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Everything posted by mjkerner

  1. I posted a picture of a German AT grenade hit decal on a T34/75 in the Screenshot thread, Oddball. But now that you mention it, I don't believe a 20mm AA hit decal on a tank. Michael, there's a pic of a Faust and Schrecks hit in that thread.
  2. Erwin, i never had any problem not renaming mod folders inside the Z folder. However, if I had "competing" mod folders in the Z folder, and I was too lazy to keep putting one in--pulling the other out, I would simply slap a ZZ on that mod folder inside the Z folder.
  3. Warrenpeace, I tested and reported in the Tech thread (with pics). No problems encountered.
  4. I tired to estimate the cost per hour of playing time for CMBN a year after I bought it. It came out to around 7 cents (US)/hour. Even with all the subsequent purchases...I bought all the CMx2 modules and games...it still has to be around that. I can't estimate the time I've spent on playing, modding, and generally screwing around with them, because that would probably be too depressing. Saint Peter at the Gates: you did what with all that free time we gave you?!?
  5. Forgot to report back...no dice with the multiple numbering scheme, I'm afraid.
  6. Click on Target Arc of choice, Armor or regular, hold Crtl button down, then move cursor to desired area and R click again. (My game's not open atm....it might be the Shift button.) edit: Never mind.......
  7. Hey Mord, glad it's sorted for you. Good on you, Pete! What's your handle on eBay? (You gave it to me a long time ago, but I can't find that email.) That sounds like some nice stuff.
  8. Pete, I am always interested in your maps! Dropbox, PM, or maybe just upload it anyway...people will grab it I'm sure.
  9. Lucas, you'll want to try the Run the Gauntlet scenario. I think you'll find it meets your desire exquisitely!
  10. Mord, contact me...I have a solution if you still need it.
  11. Being a bit reluctant to start any new threads for a while:D, I dug this one up (from page 9 already!) to ask about Soviet small unit tactics in CM and "gaminess". So, how much can I split my Soviet squads and not be too "gamey? Are the limitations in CM for them...C2 breakage for example... self-correcting? In Normandy, MG, and GL, I almost always split squads almost all the time, except when moving up to the front on larger maps or when one way or the other it is safe to get close to the enemy. I do this for both Axis and Allies. I have tried to limit splitting Soviets, and when I do, I keep the sections (or squads/platoons as the case may be) in relatively close proximity, unless they are Recon and even then I don't let them wander too far from each other or their HQ. Those red lines generally turn brown mighty quick, so, combined with experience, motivation, and leadership values, is the CM game engine keeping me "honest" and in the spirit of soviet doctrine when I do split? I view the scenario designer's briefing firm orders from my overlords, so my Soviet forces generally move straight for the objective, but of course flanking when possible. Even then, it will be a whole squad/platoon/company as the case may be, rather than Western Front's squad leader saying "you send your section/team 200 yds over to the right, I'll take the other section 200 yds beyond that and try to get behind them and Sgt. Rock will keep 3 team here as a base of fire". In addition, as further tactical self-discipline, I try to keep my squads and platoon on task with my plan...3rd platoon, you take that farm complex...in which case I will make 3rd continue on to do so, or die trying, instead of changing their orders and having them attack that piece of woods with the 2 MG42's off to the right of the farm they discovered on their approach. Hmmm, I'm not sure I am conveying my concern very well, but, in essence, I try to limit my Soviet's flexibility contrary to my West Front tactical habits. But do I really need to, or will the game mechanism take care of that of me!
  12. Mord, how ya been? I'm going to try the numbering in a few minutes, and will let you know the outcome. Thanks for the reminder to try skipping the number "1".
  13. Thanks for that tip, Ian. Transparencies always give me fits...initially it was hard to get my head around the concept and procedure, and my Corel Paint Shop Pro limitations require saving/converting in Gimp...at least that's how I remember it. Greenfish sounds like the way to go.
  14. Hey Saferight, will you be doing some photoreal Soviet helmets in the future?
  15. Ooooooh, shiny! Thanks Ian, these look great! I've always preferred the German designations since playing Avalon Hill's "the Longest Day". I have been using Billy's, but it's nice to have several similar mods to choose from.
  16. Thanks Oddball. I've tried recording some CM bits before full-size, cause IIRC, half screen @ 30 was recommended and worked well in IL2 Sturmovik.
  17. I obviously wasn't, Panzermiller. Well, actually, tactically, was to get the responses the first few made. Strategically, the couple of cold ones after raking the yard probably muddled things a bit. Think Operation Barbarossa. Hopefully, BFC will come along soon and nuke it. Or maybe they will leave me twisting slowly in the wind for awhile.
  18. Nice one, pcpilot. He threw that smoke grenade on his own initiative? That's pretty amazing! What Fraps settings did you use, especially the fps/speed? The ones I've tried are never so crisp.
  19. Thanks Collingwood, but as Ken pointed out, newcomers...and there seems to be alot of them for RT...might think it's real. I think the worst part is the Icon...it really stands out. And it's the first time I ever used one in CM Forums that I can recall. I certainly won't forget this one! Oh, and Ken, it was that very thread and some of the posters in there that got me PO'd enough to pull my stupid prank.
  20. You know, Ken and Masicle, I think you are absolutely right. Hadn't thought about the newcomers here....Now, I feel like sh*t! Steve, Moon, whoever, please nuke this from orbit, and my sincere apologies to you all. Thankfully, at least you and the posters above understood where I was coming from. Mea Culpa, mea cupla.
  21. One hopes they read it and discern my intention before they shoot me! Good idea to have done on April Fools day, but CMRT wasn't out yet!
  22. Thought maybe after all these years, it might not hurt to have all the pissed off, annoyed, angry, upset, and/or disillusioned BFC customers post in one place, rather than have the posts spread throughout the various threads. ...Go ahead, you start.
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