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Warts 'n' all

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Everything posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. It is certainly a battle I will take another crack at once I've gotten through all the others that I want to play.
  2. You have my sympathy. The best I could manage was a high casualty "Draw"
  3. "This is John Snagge reporting for the B.B.C. I am not allowed to disclose my exact location, only to say that I am close to the Belgian-Dutch border. Before me I can see long lines of British Infantry advancing into the distance accompanied by Sherman tanks. I am also at liberty to report that I have seen dead and wounded German troops lying on the ground over which our troops advance."
  4. I look forward to losing it in my usual manner sometime soon.
  5. It sounds like an interesting campaign. But please edit your description. Normandy is not a "peninsula", and the Sherwoods advanced roughly from north to south, not "across" Normandy in June '44.
  6. I seem to remember a documentary about celebrities who had done National Service, and one of them possibly Frank Bough rearranged some poor local's house with his tank.
  7. I admire anyone who gets as far as "Turning the Tide". My campaign only got as far as "Badlands", and I think that is where Proambulator's youtube series came to an end as well.
  8. As a geriatric punk I'm used to being regarded as a "bit strange".
  9. As far as I know Paddy and his mates slogged their guts through the Reichswald. Crossed the Maas, the Waal, and the Rhein. Liberated Holland, Drenthe, Gelderland and Friesland. And then took Bremen, and Hamburg. Not what I'd call heading back home.
  10. Oh, no it's not weird at all. That is one of the beauties of this game, the fact we all have our own approaches to it. Win, lose or draw, I still feel like I'm getting great value and enjoyment from the game. Anyway, hopefully someone who is better than me at CMx2 will be along soon to give you a few tips on this particular mission.
  11. Sgt. Fitzsimmons pokes his podgy finger at the map. "Field Marshall, where in God's heaven is South Beveland? Is it anywheres near Zuid Beveland?" Monty :- "You really don't need to bother yourself with things like that, Fitzsimmons" Sgt F:- "Like feck I don't. John Martins here in Antwerp do a nice drop of 8% Guinness. I'll be jiggered if I'm gonna upsticks to somewheres where I canna get meself a decent drop of the black stuff." Monty:- "You Catholics. You should be teetotal like me and my fellow Anglicans". Sgt F:- "Teetotal, me arse. If it wasn't for me slipping Rommel a Mickey Finn in his lager, we'd still be stuck in the sand. And for the last time, will yers tell these here people to stop keep calling me a fecking Brit".
  12. Great mod. They look like they are just out for a stroll, waiting to get shot.
  13. Why not just take your defeat on the chin and try again another time. I never replay missions in the hope of progressing in a campaign. I record my defeat, and move on to another campaign or stand alone battle.
  14. @IanL .. Thanks for your explanation. It is always helpful to find out why something is actually happening.
  15. Someone might know different, I've always thought that an AT Gun crew remain "Rattled" for the rest of the battle, and that might be the reason why they can never re-man the gun.
  16. That is certainly a good looking shot. Thanks for sharing it with us.
  17. I have to concur with M.E. I've always thought that the main problem with mounting and breaking through earthen banked hedgerows within the bocage country came from exposing the tank's belly before it reached tipping point.
  18. For me The War of Intervention a.k.a. The Russian Civil War would be a would waste of BFCs resources. Lets wait until CMx2 covers the time periods that CMx1 covered before we make anymore unrealistic demands on Steve and the other boys in the band.
  19. For mortars, "Target Light" is in effect a "use a slow rate of fire" command. IanL is perfectly correct it is a very good way to preserve ammo whilst sustaining fire to keep the enemy suppressed.
  20. Finally get my broadband up and running two days after moving home. Thanks to Erwin for his answer to Mossers question.
  21. I live in part of Kent stolen by the G.L.C. in the sixties and have been here since 2000. But in four hours time I'll be, in the words of Shorty and The Weird One "Homeward Bound". Ah hang on, four hours, I'd best get this computer packed up and ready to go.
  22. Ah, my display picture is a piece of self-mockery. I don't share Cromwell's skill as a general. Although he asked to be painted "warts and everything" it has gone down in history as the "Warts and all" portrait, a good reflection on my skill at CMx2, full of unsightly mistakes.
  23. Enjoy your viewing. I do sometimes tease him about toggling the trees and not playing on Iron. But that is just me being a glutton for punishment.
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