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Everything posted by mjkerner

  1. Yeah, same here, Ian. And I never played so many turns a day before, either. As I mentioned elsewhere, I was always a version behind everyone else, it seemed, so I don't think I contributed a whole lot. But man, the work that the BFC team does behind the scene was a real eye-opener for me. Especially all the little twitchy things that crop up and need attention. Never knew there could be so many, but now I know why a release can take a long time in development.
  2. Not fair...he's an easy target! I have an advantage here, because I never played CMx1 games, so I don't notice any difference. I played il2 and it's many addons and modules for about 8 years straight, then jumped into CMSF in 2008. I haven't played hardly anything else except a brief foray into CoD and Silent Hunter. So again, I have little to compare against CMx2. But I've never found any problem with the UI, except that cursor-at-edge-of-screen thing. Camera controls in general are great, and the addition in MG/GL? of the Spacebar putting the Commands up on the screen was a nice touch. I tried out both of the new options in CMRT testing, and didn't see the need to change from the old way, although I'm sure many here will really like those options. There are plenty of good ideas here that I hope someday make it into the game, like editor map scrolling, click on any Move command line to select the unit, etc., but I use a multi-button mouse and just don't see any real problems. I know there are some, or else people wouldn't complain, but I really don't know what they are. Does it have to do with the keyboard commands, or the mouse/camera controls, or both?
  3. Thought you were the Candyman....feel like I'm in a Time Warp.
  4. They don't use Forum names in the credits, SB. By the way, you know you have to get that project done for the boss, so...hop to it!
  5. Damn, I could have been a hero! A week or so ago, when testers got the manuals for review, I noticed the 1985 designation, so checked with Google--you never know if those Bolsheviks didn't have some weird numbering scheme--and up popped a bunch of hits for what I read to be "1985". In my scenario testing, I seemed to be behind everyone else, since every problem/bug I found--every single one--someone else had already reported it. So I figured 1985 was correct. I just checked (carefully this time), and of course it's "1895". I must have some form of numbers dyslexia. There goes any chance of fame and fortune for me...I just hope they let me test again sometime!
  6. As I reported in FGM, these look great in-game, Johnsy. Bil and Ben, looking forward to yours as well...I'm always swapping out similar mods just to change things up after a while.
  7. ddkk, don't be such a ddikk! (Sorry, couldn't help it!) Seriously, the command imperative in your thread title is weak. You should have added either "G-dammit" or "...OR ELSE!" at the end, to really grab BFC's attention. Try it again and see if that works.
  8. Benpark and Pete...the maps you guys have done are simply fantastic, and obviously a hell of a lot of work! My hat's off to you two!
  9. That's basically how IL2 Sturmovik did it. I hope BFC can do the same at some point. Don't have any idea if the CM engine is potentially capable of doing that, though.
  10. Vanir's comments reminds me to add that I have all my CM games at full "Best" settings, and still don't have any OOM or other problems with big scenarios. Hister, my understanding is that testing of scenarios continues past the release date for a bit, I suppose to see if any little things crop up for the inevitable patch to follow.
  11. No fear, Erik! I had the same problem with MG's larger maps and scenarios...never did get Frost at the Bridge to load, let alone play. BUT.... I was lucky enough to be invited to beta test scenarios for Red Thunder, and the good news is BFC managed to tweak things so that large maps and scenarios are no problems for me anymore (my system specs are close to yours). I built a scenario for myself just to see what my system could handle...it had 4 Russian battalions, plus several independent SMG companies and tank company(+) attacking a dug in (hundreds of foxholes, trenches and wire sections, all tolled) German battalion in a village on a large map (about 2km x 2km) and although load and save game times are a bit long, it runs beautifully!
  12. As for the arrow, just take the tip off and leave the dotted line.
  13. Well done, Umlaut! Very Jaws-like, and a great way to advertise your scenario. Two thumbs up!
  14. That's a good point, cool breeze. Satchel charges don't harm your mates when used normally/properly, but I've never seen one fall out of a shot pixeltruppen, so don't know if they will harm friendliest or not in that situation. But grenades...hmmm, I don't think I've ever seen a properly thrown one one land near enough to a friendly to harm him, so I don't know if they will in that situation.
  15. Grenades definitely can take out there own. Friendly small arms fire, if enough is directed nearby your own troops, will suppress them as well. Good stuff, Macisle!
  16. No sh*t!? I didn't know it was out there. Is this the one where my bunker sunk into the earth at the start, trapping one of my MG teams in it for the duration? Man, that was my first head to head game ever, and in my defense, I've learned a whole lot since regarding the placement of AT assets. Edit: Yup, that's the one. Again, my apologies for not knowing the accepted rules at the time and laying a barrage on your set-up zone! :-)
  17. Hello Herr Klopek! I believe we met on the battlefield at FGM...you trounced me. A"Move Quick" command would be a nice addition.
  18. Like Arfy in the B25's nose, to Yossarian's horror when he thinks they've been hit?
  19. I wouldn't mind a faster Move, but at least it isn't as dangerous as I first thought. If fired on, they'll automatically change to Quick or Fast, or stop and drop, depending on circumstances.
  20. Lol, I'm still waiting for that animation. Oh, you all know you want it too. A toggle maybe, that would only work, say, 100 yards and out of the enemy's sight. I predict it will be an Easter Egg in CMx5.
  21. I like this idea very much! Or even a toggle to make them transparent like they are when occupied by your men or spotted enemy.
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