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Everything posted by Fizou

  1. Nice! Love your terrain for BN and FI.
  2. Beautiful as always EZ. Thanks!!
  3. Its listed under heavy weapons: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=330&Itemid=567
  4. Looks great Saferight! Definate improvement.
  5. There is friendly air in at least one of the German scenarios. Cant remember which one but was browsing last night and hit one that had.
  6. Engineers, pioneers and sappers can execute a command called mark mines. When they are done the mine sign will change. The mines are not removed but a safe passage have been marked. Units can move slowly through the field at relative safety.
  7. Nice catch Luke. VaB.. are you a beta now? If so, good news.
  8. Screenshots.. we need screenshots!!
  9. At the same time there ars those who only enjoy the western front. To each his own as you say.
  10. Nice vid George! Looking forward to getting my ostfront fix satisfied soon
  11. +1 . A lot of people dont want to learn something new (or are to looked into a patern) and I think thats what it comes down to in this case.
  12. Yeah.. jumped both for the manual and the touch update.
  13. Thanks for the clarification Steve.
  14. The new MG code/behavior is much more realistic than the way it was before. I for one is really happy they changed it to what we have today (it was the same way back in CMx1 when they moved from CMBO to CMBB). You can’t compare a paper/report with casualties rates with what happens in the game, it’s based on the tactics that are employed and results will reflect that. The last part of you post is just a rant with no connection to reality. If someone has unrealistic expectations its you.
  15. nathangun, It wont be a module like CW or MG in the CMBN family but its own base game. So CM Bulge will start a new family that will depict Bulge and up til the end of the war in the west with its own modules. Might be released late this year or early next year.
  16. The wait is just excruciating.. can we please have another small AAR to help mitigate this? Rumors are circulating about a clash between c3k and Bil but there is no picture proof. Anyone else interested in another AAR?
  17. Wow that is a lot of casualties.. congrats on beating this one with the new MG code. Great work
  18. Thanks for sharing.. awesome indeed! It would be hard not to be discovered after the first shot..
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