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Everything posted by mjkerner

  1. Erwin, the uniform mods don't work in CMSF2 (all different models). Zveroboy1 made his mod from CMSF2 textures. You can import the whole model from CMA, but the quality is so much worse than SF2, I suppose he didn't want to bother.
  2. Kk, CMSF2 is where all the cool kids are, atm.
  3. Heavy Metal station, I presume. MOS, does your fevered brain have a “Rest” setting? Hope not!
  4. Thanks Irwin, I already have them. I have several hundred mods from SF1, including all the “foreign country” ones like Euroscape, Mali, India, Syrope, etc. So I’m sitting pretty.
  5. Thanks MOS and Cpt. I use Corel Paintshop, and I do use a template...not the pattern tool, though. I make camo patterns from ones off the web, then have to usually size them and often stitch them together to get the patterns the right size and to cover the textures properly. (Cpt, those East German rain patterns you like were the only ones off the web that I didn't have to do a thing to in order to look right.) So, in other words, I'm self-taught and not working smart. But I have fun anyway, lol. Do a web search of "African military camouflage schemes" or somesuch and you'll find all lot more variety than what I've shown here.
  6. While I'm in Photophuckit, here are some camo schemes I'm toying with for African Bush Wars. I'm thinking I'll just put out a series of different uniforms schemes that can be used for all of the different Syrian unit types for mainly rebels and insurgents, but govt troops as well. Then some from NATO types mainly to be govt troops, or at least govt spec ops. Then y'all can pick and choose which camo to wear that day.
  7. I have some coming, but they are a bit down the queue. These pix were just first pass; proof of concept, lol. If you have a camo scheme you'd like to see, let me know.
  8. Lol, that's not me, z1812, but Cpt, if you don't mind, I'd gladly take credit! Really nice! Are those berets the ones that other fellow--sorry, can't recall his name--made a 3D model for? Or did an import from a WWII title mdr's work like some weapons from CMA do?
  9. Way back when I tried my hand at some Herman Goering Division inuform mods, I discovered the wet look accidentally by saturation and vibrancy, and tried it on the shoulders and arms, mainly. It was fairly easy to do, IIRC, but the problem was getting all the gear, weapons, and helmets to have a wet sheen. Couldn’t pull it off to look right, but did use the darkening technique for oil stains on tanker uniforms. Looking forward to seeing your stuff, Ben. I bet you nailed it!
  10. Jace, did you happen to find a bogus bmp for a conquistador figure and a guy on a donkey? Nice find!
  11. Someone is going to have to make a new 3D model and import it, I think. (It is possible, there’s a thread here somewhere where someone is making a new 3D model of a beret for Republican Guards, I believe. Not to be confused with the red one recently discussed in the CMFI or BN subforum which is simply a helmet rename using an existing beret model.) Hex editing, a form of magic I could never get my head around...how do you know what numbers to change, and to what values?—dangerous Black Magic, if you ask me!…is not possible with CMSF2. That process allowed you to change models, so you could, for example, import a CM-A taliban model into SF1. Oversimplification, but basically, porting is a no go.
  12. I think several people have done similar, simply by renaming files like waffleman did. I know I did, and I think kohlenklau did one that way as well. But since it replaces all helmets, it just didn't look right and i never used it.
  13. I still have the VHS tape I sent away for in the early 1980s for Culloden, at the time an excellent adaptation of the battle that I first saw in the late 60s. It was written and produced by Peter Watkins, who also did The War Game, which was included on the tape. Just sayin’.
  14. It always pays to complain, lol! Thanks JoMc67 and Frenchy.
  15. Jo, that link just takes me to my own DB homepage?? (I have some of Rockin'Harry's ani mods, but wanted to make sure I had them all.)
  16. Thanks Zveroboy, those mods are going in the game pronto!
  17. The Ticket’s the ticket! But, just in case it slipped your mind, have you checked your spam folder for the reset message?
  18. Methinks WhiteWolf is going to be one happy fella pretty soon; $429 “discounted” to $35.
  19. Zuckerberg should be nuked from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.
  20. Erwin, I assume the animation for (and code for) the M240 simply has the gun closer to the ground than the MG 42 animation.
  21. Yes, definitely for me, too. But for truly conservative, cautious play, nothing beats a game against a real person, especially if it is part of a larger campaign like those run at The Few Good Men or similar CM-based groups.
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