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Everything posted by mjkerner

  1. No, unfortunately, the old hex editing tricks don't work under v4. But there is a way to add new 3D models, of which I know absolutely nothing. I forget who it is who is making new beret and helmet 3D models for CMFS. It was only in the last few weeks that it was posted here in the CMSF2 forum, so a search should find it. He'll no doubt be inundated with requests, lol!
  2. It's up at CMMODs, thanks completely to Bootie!
  3. Well, I tried and tried to upload the mod, but CMMODs just kept rejecting it. Bootie hasn’t had any luck either. The poor guy works his ass off helping with these mods...I think he has a solution he’s working on atm, though. All praise to Bootie!
  4. Great idea, zveroboy! I’ll check my stash. Also, how about putting “-AFG” at the end? I mark my modded scenarios with “mjk” at the end, and while not as sortable, they are east to spot in the battle listings.
  5. PS: I, myself, have ZERO video making skillz . I'm here to blatantly steal ideas!
  6. Thanks Ian, thanks Bootie. I didn't mean to complain or to rush you, Bootie. I know you have a lot of irons in the fire. At the worst, I figured you or Martin would have gotten to it over the weekend.
  7. No, I haven't heard from either GaJ/Martin, or Bootie. I didn't realize that uploading to CMMODs could be problematic. Good news is, I took the time to review everything, and decided that some significant changes were needed, and made them. While you're waiting, here's the Readme for it: USMC Uniform Mods for Combat Mission Shock Force 2 This uniform mod offers some variety for the US Marines uniforms, helmets, and gear. They are contained in the following folders: USMC Digital Gear USMC OD Gear USMC Woodland Gear USMC Digital Helmets USMC OD Helmets USMC Woodland Helmets USMC Desert Uniform-OD Vest USMC Desert Uniform-Digital Vests USMC Desert Uniform-Woodland Vests USMC Digital Uniform-OD Vest USMC Digital Uniform-Tan Vest USMC Woodland Uniform-OD Vest USMC Woodland Uniform-Tan Vest USMC Woodland Uniform-Woodland Vest A couple of things.... 1. I refer to what is officially designated "Woodland Marpat" camouflage as "Digital" simply to differentiate it from the US Woodland (non-digital) pattern. 2. The USMC uniform texture files include the plate carriers/armor vests, making it impossible to have separate "vest" files. What I have done instead is to mod the game's original desert marpat uniform, my digital uniform, and my woodland uniform bmps so that they are "wearing" various types of vests...OD, digital, and woodland. Because it just looked too busy, I did not put digital vests on the woodland uniform, woodland vests on the digital uniforms, nor digital vests on the digital uniforms. BEWARE: Although the USMC uniforms and helmets in CMSF2 are distinctly separate textures, there are some items of gear that, as far as I can tell, use some of the textures used by the US Army pixeltruppen. (These have the tag "[brown]" added to their names in the game's texture files.) Because of this, using the Gear mods may cause US Army troops to have some gear show up in game in the modded version you are using. Much thanks to our very own Modding Metalhead Maniac Mord (a/k/a MC Stud Muffins) for his encouragement and original inspiration to start modding way back when, and to all the Forumites who also lent their encouragement and support for this mod. Cheers! mjk To install: Download and unzip the file, pick the folder(s) you want, and put it in the "Combat Mission/Shock Force 2/User Data/Mods folder (where you put all your other mods).
  8. The icons shown depends on the order you create teams from your squad/section. I forgot the progression, but IIRC, there is one. Lol, that's the best I can do. Next.....
  9. I actually don't want to know any of the technical stuff (well, most of it anyway) because just like this issue you're having, Zveroboy, I didn't even know it was an issue until you and benpark started discussing it, lol! For me, things work as is, so that's all I need to know. I do hope things get sorted for you. And as for your mod, it's looking good! Keep up the good work.
  10. Uhhhh, Sounds like maybe a mod, cuz I’m pretty sure I have the same. I will check my comp later, but xx=two trees or bushes; xxx=three trees or bushes.
  11. Help, no one has replied to my email at CMMODs to become an author, so I can’t upload. It’s been over 24 hours, so I figured to hear from Martin/GaJ by now. Is Bootie around, I think he’s the liaison? edit: I messaged Bootie, so hopefully it will get sorted soon.
  12. Thanks Ben, not too worried about it, and I never mess with my monitor settings anyway. Cheers!
  13. Okay, now you two have me wondering if the colors I see on my mods will look the same to others. I use Corel Pro (updated Paint Shop Pro), and the default color profile is sRGB. At least I don’t encounter Zveroboy’s problem on my own monitor, but I am wondering if others would see some different shades.
  14. Thanks George! I had started the original about a week ago, but only got a few moves in, so I can easily switch to the new, improved version.
  15. Sequoia, I was thinking just some camo for Fighters and a little more uniformity...sort of, for the Combatants. Nothing too fancy, just variety. But they and the Syrian Army types are great bases for a kinds of other similar types around the world. SE Asia has its hot spots, and Africa remains its usual hotbed self, so plenty of fun mods in the future, I think. This isn’t meant to be as bloodthirsty as it may sound, it’s just that there are so many different types of uniforms and weapon combos possible to mod. For example, the Fighters are a near perfect base for certain Al-Shabaab units. Happy Birthday, Mord! Congratulations on making 50! Where does the time go, eh?
  16. pfffft, I eat quad bypasses for breakfast! I’ve been a workout-aholic for about 35 years, and I think if I hadn’t been such a dedicated smoker at the same time, I could have avoided the heart attacks (first was in ‘92). But, I quit smoking for good after the bypass, believe me! What with the workouts and, finally, dieting at the same time, I’m in my best shape ever. Which, considering I’m 65, that’s saying a lot, lol. Sequoia, if it wasn’t for you, I’d never have finally learned how to spell “sequoia”....plus, thanks for your enthusiasm! I had almost forgotten the tankers until you mentioned them. I already started on it yesterday, but it will be a quick woodland camo and that’ll be it. I owe Mord some Syrian stuff next, so have to get on it before he starts throwing heavy metal videos into this thread!
  17. Thanks MC Stud Muffins (shouldn't that be singular?). This project started out small, just some simple gear and helmets, but it expanded and I find myself spending way too much time on it. So even though I'm not that happy with certain parts, I'm uploading it at CMMODs III, because I want to get on to other projects. I will certainly entertain all suggestions, changes, etc. I can always issue a version 2. I don't know how long it takes to get "Author" approval at CMMODs, plus I have about 7" of snow to shovel out of the driveway, so don't know exactly when it will be up. I hope they meet expectations.
  18. Not sure I follow, Sequoia, but there are separate uniforms for US Army, USMC, and generic tanker uniforms (no distinction between Army and USMC). Hope that helps.
  19. Cool Steve, thanks for the tip! I just re-watched it New Year's Eve/next day. When I get my USMC mod done, they can even be dressed all proper-like.
  20. Thanks Ian, but I have always only used Best for all the options in all the games, except for choosing the less Tree Detail. I think I see what I did, though, and it was partly an illusion depending on viewing angle. Anyway, looks like I fixed things. If I hadn't decided to tackle the full uniforms last week in addition to the gear and helmets, I'd have some of these mods out the door by now. Sorry to those that are actually waiting for them. "Soon", as in the royal (BFC) soon.
  21. I wouldn't worry about your memory, sburke. Rex's name has dinosaur written all over it!
  22. Hi Ivan, yes, my SOP for uniform mods (I have lots across all titles, but mostly not released cuz I'm lazy) is usually 4 or 5 for each iteration. For these, the variations in uniforms were just a matter of shifting the "cloth" texture within the template, so that each uniform will be slightly different. The game seems to use the same number, say "smod_american_uniform_marpat-soldier 3", for every member of a team. I have never actually confirmed that by serious testing, but I notice when I keep checking and rechecking these that seems to be the case.
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