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Everything posted by mjkerner

  1. Hey, 37mm, I didn't realize this wasn't remade in SF2. Nice blog and the scenario looks like a great re-boot. Cheers!
  2. Yup, I'm just going through some old SF1 scenarios that I started and never finished. Several of them I figured what the hell and just went right to the new ones so I'd have some FOW left. This one is about 10 minutes in...think I'll bail and start the new one. This one is a blast!
  3. Dang, see why I never made it as a good Beta tester, lol!
  4. A Marine platoon is ambushed attempting to cross the fetid Empetigo Canal. Here, a couple of Gyrenes are adding their smoke canisters to a screen laid down by their AAV, while others attend to an urgent Casevac. "Doc" Mason works feverishly to stem the bleeding while the squad keeps sharp-eyed Overwatch...... ...and the rest of the platoon fans out and takes the fight to the enemy.
  5. You young whippersnappers...GET OFF MY LAWN!
  6. Is that possibly a legacy or ghost of the former SF1 trenches from old converted scenarios? Do they show up like that in a “new” scenario (made with SF2)?
  7. Ridaz, that looks to be a zoomed-in shot, so the depth of field is squashed making them look more closely bunched than they are in game. (Although if that is a single section/team, they are in one Action Spot.)
  8. Erwin, with 2.01 patch released, I don’t think they will be squashing any more SF2 bugs for a time...so what are you waiting for? You know you want it!
  9. A lot of them do. Not uniforms as noted, and some vehicles, but a lot of the terrain, sound, and building ones do. It depends at least in part on whether they made new models for SF2. A lot of the three types I mentioned haven’t changed even across titles, so you can also try those types from BN, FI, RT, and BS.
  10. When did WindowsMoviemaker stop working? I used it the day after Christmas (neat dropped grenade action...must remember to upload to YouTube). I have Sony Vegas Pro also, but Moviemaker icon was on my desktop so went to that instead. Or do you mean it’s no longer available when getting a new Windows install?
  11. First, hold a town meeting of the Elders. Then, when someone scrapes their fingernails across the blackboard at the back of the room...hire that guy.
  12. Felix, I think with v3, but maybe v4, you have to now hit the "Open Up" command in order to fire the on board ordinance for most half tracks.
  13. Good ones, Zveroboy1! Since we can’t change the models, they’re not going to look any more like Taliban than working the textures like you have. Maybe change the sneakers and boots into sandals. I did that for some Moroccan Goums I made in FI/GL; I’ll check my old files.
  14. Yeah, it looks you’re coming down with a fever, and your voice sure sounds scratchy and phlegmy. Damn, probably best not to travel.
  15. Free normal map maker, Zverboy1. http://cpetry.github.io/NormalMap-Online/ Okay, just from a layperson's perspective (i.e., learning modding on my own and getting tips from and studying the big dogs), they add more depth and detail to the 3D model by creating lighting to show/highlight/fake? the high points and the low points to the texture bmp. Okay, now someone with actual knowledge came come in here and unf**k this! Edit: The normal map maker is super easy to use. Just drag and drop the .bmp file, hit a button. Voila! You can get better ones, I'm sure, but they cost $, and these seem to work okay. They actually appear to have more detail than the ones in CM, but who knows...I suspect not.
  16. Hopefully juju and Marco Berman will work their respective UI magic on CMSF2 soon.
  17. Thank you for the suggestions and information fellas. I think for now I'll hold off on delving into Blender and sbobovyc's mod tools, but it does look interesting. And thanks for the link to that thread...I had forgotten about it.
  18. I knew it was an old quote from somewhere, but I was actually channeling The Greatful Dead (sort of), lol.
  19. NeoOhm, the other modules are available now (or are you referring to the fact that they are not available to you since you don’t own the CMSF1 versions of them?).
  20. Hi umlaut, thanks, I’ll add it to my collection. I’ve used MikeyD’s and another one I found on the net, and I’ll be using your too. I never thought of making my own, duh!
  21. Why not dial back to 3.0 until the patch, rather than not play for two years? Curse the darkness, or light a candle. Regardless, it is finally getting close, and besides, Merry Christmas!
  22. Cheers to you, Vet0396, and everyone on the Forums!
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