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Everything posted by mjkerner

  1. Okay, this is not tested, only passing observation, but it seems to me, if I Hide the guys doing the buddy aid, they will be treated as prone, even though the animation shows them kneeling. I was upset at times when my guys would do the buddy aid thing in clear sight of the enemy, so I started putting them on hide as soon as possible. Also, when I deliberately want to send them to give aid, I have them Slow/crawl to the person, and make sure they have Hide orders. Seems to work. I've had guys buddy aid within 2 or 3 Action Squares from the enemy (but usually behind cover or concealment), and they are neither spotted nor fired on...usually.
  2. Nelson, i'm only on Turn 2, but no problems. It took no longer at saving or loading as any other large RT scenario.
  3. Nelson, need any more playtesters? I would like to give it a shot.
  4. Phil, is the wire perpendicular to the team's Blast path, or at an angle? Just wondering if that was throwing the team off.
  5. Same question here....not sure which ones to install to cover all the buildings you modded.
  6. Far out, man! I can dig it, like, waaaay waaaay down. You carryin' any stash, Bro?
  7. This table will help. http://combatmission.wikia.com/wiki/German_Artillery_Delivery_Times
  8. I was gonna say that I think this thread just Jumped the Shark, but then I remembered that it started out that way.
  9. Thanks, Oddball! Nice and convenient. What is you YouTube channel, and does it have CM-related stuff?
  10. H1nd, I'll give it a try (by Hot Seat, probably). I've had up to 7 battalions (5 Russian, 2 German, plus about 40 AFVs) in some homemade scenarios, with no problems during play, just long loading and save times. Can't say how quickly I can finish it, though.
  11. My take-away from all this is that I don't want to be hit by a bullet. Check.
  12. You can Hot Seat it as well. Same loading turn time problem Pandur mentioned, but one less comp to deal with.
  13. Here it is: http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods?author_id=356&game_type=7
  14. Mad Mike's Scenario/Campaign Organizer. It's at CMMODS, probably the Repository too, Pandur.
  15. I resemble that remark! I'll finish tomorrow, I promise. (again)
  16. He reminds me of Sheldon Cooper...without the humor. Gotta love his smarts, though. Don't ban; Bletchley and the others he disses can handle him.
  17. Well played, sir! And in tune with your name...
  18. I think your memory is correct, MikeyD. I recall that it was specifically stated in one of the threads on the testing forum. But then again, my memory ain't what it used to be. What were we discussing?
  19. Same as PanzerMike for me, Broadsword...one level.
  20. Thanks Fizou. No, not yet. It's a cut-down from the Radzymin (sp?) master map, but I did make many, many major changes to it, in addition to the trenching stuff. I'm on turn 54 of my first playtest on the scenario, and it is working out surprising well. The battle ebbs and flows through the village and the flanking small hamlet (not shown in the pics) and "The Factory". I need to rework some of the map, though, since the Factory on the left flank is too far away with little more than a few gullies to withdraw through to reach the main town. I lost every single man that started there--2 complete platoons, and more than a half dozens teams (MG's and snipers, etc.)--they just couldn't withdraw in any semblance of order with no real cover. They stayed and died instead. I'll release the map when I have made the changes, even before I finish the scenario. Btw, anyone interested in testing it?
  21. PS, I think dirt path might work. I didn't take any shots with troops in these trenches, but in most of them, they pretty much are covered to ground level when they are fighhting.
  22. Phil, I did the same thing for a huge scenario I built with Germans defending a large village...nearly 5 Soviet battalions plus armor attacking a battalion(+) of dug-in Germans. Lots of trenches and sand bag walls, etc. I think, though, that too deep doesn't look quite right, and of course troops in them have a very limited LOS. I used the ditch-lock feature for placing most of the trenches, as well as using it for simple slit trenches.
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