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Warts 'n' all

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Everything posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. My apologies Jock, I didn't know that you were talking about H2H play. I only play against the AI. Obviously in your case you would have to reach a "Gentleman's agreement" in the same way that some players agree on whether to allow preliminary bombardments etc.
  2. To the good Captain, I prefer period music myself. But, that is one of the beauties of being able to mod the game, we all have different tastes, and ways to immerse ourselves in the game.
  3. @ Jock Tamson.... Surely you could do that yourself. Just don't scroll all over the map during the replay phase.
  4. I suppose it is a case of swings and roundabouts. Frustrating when playing a stand-alone battle as the defender, a blessed relief when playing a campaign as the attacker when your forces have been depleted in previous missions.
  5. Just a shame that the final mission in this series contains a foul mouthed rant aimed at B.F.C. which I will not repeat in case there are younger forumites reading.
  6. It is a case of trial and error. Although luckily for me none of my men have gotten their heads shot off whilst peeking. I tend not to give them "Face" commands, just move them up to a building and let them get on with it.
  7. I have also noticed what Macisle said about having some men stay out in the street when they arrive at a building. At first I just gave the squad a "Face" command in the hope that they would then all move indoors. I'll have to try his tips in future.
  8. It is frustrating when it happens but Holman is spot on as to why it occurs in CMx2.. Just an historical aside, "A Muddy Affair" takes place in the autumn on the Franco-German border, rather than in Belgium.
  9. I have six music mods for CMFB all using .wav files with no problem. Have you checked the name of your new file?
  10. Molotov Cocktails did feature in CM Barbarossa to Berlin. I loved 'em even if they weren't all that effective.
  11. Also, you could cheer yourself up by playing it as the Axis.
  12. You could try a reproduction print of the old Michelin maps of Normandy.
  13. Use a program such as "7-zip" or "bitser". They are plenty of such to choose from, just do a search along the lines of "unzipping folders".
  14. Let me think, who do I want running BFC, Steve and the boys in the band, who treat us as fellow gamers, or the self opinionated "leonardus", who tells us what we want? No contest really.
  15. "We are forced"... I don't remember Steve flying across the Atlantic and putting a gun to my head yelling "Buy my game you Limey SOB".
  16. The fact that there are different schools of thought as to how to use arty in CMx2 is one of the joys of the game. For example, some players leave their TRPs exactly where they find them, whilst others might spend a large part of the "Set-up Phase" shifting them around the map so that they are just right for their own needs. And it is the same with pre-planned arty missions. Some prefer to wait until their scouts, FOs and HQs have identified targets. But, I for one love pre-planned missions along my route of advance. It doesn't always turn out for the best, just a case of trial and error.
  17. Oh, yes. I just like that one from Jan '45 in particular because of the snow covered trees, and the fact that it ties in with the time period that CMFB covers.
  18. And indeed, there is a photo of Sherman VC Fireflys doing just that on the banks of the River Ourthe in the Ardennes on 4th January '45.
  19. I tried a little test using the Baraque de Fraiture battle playing as the Axis. A single team given a "Quick" order down the road and passing "through" the cleared mine marker would come off of the road and swerve around the marker, before going back onto the road. But when I put a waypoint bang on the marker they would run straight down the road no problem.
  20. Great picture. I think that the only time I have seen this in game myself was in the Red Thunder battle "Studienka".
  21. I've been called many things in my time, but never a "cognisant grognard". I'll have to remember that one.
  22. A great place for a walk. And there's a really nice local's boozer in Plancenoit, a great place for lunch away from the tourist traps at the Lion's Mound.
  23. If Mama Cass said "the darkest hour is just before dawn". Then who am I to argue? Younger forumites might want to ask their grandparents about that one.
  24. I'm another big fan of the portrait mods... It would certainly be nice to have them updated to take into the account the divisions that weren't in Normandy or The Netherlands from June to September.
  25. Yes you're right, that is the one I meant. I didn't actually know that it has not got any new features. I just knew that it isn't playable using the old v.3 engine
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