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Everything posted by mjkerner

  1. Well, I'm up for doing the uniforms, once I finish the Goumier for CMFI RtV and a few things for 37mm and the Heaven and Earth mod. I have some of the weapons swaps already, too. I have a number of uniforms "base-camo'd" (but much more work needed on them and the helmets and gear) for the various African Bush Wars combatants and for the Philippines. I need to do some more for more recent events in Burkino-Faso , Mali, Chad, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Nigeria, etc., etc. Basically, the whole effing continent!
  2. I'm using G3's and FN FAL's from CMA, Sgt. There are a lot of useful weapons from that game, as you know.
  3. No mix and match, unfortunately, cuz I haven’t finished the dpm desert! Also, I haven’t heard back from Bootie yet, so as far as I know, they’re not up at the mod warehouse yet.
  4. So, where is the Pierrefitte-en-Cinglais scenario found?
  5. Sarge, I actually owe 37mm some tiger stripe uniforms for the Heaven & Earth project. But I think he or someone else did them already during my hiatus. I need to contact him about that.
  6. Well, CMBN version 1 uniforms definitely won't work, but many (most?) mods of all types from version 2 and 3 of this and the other titles will. You basically need to try them out and see, I guess.
  7. Yes, I've seen that before. I wouldn't know how to fix it if it is due to stretching, but if you move the camera around/zoom in and out, it appears that it is actually the leg "material" showing through when the model is in that position. I should have taken a picture when I noticed it before, because I just now tried to get the camera in the right position to show what I'm talking about, but couldn't quite do it. Anyway, there doesn't appear to be a workaround short of BFC fixing it, or somefink.
  8. Yes, I was just kidding, Frenchy. They are with the socks, but I didn’t bother with them for this very quick job. It was just to show Aragorn that the skin tones on the Nisei need much work.
  9. Hi Arargorn, thanks, it's still sore, especially after a lot of mod work the last few days. I finished a mod for CMSF2 that has been sitting dormant for too long. I don't think I'll be doing Gurkhas for a while. I did this quick mock up this afternoon, but there will be a lot for me to do...some of which I don't have the skills for. Hell, I don't even know where BFC keeps their legs, as you can see, lol. I need to get the Goums out the door next.
  10. BluecherForward, from the hive’s collective experience with mods and installs, it seems that only mods with “strings” text cause problems, and the only one that I know of or have ever seen is Vin’s UI mod. I haven’t used it much, myself, but when it is in my mods folder, I always take it out when I install the game/modules/patches, etc. I leave the remaining scores/hundreds of mods in. I have never had a problem.
  11. I added a dusty-ish set option as well (top two pics). I PM'd Bootie about getting author status at the Mod Warehouse. Just waiting to hear from him. Glad this monkey's off my back finally!
  12. Thank you MOS and Sarge! I have some more touching up to do, but should be ready in a day or two. Sure, go ahead Sarge.
  13. After a looooong hiatus from Combat Mission, and then hand/wrist surgery, I finally got back to this and finished the dpm woodland camo. I will upload them as soon as I get the readme and whole package together and squared away with Bootie/CMMODS. Tomorrow maybe. Mtp camo will follow but not sure how soon. First two pics are with shaders/shadows on. The other two are with them off (well, shaders might be on in the last one, not sure). Cheers!.
  14. Never happened to me yet, Erwin, and I visit everyday. Probably phishing then.
  15. sburke, you really, really did an excellent job on these!
  16. That’d be great, Freyberg! Thanks, and Happy Holidays!
  17. And which you no doubt will share with us in the spirit of the season?
  18. Curiouser and curiouser. I have all CMx2 products, just like the Sarge--I mean every game, module and pack, and all up to date. I have the 4 Cassino maps in the Master Maps folder. (They are dated 8/9/2014.) I guess Rocketman has you all covered, but just wanted to let Elvis know. I have a PC in case that would somehow make a difference.
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