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Warts 'n' all

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Everything posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. It feels like I'm getting browbeaten to go over to Win 10 every time I turn on my comp. It certainly is a PITA.
  2. I have noticed that "cowering" troops can take a couple of minutes to "pop smoke". It can be frustrating, but who wants to get a bullet in the head just so that they can throw a smoke grenade? Admittedly the last time I saw that behaviour I was playing as the Italians.
  3. Sound advice there SLIM about not getting too close. But, hopefully this defect will get sorted at some stage in the future. I wonder if the guys testing CMFB have encountered the same problem with the Hellcat.
  4. Weapon's advice about changing the facing before throwing the smoke grenade is the best option. But as he quite rightly says it doesn't work under all conditions.For example, if your men are already taking fire and are cowering then they might ignore your orders. So as Domfluff says think about how, or if, you are going to use smoke before you get into trouble not, afterwards.
  5. We know that. What we are talking about is why in the case of the Hellcat does the game override the safety of the guy firing the .50cal? When it doesn't do it with other AFVs.
  6. @ weapon2010... Yes, I think you have hit the nail on the head. They all have rear mounted MGs. I'm wondering if in the case of the Hellcat the game's mechanics are treating the forward firing .50 cal in the same way as it would treat a co-ax or bow mg. The safety of whoever is firing it gets ignored. I can't think of any other reason for this behaviour.
  7. This certainly does appear to be a bug. I've tried "Target", "Target Brief", and "Target Light" and "Rambo" always starts to blaze away with the .50 cal. I have never had this problem with the M10, or the British Wolverines and Achilles. Just seems to be the Hellcat.
  8. Apart from the sound advice of not getting too close. Have your Renaults "Target Brief" any sound contact they have. If the enemy try to run it's canister time.
  9. Personally I'm looking forward to the "Antipodean" analysis of this game on youtube. Not that I'm telling anyone what kind of videos to make you understand.
  10. Perhaps a certain someone could start his own company TRLSoftware.
  11. I got this book for Christmas and am getting through it fairly quickly. That might not be an indication of it's quality, it could just be an indication of the amount of alcohol in my system over the festive period. Once I finish it I'll certainly be dusting off Charles MacDonald's "Definitive Account", which I haven't read in well over 20 years.
  12. @ Sequoia ... Yes, they would have had WL plates. (As kohlenklau has helpfully illustrated above) And I think that you are correct about having to mod every vehicle. It would mean a hell of a lot of work.
  13. As far as I know, no one has yet. Obviously I could have overlooked it in the Repository and during my visits to greenasjade, but I don't think so.
  14. it would be nice if at sometime in the future, (and I mean the future, not tomorrow) if we could have "SS" number plates for SS vehicles, although I suspect that is far less straight forward than it sounds. In the meantime i look forward to having more of my troops slaughtered in their new uniforms.
  15. Thanks for all the info.... Front page of the manual looks Pretty Damn Funky to me. I know that my alto ego wouldn't approve, but I hope everyone at BFC and all fellow players have a great Christmas. Spike aka Warts 'n' all
  16. That is really interesting to know. It would seem that in all the battles and campaigns that I've played I've only ever had "Regular" Engineers.
  17. I wouldn't have fancied taking that photo if Jerry has been around.
  18. Good suggestions c3k... But, I have to say "Nah" twice.. They won't want to create another title with the initials CMFB for fear of confusing us lot.
  19. There is also an alternative method if you are playing WEGO. If you give your Engineers a 45 second pause, they will blast through right at the end of that minute. Then during the next Command phase you can just cancel their movement so that they don't run through the gap. But, be careful if you try the same method with Paratroopers. They take longer to set their charges, so give them a 30 second pause.
  20. I'd like to thank the BFC Bashers for changing my mind about this game. This time last week I wasn't planning on buying it. But, I am now.
  21. Could you imagine having to create a skin for the Volkssturm? Wrinkles, little wire rimmed glasses, grey hair and taches etc
  22. I think Steve has very politely explained BFC's position regarding CMFB. We the customer are now left to decide whether we want to buy it or not. I would just like to offer him one piece of advice, forget World Peace it ain't gonna sell, mate.
  23. Having been accused of being abusive, both by someone in a previous post, and by someone else in private. All I say is, you should have seen the way me and the boys dealt with Charles Stuart back in 1649. Now, that was abuse! Exits stage right ------------------------------------------------------------------------> Tongue stuck firmly in cheek.
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