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Warts 'n' all

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Everything posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. I find it particularly annoying when a team trigger off a mine. And then 10, 20, or 30 seconds later the rest of the squad following on behind blunder into the same minefield, instead of stopping and cowering. I suppose that is one of the drawbacks of WEGO.
  2. Of these I've only played The Outlaws. It has great maps and a good story line to follow. Sadly it does fall away in the last couple of missions when the fictional Panzer IVs and even a Panther appear. It seems a shame to me that designers ignore the fact that none of these tanks were available to the Wehrmacht on the Cotentin Peninsula in June 44.
  3. I tend to find that if I halt the team/squad for one minute the runaway will return of his own accord. Of course depending how long it has taken to notice that he has gone walkabout will effect how long he takes to get back.
  4. Currently enjoying using them for The Outlaws campaign.
  5. These look great. Thanks for putting in the time and effort to create them.
  6. As far as I know it was Ian Leslie who produced these great looking mods for both the Axis and the Allied symbols.
  7. I've always liked the look of the German symbols since Avalon Hill used them for their massive Longest Day game. I use them when playing as the Axis in CMBN and use the NATO style for the Allies.
  8. I love the bit about the two guys both being from Dusseldorf. A nice personal touch.
  9. @ Banemman ... Being a Southern Softie I have to agree with you that Orkney 'Dark' is a gorgeous pint. On the rare occasions it turns up in my local offy I snap it up.
  10. They do look stunning. Thanks for posting them for us to enjoy.
  11. When I recently fought "The Mace" as the Germans I had trouble with my HMGs. Even with clear LOS and LOF they wouldn't open fire on a Bren Carrier at fairly close range. I tried letting them fire at will, tried "Target" and "Target Brief" without any joy. When I checked their status during each turn it would sometimes show them as "Moving", "Turning" and even "Aiming" once or twice, but would they fire? No way.. grrrrrr. In the end I just gave up.
  12. I ALWAYS turn my internet OFF when playing CM. I'm far too busy enjoying the game to bother with e-mails etc.
  13. I really enjoyed this. It is one of the best Combat Mission movies I've seen. I think that Darling Dickie would have loved Combat Mission, no irritating Hollywood agents to deal with.
  14. I think BFC have modeled the Norman countryside as well as they can. In fact, it is frustratingly good/bad depending on whether you are playing as the attacker, or defender. Visibility was at a premium, both for Tankers and AT gun crews. That is why panzerfausts and shrecks were so important. As an attacker I fume when my tanks can't find a target. Of course, as a defender I rub my hands with glee when a blind tank stops just a few yards in front of my panzerjager teams. Obviously, the high banked hedgerows of the bocage country didn't block all sight or movement, but with one vehicle equalling one action square it is very difficult for the game to replicate that moment when a tank broke up through the foliage and exposed it's belly to the enemy before it reached the point where it's weight took it downwards. And from what I have read, "that moment" was often long enough to cop a faust or shreck round in the belly.
  15. That is good point womble made about the front deck. Just take a look at one from a side on view.
  16. I've not seen Divisional insignia on the UI before, is that your own mod?
  17. Given the height of some of the foliage-topped earthern embankments within the bocage country, especially along the sunken lanes, it seems spot on that certain vehicles couldn't bring their guns to bear on a target. Moving in any closer to the hedge would have meant that their barrel would be pointing up in the air, and the belly of the vehicle would be providing a nice juicy target for the enemy.
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