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Everything posted by mjkerner

  1. Cambronne, I was set to have it uploaded last night or this morning, but in my final in-game uniform "walk-around" I discovered that the plate carrier/vest straps didn't line up properly at the top of the shoulder where the front and back of the texture meet up! Didn't look good at all. I couldn't figure out why, since I used the original uniform as a template. Still can't figure it out, so I had to re-cut and "paint" the straps again this morning. Maybe tonight or tomorrow...fingers crossed.
  2. I definitely remember bogging in the fan-made Clear and Present Danger scenario (forget the author). I had swapped out the Marines for Brits, and one of my Jackals got bogged, then immobilized before it even got into a position where in could fire.
  3. Hey Cambronne, it just struck me last night that you were wondering how I could have the vests separate from the uniform in the game. I was absent-mindedly thinking you meant while I was working on the mod, which of course is easy to do, just...cut and paste! Sorry to mislead you. The mod will have a variety of vest-uniforms for each type of vest, OD, digital and Woodland.
  4. @Erwin, yes, the CMSF2 3D soldier models are new and the old mods won't work on them. Believe me, I double and triple checked! @Splinty, already corrected (or almost, should be finished tonight) when I resized the "cloth" . @Boche,
  5. Fuada is very good as well. Undercover IDF unit operating inside Palestine. when Heroes Fly is another Israeli series about former IDF guys and intrigue in Colombia...a missing fiancé and a drug cult. Not as good as Fuada, but some of the same actors.
  6. Thanks Mr. Burke. Everyone else's Moms told me they all washed their hands. You may be the only unwashed one here! My cold is wasting me, but I finally got the first pass at the full uniform done. No fine tuning yet, but I wanted to know what you all think of the size of the pattern and the coloring (of the uniform--I haven't re-messed with the gear yet). I didn't change the saturation or lighting in photoshop on these, they are straight from the game. Thanks!
  7. Lethaface, something similar happened to me in FB. One Sherman’s right front was in line with another Sherman’s LOF to a bunker off to the left of the first Sherman. The Sherman in between that firer and the target (each about a 100 yards left/right of it) was knocked out. I had searched and searched the replay to figure out where the German AT was hiding, when I finally saw that the firing Sherman’s shot went right through the edge of the other Sherman’s sprocket, knocked out the bunker(!), but knocked out the Sherman as well! Gotta love this game.
  8. Thanks boyos, glad you are liking them. @CptMiller, thanks for the critique, I need feedback. There are a couple of tricks. mostly finding other models that are close and have no pattern. A lot of cutting and pasting, and in the end, sometimes you have to make a new one from scratch, which I am only learning now, so that is why I wasn't going to do the full uniforms. We'll see. As for the size, that was bugging me. First run through was too large, but I agree that these are a little small. I have master templates for each and every piece of gear, helmets, etc. (one of the things that took me so long to complete for the various nations), so I can adjust fairly easy. I say "fairly" because I just de-saturated my first run through this morning for all the Woodland gear and uniform, and it only took a couple of hours. @JohnO, thanks, but it might be a while, lol! Maybe if this G-Damn cold I picked up...from my doctor, no less!...relents I can get back to the uniforms soon. @rocketman, see above, lol! I added a tad saturation to the pictures before I posted them, but I agree the originals I did for both the Woodland and Digital need more de-saturation. @Cambronne.....cut and paste, cut and paste, cut and paste, cut and paste,cut and paste,cut and paste,cut and paste, ad infinitum!
  9. Since the Marines are historically, chronically short of supplies, I thought it my patriotic duty to make some stuff for them. Not posted yet because I need to become an author on CMMODS and double-check them for the umpteenth time, but hopefully by tomorrow. These are in Marpat Digital, Woodland, and plain OD Green. Each type will have 3 folders, for Gear, Helmets and Vests, so you'll be able to mix and match to give them a ragtag look if you want. Uniforms will follow soon.
  10. Thanks homewrecker! I definitely need to fine tune the camo because of that too-large purple splotch on the right thigh and elbow. I need to shrink the template for sure.
  11. Vet, that'd be up to the individual. I'm only supplying some different gear. Supply Sargeant has your uniforms, lol.
  12. They are all flabby-muscled girlie men, most likely!
  13. CMFDR, not a dumb question at all. I completely forgot we had the ability to drag files into the reply box, even though I see the damn instructions below left every time I post! I've been going the tedious Photobucket (those Bastaarrds!) route this whole time. (PM sent, btw.)
  14. Glad you like it. Actually, I just wanted to check the weapon swaps, some different camo versions, and hats/no hats. I will be doing the Rhodies after I finish my USMC mods (no uniforms at this time, just vests, helmets and gear) because they are the closest to being done. I plan on doing a bunch of different African types, including SADF, then IDF, then some SE Asia-based types. That's the rough plan anyways. Your maps will be awesome!
  15. Well, new haircuts or importing a hat (CMA doesn't have separate model skeletons for headgear), lose the gloves, we might be getting somewhere, Combatintman.
  16. Combatintman, that map looks sweet! We’ll get this sorted. Maybe I can get MikeyD to agree to let me update his African terrain mod. And I want to thank him for giving me the solution to a texture problem...only the blank, black outline of the imported rifle would show, not the art. Thanks Mikey!
  17. Thanks MOS, the faces did take a lot of time and I’m still trying to fine tune them. In game you’d see plenty of glitches and problem with everything, especially the uniforms. There’s no shading to speak of to give them depth, stuff like that. But I’ll get cracking and try to finish some things up. I tend to bounce around on a dozen different items at a time.
  18. Success! Well, I need to add the textures, but it does work! Considering all the variants of the weapons in SF2 that it (and others) will replace, I now have a whole 'nother bunch of work added to my list!
  19. Holy ****zu, I forgot about MikeyD’s Turkish mod thread. If it is somehow, by chance, the old renaming mds/mdr files, we’re in luck. Thanks for the tip, C-man!
  20. Thanks Mord. Faces are a real challenge, but I'm getting the hang of it, I think.
  21. Surprised at at that, Steve. Bummer. I have never been hit through Paypal, which I have used for over 15(?) years whenever it's an option, and I do A LOT of online purchasing of books and miniatures and stuff for my better half. My CC has been hit 3 times over that period, though. Sux big time. (I apparently have an affinity for comp servers in NJ and Oklahoma, and gas stations in Los Angeles!
  22. Yeah, that's lizard camo used by the Rhodesians. (I need to shrink it a bit and move the camo template around a bit so those brown areas aren't so large and dominant.) White faces are no problem, just rename one of the NATO forces skins (but I suspect you knew that, lol). It's the weapons that are the problem. That's why I wish I knew how to utilize sbobovyc's utility for 3D model making. I have a looooong list of 70's-90's weapons for SADF, Rhodesians, IDF, etc.
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