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Everything posted by mjkerner

  1. Well, if BFC stopped right now and left the business, they will have left enough content that I'll certainly have enough to make, play, and mod for the rest of my days. I still have all the Oleg Maddox's original IL2 series/modules/mods plus a bazillion aircraft skins on a thumb drive to dive right back in if I ever get bored with Combat Mission, which has yet to happen since I found CMSF1 by accident in 2008.
  2. Thanks for that. I feel young again...I was born a month after the Korean Armistice! But we did have a party line until I was in the 1st or 2nd grade.
  3. Thanks Cpt. Miller! I had checked out sbobovyc's thread but like you, I'm just not that experienced to want to even attempt to tackle 3D models. @Rokossovski: I'm working on texture mods for Syrians, among others. Here are some screen shots of preliminary (that is, slapped together very quickly, lol) tests of some camo for African troops. I have a lot of camo patterns I'm planning for various nations/rebels/etc., and there will be some specifically for Syrians. But the skins are separate from the uniforms, so they could all be used for Syrians. With Cpt. Miller's mods and I'm sure a lot of other modders, you should have plenty to choose from!
  4. Just don’t blame the friggin’ cheesemakers! That thread got nuked right quick-like after they entered the picture, lol.
  5. Hold on there, Pard. You can add 3D models to the game, and you got a guy that makes them??? Boy, have I got a list....
  6. Pffft, we outdid you guys by a mile! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeffrey_Dahmer But those Pit beef stands sound great!
  7. Glad you like it, Mordante. And mostly not a PIA, since I have gone into that “can’t sleep now, must do more work on this one” mode and am both re-learning old tricks, and learning a ton more new one. Consequently, I have a lot of uniform mods in the fire, atm. USMC, Syrians (all types), Brits, Iraqi CTS, IDF, and some generic African dictator vs rebels types. And to another comment you made earlier, there is a bit more weirdness in the uniform/gear files than usual. Obviously a lot of it is legacy stuff left in that the new version no longer uses.
  8. Okay, I’ll give it a pass, but I’m not sure about that Cali-delphian dude!
  9. ...and I claim pepper jack is a fake cheese. Just when I thought Boston was winning the argument.....
  10. Actually, sburke was the “Bub”, because we were typing at the same time. But now you’re a Bub, too, and you guys can toss for who gets to milk Godzilla!
  11. That sounds like a blast, Mr. Burke! But we’re cheesesteaks involved in any way?
  12. We make about 2000 different cheeses here, Bub...my Brown Swiss bull is getting mighty pissed. I’ll trailer him along to South Philly and, hell, I’ll let you milk him and you can use it for the condiments! I, unfortunately, am a vegan whenever I’m in South Philly, so you guys can enjoy it all yourselves. How’d that be?
  13. Pffft, without my state, and my brethren (the Swiss), none of you pansies would have real, delectable cheese for those abominations of what decent, prudent, upstanding people would otherwise call a submarine sandwich with beef, onions and whatever the hell else you sickos put in those greasy puke dough-troughs!
  14. Nope, I’m on a PC. On Windows 10, but never had the problem on W7 either.
  15. I feel your pain Zveroboy! I made a black keffiyeh for Mord (didn't forget, buddy!) and getting it to match up in the back was a pain. I spent a whole evening trying to get it right. Almost there. But I wasn't contending with a pattern, like you are. Good luck! Before: After:
  16. News to me, too. I can't recall having this happen in any of my CMx2 games.
  17. I have noticed a slightly longer load time the first time I load the game after I add/change out a new mod(s), but then it returns to normal thereafter.
  18. Probably because in the event of an invasion, the Allies would have complete air dominance. A Syrian aircraft over the battlefield would be non-existent. But I don’t work for BFC, so that’s just a wild-ass guess. Your moniker is appropriate, !
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