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Everything posted by mjkerner

  1. I'm pretty certain it is a separate mod called MG42 Sounds. Try at CMMODS, click on Author.
  2. No mods that I can tell, no voice-overs or screen text, just action. (It does show a glitch with the PaK loader facing the wrong way, though.) By Bozowans Oh, and this one from Proambulator is another great advert, too.
  3. Yes, it's JorgeMC's. I use it in all the CM games.
  4. I shoot my 9mm and .45 often and I totally agree. Sound contacts, at least when it's just infantry moving over ground, or even just a little shifting around in one position, should not usually be heard, I would think. Vehicles being a different animal, of course.
  5. Lol, that's way too nice a vehicle for them. And where 's Julian?
  6. LaCroix, There is a mod or two for CMBN that eliminates the swirling patterns, IIRC. You'll probably have to dig around in the Repository for them...they came out early, maybe even before CW came out. Might find them at CMMODS as well.
  7. You have the gift, EZ. Those colors are just the right amount of desaturated. Can't wait to get these!
  8. You need the mod tool to extract/unpack the files/folders when they are in brz format. But there is no need to pack mods up into a brz format in the first place. You can just zip them from a file/folder form, then the mod slut/enthusiast can just unzip them and no brz to deal with. I unpack the default data brz's that come with the game with the mod tool, but generally don't need to use it after that, except for a very few modders that still brz their mods.
  9. Careful, sburke, you're getting kind of logical there!
  10. Huhr, For PC's, put them in the mod folder in C:/Documents/Battlefront/Combat Mission/Red Thunder/User Data. No idea about Mac's.
  11. I've never noticed any difference between them in CMFI/GL, nor with CMRT.
  12. Send it, Phil. I've been wondering how you've been doing, and whether you had RT. Someone's already done snow terrain and uniforms btw. They look great!
  13. I think Target Light will prevent fausts/schrecks/rifle grenades from firing, db.
  14. Got mine today, too, and don't tell Michael E., but I actually got the email notice that the package was on its way one day before he posted that he got the notice.
  15. ^^^ This, but I would add that if the it's a Russian fire team, make certain it doesn't contain an AT rifle, because they can penetrate HT armor.
  16. I've seen them fire from standing position as well. No screenies until my Photobucket account reset son May 1.
  17. Turn shaders off and see if that helps. There is/was a bug that I thought they had fixed in testing, but I guess not, since I still get the white dot/hole for all hit decals with the shaders on.
  18. Ha ha, me too! (IL 2). That's definitely Rule #1.
  19. Although not free, there are options, Michael. Meals on Wheels and hookers would take care of your last two wishes.
  20. Sorry to be thick, Ian, but this then is version 2, although not named as such,correct?
  21. I gave JonS style points for adding logistics, but will duly give you the credit for the condoms.
  22. I have the same setup on my desktop. I don't think it's "worse" per se, just more pathetic.
  23. Ross, yes, I have a picture sequence of that grenade taking out a German section on the first page of the Screenshot thread, but unfortunately I exceeded my monthly bandwidth on Photobucket, so you can't see it atm.
  24. Jeez, you guys... Strategy is deciding to go on a date with Mary Jane Rottencrotch, and planning your moves from pick-up, to back seat, to smooth exit. Logistics is stocking up on booze and condoms. (points to JonS on that) Operations is getting the date, driving to Lovers Lane, engaging in preliminary small talk, maneuvering MJ into the back seat, and (later) executing a smooth exit. Tactics is getting to 3rd Base (could also be considered a bit of operations too) then groping around in the dark after you dropped the condom. Man, it's a wonder that computer game geeks ever propagate. Listen, I'm getting old and am not going to be around forever, so let's pay attention here!
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