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Warts 'n' all

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Everything posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. I can't help thinking that if a person has time to moan about a game that hasn't actually been released, then they have far too much spare time on their hands.
  2. "Many things can be spotted ... " Not by my bloody troops they can't.
  3. Well BFC couldn't have called it Battle of the Bulge even if they'd wanted to. They'd have two CMBB's and we'd all get confused. So Final Blitzkrieg is alright with me.
  4. I have to concur with Pete Wenmam on his first choice. Indeed it is a mighty tome, and maybe beyond the budget of some. But worth every penny/cent .. delete as applicable.
  5. Yes, that bridge looks all too familiar. "Hard Knocks" lives up to it's name.
  6. There are youtube videos of the demos from Battle for Normandy, Red Thunder and Fortress Italy. All are helpful, and enjoyable viewing. When you first start playing the game you might take a lot of beatings, but that is all part of the learning process, so just stick at it. And enjoy it!
  7. " hired by the English" .... Hired by our despotic Hanoverian royals more like.
  8. I bet when Phil and Liz play CM they argue over who should plays as the Germans.
  9. I'm sorry, but it has nothing to do with our Conservative government in the 1980's (although they can be blamed for many things). It was moved to the nearest Sunday as far back as 1945. And has been broadcast live by the BBC since 1946.
  10. Their use does seem to be totally random, so I never plan on my troops actually being able to put them to good effect. Of course, the enemy AI does appear to get them on target more often... grrrr.
  11. Erwin, to be honest I've never heard that "The Road to Montebourg" campaign needed tweaking, although I am still running v2.12 so there might be a problem that I don't know about with v3. The maker of the current series of youtube videos "Owenerd123" is using the v3 upgrade and doesn't appear to have any technical problems. I think that most people have only had serious technical problems with the German "Kampfguppe Engel" campaign. My only prob with "Montebourg" is my rubbish tactics. Haha
  12. It is the second mission from "The Road to Montebourg" campaign.
  13. I think that you might be mixing these videos up with someone else's. Two different people have posted video series from this campaign. This current series has commentary on all of them. And I think the maker does a pretty good job of guiding the viewer through his actions.
  14. I'd tend to agree 100% with everything that Ian L says.
  15. Most of your questions have been dealt with in various threads over the years. And you can use "Search" to find any topic that you are interested in. And, you will find as wide a variety of answers as their are players of the game. So my answers are only my own opinion and not everyone will agree. 1. Yes, your troops will fire outside of an arc if they don't cower from the incoming fire. You will also from time to time notice that not all members of a "Squad" engage the same target. For example, if an enemy vehicle is being escorted by infantry some of your men will fire at the vehicle whilst some engage the infantry. 2. When attacking I use them as an extra scout team. Whilst playing as the defender I try and find a fairly well concealed spot for them in the hope that they will pick off enemy officers or tank commanders. 3. You can target an area as you describe. It might panic the enemy troops giving your infantry an easier target. And maybe, even kill or suppress enemy units near to those that your infantry have eye contact with.
  16. I know where Bohemia is, next door to Moravia. And, of course, Elizabeth Stuart was Queen of Bohemia. But, from the late 18th Century up into the 20th, the word "Bohemian" applied to people who lived a certain lifestyle, poets, artists, romantic dreamers etc Often being used to describe the residents of Paris' Latin Quarter, London's Soho, New York's Greenwich Village etc. Prussian Conservatives mockingly called Hitler "The Bohemian Corporal" cuz of his repeated failure to pass his entrance exams to the Vienna Academy.
  17. The word "Bohemian" was meant as an insult. A comment on the time he spent in Vienna before the first war. Not as a reference to where he lived once he'd moved to Germany.
  18. Following hard on the heels of the brilliant "1864", this certainly looks well worth watching.
  19. I try and mix things up a bit. Have one or two teams use short "Quick" moves and "Hide", whilst another "Hunt"s. Then repeat the process with the teams swapping roles. Hopefully the enemy MG will never actually be able to fire a really long burst at any of my troops, before I nail him, It doesn't always work, but it is about the best I've managed to come up with.
  20. I enjoyed Huzzar! Although that maybe because I won it playing both as the Allies and the Axis. When you're as rubbish as me you take all the wins you can get.
  21. You have a valid point about shrubs and other foliage. But, the "Heavy Forest" tile is really a representation of all the various things that block, or hinder movement in a dense woodland.
  22. Bulletpoint... You have to remember that in Normandy there was very little of what the French would call "Foret". i.e. hunting grounds which been cleared to a certain extent so that the upper classes could ride around at high speed in pursuit of their prey. What is called "forest" in the game is really dense unmanaged woodland full of fallen branches, bracken and even dead trees. Very unlike your picture.
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