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Everything posted by mjkerner

  1. You had sphincter muscles?! Why, in my day, we had to stitch rubber bands to our butts...
  2. Yes, I don't think the old baking system has never been in CMx2 WWII.
  3. I see the Germans are using Saferight's helmet mod! Thanks for the link, Jorge.
  4. I love 'em, as much for their looks as anything. They seem to do a good job suppressing troops in fortifications, but that maybe observational bias. Still like them, regardless. Not unlike Oddball loving his new Tiger I, while Moriarity, the mechanic, hated it!
  5. Damn, now I have to pick and choose between this and Oddball's mods! They're both excellent, so I guess I'm going to have to simply keep swapping them in and out..maybe once a week. It's such a burden to have a wealth of riches!
  6. I just noticed while finishing Panzermike's Trainspotting scenario that a Touch objective's green painted area (with Obejctives toggled "On") disappear when your pixeltruppen reach it. Is that new, or have I been horribly unobservant all these years?
  7. sburke is right, Triggers are tied to AI orders (either tied to an AI order your side initiates, or to a "painted" terrain area that the enemy moves into), and therefore involve movement by one side or the other. I suppose a person could paint the Trigger Order zone in the same location as the unit's set up zone--so the AT guns don't actually move--and have the order for that trigger be a change of the Ambush range. Why someone would want do that though, is hard imagine. EDIT: Never mind, Pete's the expert, I'm a slow typer, and pics are worth 1000 words.
  8. PanzerMike, Sorry I was late with my final comments from testing. I had hoped to finish it Monday, but finally did last night, and will just say here that the surprises as I advanced were fun and made for an excellent challenge. It's well worth a spin, everybody!
  9. As I mentioned above, I thought it was mainly due to triggers. It might just be observation bias, but now that I've been watching things more closely, there really does seem to be more intelligent Tac AI moves by my own guys as well as the enemy's.
  10. John, I really like that mod, especially because it is lightly weathered--not too ditrty, not too pristine. Releasing soon?
  11. I believe Mark Ezra, QB mapmaker, said he used AI triggers in some (most?) (all?) of the maps, which would also explain better, more realistic behavior. Either way, things are just getting better!
  12. Waterfall? What upgrade package do I have to pay for to get that?
  13. Hmm, memories. About 30-35 years ago I was watching some WWII movie set in the ETO with my Dad (well, I was watching, he was mostly napping) and the typical all-American dogface squad was performing something akin to walking fire toward a German position. I asked him if he ever did anything like that (he was a BAR gunner/27 Div/PTO), 'cause it seemed both dangerous and fairly stupid. "Ehhh, once or twice, when we were pretty sure there were no Japs* around." I don't know if he was BS-ing me or what. *sorry, he was not a big fan of the Japanese
  14. Yeah, that's all cool stuff, but where are the friggin Health meters in this game?!!?
  15. Thanks once again, Mad Mike. Great as always!
  16. Oh, I meant when I get home to my comp I can deliver trees. (No houses, though.) As for Domination, no, I'll have to pass on it.
  17. Marc, I have't really encountered the problem, at least nowhere near the frequency you have been, but as for a workaround, don't armor cover arcs stop them from popping up (at least against MGs or infantry far away)?
  18. Will do, Dutch, but later today when I get to my computer. I thought about the Domination campaign, but I have too many irons in the fire at the moment.
  19. Lol, isn't that what I said on the previous page? Btw, I have folders in MG labeled high as ZZZZZZ.
  20. I think the Magnum guy looks more like James Franco in Mo-vember.
  21. Hey DG, how's it going? Yes, they can be. I put trees from CMSF in both GL and MG. It's a quick name change. Houses are a bit different, since there are so many parts to each, and one from CMSF or GL might not fit together properly. You could mod the existing ones, of course. For RT, you could maybe use they flat roofed ones from MG, although I think it would be a lot of work.
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