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Everything posted by mjkerner

  1. I understand movies are for entertainment, and we can't expect a lot of historical from war movies out of Hollywood, but here are two that I wish more filmmakers would emulate: Flags of Our Fathers Black Hawk Down No chicks, good acting, excellent story well-told, realistic, faithful to the real story, big(ger) picture of events/battles, etc. I know it's gonna bug me if the subplots involve women and are cliches or just done badly, and I am tired of the one-lone-squad/tank/airplane-fighting-an-army trope, but I intend to see Fury next week anyway.
  2. Pretty sure the squares correspond (left to right) to the sections of the squad as shown in the UI, left to right/1-2-3.
  3. That book you're thinking of was a bloody discharge! I think it was titled "Mein Kramps". My wife reads it often...about once a month! (Rimshot) Thank you Ladies and Germs! I'll be playing the Catskills all Winter.
  4. I always add 6 months to BFC's projections; they get over-optimistic at times. But are they really that far off the June 2012 predictions? Since then we've had Fortress Italy, Gustav Line, Market Garden, Red Thunder, and the 3.0 upgrade for BN/CW/MG. And, the RT patch and Black Sea are both imminent (maybe before Christmas...hard to say). All in all, looks like #1 and #2 targets were hit, and #3 sort of if you consider Black Sea in place of SF2. Still, I keep hoping within the next year, they will crank out several packs for BN and FI/GL, and a new family ('43-'44) for the Eastern Front, and CMSF2!
  5. Jorge, great vid just like your mods. The bug is from installing 3.0 and leaving out one of the patches/upgrades...can't remember which. I had the bug when i first installed 3.0. (I had uninstalled CMBN completely before I added 3.0.) I had forgotten to install the 2.12 upgrade. I can dig out the re-install order notes I made if you need it.
  6. Myles, if you are still around, I missed this way back when. My brother was a machine gunner in the 2/8th Cav, '66-'67. Mostly around An Khe and Pleiku area. He was in a replacement cadre from the 82nd AB (stateside) for the losses 1st Cav took at I Drang. I assume your Old Man was there?
  7. Warts, send me a Dropbox invite (mark2039-@-att.net [no dashes, of course]) and I'll pop the Road to Montebourg scenarios in for you.
  8. Me too. I'm going to have to dump my relatively new ATI card and go back to Nvidea.:mad: It hasn't worked as well as the old one since I installed it. Many scenarios, especially in MG take 10-15 minutes to load, and lately, I've been getting as low as 5 FPS.
  9. umlaut, I have a question. I notice some of your modded bmp's are named slightly different than the default ones; for example, you have two fence bmps, "fence-picken" and "fence-pickem" while the game defaults are "fence-picket" with various added descriptive words like "straight", "corner", etc. Have you figured out some re-naming trick, or, heaven forbid, are these typos (and so won't actually show up in-game)?
  10. Yes! Been waiting a long time...what took you so long? OK, just wandered through the folders, and I can some this mod up pretty succinctly: Phucking un-phucking-believable! Fantastic job, Dennis!!!
  11. Sure they can, postfix, you just need to get Mad Mike's Scenario/Campaign Organizer. It will pull all the scenarios out into a folder, along with other goodies from a campaign, a voila, you have the individual battles to load into your game's Scenario folder.
  12. That was my thought too. I know my Dad (Kwajelein and Saipan) always thought well of grenade showers...outward bound. But then, he was in the largest Banzai attack of the war, so that might have skewed his thinking a tad.
  13. Which is weird, in and of itself. I've seen squads, especially after some casualties in each section, spread out after moving or as a result of combat reactions that the icon hovers over empty space, usually halfway between the two (or three) sections. But never seen happen it with an intact team like this.
  14. I'm pretty certain the position of the HT gunners were lowered in either CMRT or maybe even before in CMBN 2.12.
  15. James Crowley, I have the same problem on the same map (modified the scenario OB's a bit), and in the same gap you showed, plus quite a few other places. But the problematic gaps are are located mostly on small, truncated lots.
  16. Been playing a large homemade scenario based off JonS' Sheriff of Oosterbeek, and have noticed both of those things happening since 3.0 myself. I thought maybe the pathing thing was a problem with the map interaction with AS, since there a lot of small plots of land with hedges bordering them around houses. But I guess maybe not.
  17. Oh yeah, quite often, as a matter of fact. Who knows, that might be only added since 3.0, but I have no problem having my fausts and schrecks loosing off under the TacAI--quite effectively--at infantry both in hard cover and out in the open. arpella72, I haven't noticed if they do/don't with a covered arc. Did you have a vehicle CA on by chance?
  18. Ahhhh, Betty Page....I was only about 5 y/o when I first saw a calendar pinup of her, in my Grandpa's shop. He knew his stuff! http://images.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search;_ylt=A0LEVrj7ERpUMX8AJLUPxQt.;_ylu=X3oDMTBsa3ZzMnBvBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkAw--?_adv_prop=image&fr=yhs-ironsource-fullyhosted_003&va=bettie+page&hspart=ironsource&hsimp=yhs-fullyhosted_003
  19. Sex, drugs, Rock & Roll...I've tried it all. Maybe I should a :Dlot more?
  20. I, for one, would never have never suggested that Mr. Emrys made, or could ever make, a grammatical mistake. But, having put my hands on my monitor (ahem, the one attached to my computer, not my groin) and cried from my heart "I believe", I am still no closer to being one of the "elect"...I'm beginning to doubt my faith in his all-knowingness.
  21. I get effective suppression by targeting "just" in front of hedgerows. Actually, if you take some time, you can often get the blue line just into the hedge itself.(Whether the game sees that as in the hedge or just in front of it, I don't know.) Relatedly, I rarely use tank main gun on units behind a hedgerow, unless it's an AT gun or another tank. Target Light the hedgerow and you will do yourself and your pixeltruppen a lot more good than a shell blast on this side of the berm (unless you can work the main gun blue line through a gap and to the other side of the berm).
  22. ...then stops abruptly. "Wait, I have v.3, but the Home Screen says 2.12, wtf?", as he slowly walks back and wades into the argument, thinking "Damn, every time I try to leave, it just keeps pulling me back in!"
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