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Warts 'n' all

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Everything posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. Is it the first round that they fired? They might not have wanted to take out the HE and have to reload with AP, or did they fire more than one round of HE?
  2. @c3k It turns out that the situation that you so perfectly described is from "Crossing the River" the first mission from the Hammers Flank" campaign, so even if it didn't help me with this battle, it will still come in handy when I start that campaign. @Splinty The arty in this battle is denied to ALL of the Russian officers at the start, as the OP said. Like him I was baffled because the AI called in artillery against me when I played as the Axis. I opened up the scenario designer and checked, and no FO was listed for the Russians, so I'm not sure how the AI calls it in. Anyway I just added an FO section and renamed the battle. Then gave Jerry a beating.. haha
  3. I have to second Baneman's suggestion. The Red Thunder demo is definitely the one to try if you plan on getting a feel for Final Blitzkrieg before it's own demo becomes available. Not only does it use the v3 engine, but it also gives you the opportunity to learn how to use both Stugs and Panthers in it's two scenarios.
  4. Very hard to tell from that picture. Is it possible that the Blitz's driver has picked up the Panzerfaust?
  5. That sounds similar to one of the battles that came with the "Bonus disc" included in my copy of Beyond Overlord. But,sadly I can't remember the name of the battle. Perhaps someone else knows and could help you.
  6. Baneman is certainly correct about field telephones in CMRT. So it should apply to this game as well. I don't tend to make use of my 2ic's very often. Normally I just keep them sat in their jeep out of harms way in case their boss gets himself killed.
  7. Normally they start missions on board a radio equipped jeep. It isn't very often that they don't, although that is down to the individual scenario designer. Even if they dismount from the jeep they should still be able to call in arty if they remain within voice contact of it's driver.
  8. I'm not sure if it would work, but have you tried combining the "Hide" with a target arc facing away from the casualty?
  9. It's those "How can you not see that?" moments that make this game so realistic, rather being a reason for wanting my money back. I've lost count of the amount of times I've ranted and raved at my men, only for my ravings to be followed by "Ah, right, that's why you couldn't see it".
  10. In the final mission the Germans do have more in the way of "regular" and "veteran" troops, but the Allies are well prepared for your attack.
  11. Hopefully, you'll do better than me. The Allies gave me a bloody nose both times I took it on.
  12. I've played this campaign twice, and have not had any problems with the bridges in it. They are two distinct maps.
  13. @ niall78.. I have to admit that by the end of the book I'd lost count of the amount of times Beevor had used the phrase "pozit fuses". It was almost as if he'd never heard of them before, and felt compelled to mention them as often as possible.
  14. Nice try, but sadly, it didn't work. There are three Russian set-up zones in this battle, two of which are empty, which seems strange in itself. The Reg't HQ arrives as a reinforcement but is still denied access to the 122mm arty. And there is no FO at all even if you run the mission through to the very end.
  15. I have only just bought Red Thunder, and yes, I've noticed exactly the same thing. I can't work out how this happens at all.
  16. I have the same problem as the OP.. The "Mod Tools" folder is marked as "empty", so perhaps my install went wrong as well. Looks like I should give RH's solution a try and see what happens.
  17. I switch from Normandy to The Netherlands fairly often. I've never disabled my building mods when playing MG battles/campaigns. As far as i can tell they don't adversely effect the Dutch style of buildings.
  18. Normally the way to deal with this kind of thing is to make sure that the squad halt for a minute or two. The run away should then rejoin his mates. Although you will probably find that the UI shows the squad as being "Tired" by the time he makes it back to them.
  19. Chack out the Armchair General videos on youtube. A great guide to CMBN and how it deals with realistic WW2 situations. When it comes to which battles or campaigns to play. When you go through the list each one will be marked, "Tiny". "Small" and so on up to "Huge". Then of course, you can always read the briefing and have a look at the set-up zones before you play any mission. There is a lot of variety and you'll probably find some that you enjoy more than others.
  20. Also, another good thing about the demos is that they give you the opportunity to play as either the attacker or defender. So give 'em a whirl and see if you enjoy the game.
  21. You might want to check with Bil Hardenberger either directly, or via the Allied AAR that he is running on the Final Blitzkrieg forum. I'm sure he'd be happy to tell you exactly how the new game is handling the M18.
  22. MOS... I suppose I'll have to give in eventually. Always seems to me that every upgrade is uglier to look at than the previous one. And is more complicated to use. Ho hum.
  23. I took a look at some of the screenshots from Final Blitzkrieg earlier on. It appears to me that there is an M18 in one picture that is using it's main gun without the mg being fired. I'll will have to take a closer look later to check if I am right. The M18 doesn't feature in too many scenarios in CW, so for me it is still worth the money.
  24. More than half-way down page 2 and no mention of the M18 so far.. We can't have that.
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