use them, such as which folder to store them in etc. It's a pretty simple process even for an old duffer like myself.
  18. Careful Ian. I seem to remember a couple of months ago that agreeing with Steve got one labelled a "fanboy". That made me laugh, I can't even remember boyhood.
  19. The fact that it is following along behind a "Dozer" might well indicate that it is a tractor, or recovery vehicle as suggested above.
  20. To the best of my knowledge you are not the person who used the phrase "campaigning to never improve anything", which is what I found a tad over the top, and cannot be considered a fair assessment of IanL's comments on this forum.
  21. Another way to get to grips with the game is through a host of youtube videos. Especially helpful are the "Armchair General" ones. They give you a great grounding in how to play it, using realistic tactics. There are also a wealth of videos dealing with battles and campaigns. Then once you feel that you are getting to grips with the game, you can go on to explore the vast range of mods that will make it even better.
  22. Yep, all the manuals are included in your download, And they make for pretty damn funky reading.
  23. I don't know if they are having technical difficulties or not. But nothing seems to happened there since the 6th Feb.
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