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Everything posted by mjkerner

  1. By the way, Thanks John, that was a great link.
  2. ^^^ This is basically the way I approach it, too. Tank Hunter...that's an impressive approach, but I'm too lazy to go that far!
  3. I'm using your T34-76 and am looking forward to these as companions. By the way, are you planning on finishing the other 76's?
  4. "smod_german_helmet-soldier" You always need the unnumbered one, but if a texture mod doesn't have one, the game should just go to the default one. Actually, because I like the default German helmets, I started numbering your mod with number 9 (or 8, can't remember how many default helmets there are, atm).
  5. Guilty! But it is a good answer if you had a PC.
  6. C:/Documents/Battlefront/Combat mission/CMRed Thunder, Michael---assuming you have Windows 7 or 8 (not sure, but IIRC, Windows XP requires you to hit the "compatibility" button when you are in the drive's folders in order for the folders to display.)
  7. About the number "1"... It may not show in game, but that is how German helmets are numbered in the default 100A brz file (smod_german_helmet-soldier 1), so that's how I numbered mine. I get way more than 4 helmets showing at a time, so I don't know what to tell you about that.
  8. Yes, number them consecutively. Unlike many other textures, helmets don't skip the number "1" so start with that and have at it, consecutively. I've had up to 30 in MG.
  9. Time to start over, Bram. Unzip Juju's zip file, put it wherever you keep your mod files outside of the game (I keep all mod files in a separate folder on a completely different drive than the one where CM games are located; some people just put them on their desktop--whatever), then take the folder named "Juju's Red Thunder UI v1" from the unzipped juju file (forget the option folders for now) copy it, and find the "second place" where CM keeps the "User Data" and "Game Files" folders. (The main game folder with the exe button and basic brz files, etc., is located in Local disk\C\Program Files (x86)\Battlefront\Combat Mission Red Thunder---BFC does this because of the way the newer Microsoft Windows works. But forget that place for now.) So anyway, on my computer, and probably on most, this second place where game stuff is located is here: Libraries\Documents\Battlefront\Combat Mission\Red Thunder. Click on the Red Thunder folder, and you'll see the User Data and Game Files folders. Click on the User Data one, and you'll see a "Mod" folder. Put the juju UI folder in there. Voila!, it should work fine. People don't need a Z folder ever since, I think, Gustav Line came out, but some like to have one any way. But this default Mod folder works just fine. You may still have a need to put "zzzzz's" in front of the name of a mod, for example "zzzzzJuju's Red Thunder UI v1", but you will only need to do that if you have two similar mods in the Mod folder, and only want the game to use a particular one. (In those cases, though, I just take out the one I don't want the game to pick. But, to each their own.) so then, if you want to use an option or options, do the same thing...copy the folder (or the individual file) you want from the unzipped juju's mod, and put it inside the Mod folder as above. You don't need to add zzzzz's, and you don't have to even put it inside the juju UI folder you already have in the Mod folder. Easy peasy, my friend and co-combatant!
  10. Lol, that had me spitting out my coffee! Spot on; it's always a Battle Royale. Edit: the thumbs down symbol on this post must be from my clumsy fingers...I would have given Yekkies' post a thumbs up if I was trying to add an icon.
  11. Juju's UI mod (among others) gives you various options to replace that HQ silly-hoot.
  12. I think that's an M.C. Escher muzzle brake.
  13. I believe that one was made by MikeyD. I have it if you can't find it, or need it in less than 3 hours.
  14. Chuck Norris killed 753 just by staring at them.
  15. Felix, I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill...Ken.
  16. Yes, Dad. Geeeez. <mumbles under breath....>
  17. You can also put them in the Mod folder in (your main drive)/Documents/Battlefront/Combat mission/Red Thunder/User Data folder.
  18. No Ken, that is not your screen! You must have stole it from someone else. Only 18 dead, 25 wounded...no way! The 9 tanks, maybe, but no, not yours. No.
  19. Keep them coming, z1812. I like the variation from Aris' mods. I intend to switch between yours and his at random. It's nice to have choices!
  20. I assume it stands for Wehrmacht as well. It was introduced in MG, IIRC, to distinguish between the new German units, like the Kriegsmarine and FJ's.
  21. Hey EZ, at least some of the bump mapping problem was fixed in RT (no more vehicle bumps on roofs). I read somewhere in and amongst the RT threads that the shaders problem arises when there is no normal map for the mod...at least that is how I understood it. I hope you will continue modding; I always loved your stuff. The best uniforms out there!
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