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Everything posted by mjkerner

  1. It's covered in the manual, but you'll see a drop down menu for it when you start adding AI orders.
  2. Jeffro (I remembered!), I copied the hotkey doc from the install directory...leaving the original there...to the Document Data folder. But that folder didn't have one it; at least, I didn't notice one and I wasn't prompted to override one. I had uninstalled both CMMG and CMFI/GL in order to do RT testing, so the only folder I have in the Documents folder is CMRT. Maybe the hotkey doc in your Documents folder(s) is from one of those games?? My Spacebar does pull up the commands when in standard mode, but I forgot to check it with RTS/FPS modes. Back to the drawing board!
  3. AI triggers, even though pretty simple at this point, work great! For example, BFC Steve made a scenario where the Soviets have to move through a village and take a bridge on the other side (how quickly we forget...I can't remember the name). He said he set up the Germans with rolling AI triggers, one unit keying off the rest after the first one moves back when the Soviets get to a certain area. It really felt like the Germans were reacting to my advance in a believable, relatively orderly retreat. Scenario builders will no doubt be very happy with triggers.
  4. I read the fix in the Tech Support thread...but, I only had to move the hotkey text doc (from x86/RT/Data folder) to the "Documents" CMRT folder, and the WASD keys worked in RTS and FPS. So maybe you don't need to move the whole RT folder over. Oh, when in RTS forward/back/left/right would only work properly if the cursor was in the center of the screen. But the cool thing was that with any of those keys pressed, the camera would move whatever direction I moved the cursor. Is that how it's opposed to work? Very cool regardless! Oh, and right click in standard mode still does nothing.
  5. Oddball, your untiring efforts to mod the game sounds is not lost on us. They are maddening to figure out, and props to you for working on them! Can't wait for your mod, as usual!
  6. For me, the right click to get commands onscreen only works in FPR or RTS view modes, but not in standard mode. Will continue to experiment.
  7. bS56, you know I want a copy! Pretty please? Your hard work Op-Tac for the various CMx2 games is very much appreciated, even though I haven't been able to participate in the past. Hopefully with this iteration. Did I say pretty please? I meant pretty please with sugar on top! Cheers! mjk
  8. Yes, a must for modding. I keep them on a separate drive.
  9. The latter one, Jethro. Loved you in the Beverly Hillbillies! ;-)
  10. MikeyD, there was a report filed. It was noted in one of the tester threads as well. Hopefully, fixed by the next patch. Canada Guy, you get used to it.
  11. Don't know if it's historical or what, but an HQ...probably the 2nd Co... plus the HTs for one squad...2nd Co as well? ( though there was some discussion about crowding the set up zones when the reinforcements arrived, so maybe that was changed too) comes on in 5 minute intervals with other reinforcements, as Vanir pointed out. It has been a few weeks since I played it...Oldtimers Disease, I guess.
  12. These change the way your mouse/keyboard controls function, near as I could tell. Also, when in RTS and FPS, if you right click on a unit, the various commands pop up onscreen.
  13. Erwin, i fired it up and checked the first turn out. I played an earlier version, but there are reinforcements arriving, so they should show up eventually, IIRC. Certainly the 4th Co HQ will. How many turns are you into the first battle?
  14. Actually, I'm glad RT is out so I can quit playing it for a bit! I had to uninstall MG and GL because my comp couldn't handle RT testing with those others installled. I ended up playing RT twice as much as I would normally play trying to keep up with the new builds as they came out. I have many unplayed scenarios and campaigns from MG and GL, plus some mods, that I want to get back too!
  15. Blunting the Spear, correct? I'm on the third mission but didn't notice anything strange in the first mission. As a matter of fact, last night my 4th Ko HQ got wasted when I forgot i had loaded it on a Panzer IV to move it through a village, and some Russky infantry shot off! It's possible they come in as reinforcements, just can't recall. (I am not sure if I'm playing the very last version or not, though.) Great campaign, btw.
  16. Hey, no fair, that's an RPG-43 AT grenade, ain't it?
  17. Two German 88mm Flak through and through: And just because I love playing with these guys... Oh, and in Campaigns, hit decals carryover from one scenario to the next!
  18. I'll start, since I've been dying to show the various hit decal goodness that the folks at BFC have come up with: Russian ATR hits: German 50mm ATG-150mm Heat round: German AT Rifle Grenade: Panzerfaust: Panzerschreck: More to come....
  19. When I was board gaming a lot back in the day, I played Eastern Front games about 90% of the time. Don't exactly know why. Not so with CM, I will play ETO and MTO just as much. Like Ithikial, I much prefer the earlier years on the Eastern Front. Summer '42 - Summer '43 is the sweet spot for me.
  20. Heh-heh...I'm in category (i), and am WEGO-er. The funny thing is, I played CMSF exclusively in RT, and IIRC, the UI was more of a problem. I really hated WEGO back then, but with the WWII releases, I just needed my turn-by-turn War Movie fix. Now I couldn't go back.
  21. You probably know this, but just in case, mortars can "see" a bit beyond blocking terrain, so linear targeting along the hedgerow will get rounds behind it. And with tanks, main gun fire seems to mostly be a waste, unless you do like Baneman says and get lucky with a round through the hedge or an opening...they generally just 'slpode against the berm to little effect. Try Target Light and their MG's will at least do a decent job of suppressing those guys on the other side.
  22. First, MG 2.0 interrupted me, then I was lucky enough to become a scenario tester for CMRT, so I'm way behind on this and other mods I'd been working on. Truthfully, I'm burned out on Red Thunder (I know, poor, poor pitiful me!), so once it's released, I'll be looking to finish up this mod. There will be a problem, though, since there are no Arabic, or even French, voices mods to go with these guys. Or maybe some Frenchman has done such a mod for, say, the Free French?
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