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Everything posted by mjkerner

  1. Hard to disagree with that statement. But thankfully, at 60 and happily married, I don't have to chase skirts and instead can get down to the real meaning of life...Combat Mission!
  2. Thanks Steve, and Pete and Mike! And Erwin, as you can see from Steve's post, yes.
  3. Saferight, have you tested to see if the game have more than one of each type? Vanilla game files don't show multiples (no consecutively numbered ones like is standard with uniforms)...I was gonna check it out, but thought you might have already done so. The reason I ask, of course, is because it is so hard to choose which of yours to use.
  4. Erwin, triggers cannot be used to bring reinforcements onto the board. And in head to head, there's no AI (well, except the TAC AI, of course), so no triggers.
  5. Ah, didn't realize this. So in this case, the unit would move anytime between 0:00 and 38:00 randomly, on a whim, so to speak? That could still be useful, say if you are the Germans defending and you want to simulate an uncoordinated attack by a many-units Soviet force.
  6. They are in the editor. Don't know why they would be restricted in QBS Assaults, even though generally not used by the assaulting side, I would guess.
  7. When I first saw this, I thought it was a grenade bundle, until I zoomed in on it. From the Screenshot thread:
  8. Once one side uses, the other sides uses. Sort of a mini Mass Assured Destruction.
  9. In the earlier games and in RT, it "seems" that poorer-rated troops take longer to Buddy-aid. Don't know if that is actually. The case, but I have noticed the difference even between squads that have different experience levels even within the same platoon.
  10. Thanks AKD. But before I saw your response, I looked around, and found a hotkeys file in both the Documents/Battlefront/CM/Red Thunder folder (that's where I put Phil's new hotkeys text file, overriding one that was already located there), and in the Documents/Battlefront/CM/Red Thunder/User Data folder as well. I deleted the latter one, left Phil's new file in Documents/Battlefront/CM/Red Thunder, and everything--Spacebar and key commands--appears to be working in all 3 modes. Apparently it's not critical to have it in the User Data folder? I'm leaving things as is for the time being, since all is well.
  11. I'm surprised no one's brought up Church-y goodness yet!
  12. Looking good, Saferight! But I was hoping you'd be doing some helmets.
  13. POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT!! Good point MikeyD. When I was playing Steve's scenario, one of the first I tested, I had completely forgot that triggers were in the game. It was only after the Germans hit me with a counterattack in my flank at just the right (well, wrong actually) time that I thought "oh wow, I forgot about triggers...I bet these guys are acting off triggered AI orders?" But I'm not sure that "playing the AI" will be much of a problem. People want to be gamey, then they will be. I get the sense, though, that the vast majority of players, or at least those on these forums, like to plat the tactical situation. Now, I find myself constantly worried that the scenario designer used triggers, and that will mean a surprise is coming, but when, where and how? A triggered response could come practically anywhere, any time, and since they can trigger off both orders and terrain, it simply isn't worth it to try to guess. Better to just play the tactical situation, as you suggest, but with even more caution than usual. In fact, I find that I am playing more like I do against human opponents...scout, scout, scout, then scout again, before I move out the bulk of my troops. Because now, it's not the designer trying to guess my timing. The enemy's movements are baked into where I go or what the AI's orders are, or both. Great times ahead!
  14. The good news is that I convinced my honey that CMRT, atm, was much more crucial than the need to eat! Bad news, at least from my perspective, here is what I posted in the Tech Support thread: "Phil I tried it...no dice. PC, Windows 7, AMD processor. Overrode hotkeys file in Documents\Battlefront\Combat Mission\Red Thunder\User Data (I had copied the one from x86 base gamer folder) and restarted the game. In both FPS and RTS, they do not work. And in both modes, Spacebar changes the view as if I am hitting the numbers...goes way up and looks down on the map. Higher with each hit of the bar. Also, in both modes, right-clicking does nothing at all anymore. When I had originally moved the base game hotkey to the Documents folder, the keys did work. I did not think to test the controls before overriding with the new hotkey text file...so for all I know, maybe just restarting the game caused the problem." So now, I'm thoruoghly confused!
  15. Cool! Now, if only I could get the right click to show commands in standard mode....
  16. No, apparently not, unless they have lower morale/experience.. It would be nice if they would when stationary, but then again...how much fire? To me, taking fire shouldn't necessarily trigger a jump off, but taking one or two casualties should.
  17. I know squat about it, except that Jumping off is tied to the morale and (I think) experience levels of the troops. Quite a discussion about it in the test forum, where it was pointed out that without doing that, one bullet directed at them could cause them to drop off...not necessarily what you'd want in many situations....like most things CM, a trade off was necessary. Maybe some sort of option command like "jump off if 1/2/3 whatever" guys get hit. But I'm sure the programmers would pull their hair out about that!
  18. OK, I was correct...off to the store in a minute. But, check out the thread about keys not working in the Tech Support forum. Looks like the problem is with making changes in the Game Options screen....the game appears to not be reading the hockey's text file correctly....or sumfink.
  19. I use Photobucket...free and adequate enough, and you can do rudimentary editing as well. Works pretty good.
  20. Forgot to add that it really gets the juices flowing when the AI reacts like that. Big step forward, IMHO!
  21. They seem to be sorting out the problem in the thread about keys not working in the Tech Support forum. Looks like at least part of the problem is when changes are made in-game with the Options screen.
  22. What, intentionally break it? You are mad, I tell you, MAD! Okay, I'll try that out. Give me a bit...wife is calling and I think it's my turn to go to the grocery store.:mad:
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