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Everything posted by Fizou

  1. I have found wooden bunkers to be quite a challenge in the US Triona campaign in CMFI. It was made before the MG buff so that explains the crew being very resilient after exiting their bunkers. Its extra tough when all of the bunker occupants have MP40s. But one learns from mistakes so once I have cut the bunker off I will move up the appropriate teams to deal with them. Preferably engineers to blow it up and SMG carrying inf to finish off the exiting enemy. I just tried it in RT and seems to work just as I thought . Im sure the effect will carry over just the same once 3.0 is avvailable to CMBN and CMFI.
  2. I have played it, and yes, it was released before 2.0. Before 2.0 it was possible to win and I did so on my first try, bloody good fun too. After 2.0 I imagine it much more difficult with the change in MG code. MGs feel much more realistic with the new code
  3. I believe the next thing up for CMBN (except for the 3.0 upgrade) is its first pack. As I understand it a pack will bring in new units and formations as well as scenarios (possibly campaigns) featuring these new units and formations. The maps for these scenarios could possibly work as QB maps as well. Looking forward to knowing more about packs but I think we will have to wait a bit longer as after CMRT we have CMBS in line.
  4. And thats why they added the Protze? Im sure the sdkfz 6 - 7 will be included sooner or later.. its a very iconic vehicle and at one time or another BF will have time to include it as they work their way through the German list of vehicles.
  5. In the game they wont. Stuff like that is outside the CM scope.
  6. My guess is it will be in a pack, sooner rather than later.
  7. I also want the sdkfz 6 in the game. The sdkfz 6/2 is already in so most of the model is done.
  8. It was ? I thought all releases was during workdays.
  9. Looks like we are looking at a release sometime next week. Cant wait
  10. All really nice looking Juju. Looking forward to RT and this beautiful mod
  11. Id post in the tech support forum. Im sure you will get help there. Hope it works out!
  12. Me too.. Im busting bunkers in CMFI right now. Some flamethrowers would sure come in handy!
  13. My guess FWIW. Im sure we will see tank riders, hit decals included in the upgrade. Regarding flame weapons and new units, a bit trickier. Will they be included in the upgrade for a steaper price (upgrade usually priced at 10$)? Or will they be part of a pack. Im sure BF will tell us more soon. Steve said he thought the 3.0 upgrades will be avvailable for CMBN and CMFI, roughly 2 months after CMRT release.
  14. c3k & Bil, Enough of this torment, can we please have an AAR, or atelast some pics!
  15. I started out playing x2 in realtime as well. In some ways it suits singelplay better and with the bugs/problems CMSF had in the begining, realtime made things much better. I constantly had problems taking all objectives in scenarios because of time. Mostly because I just couldent handle my force effectiveley. Only attacking one flank etc as I was not able to focus well enough on a two axis attack. Id recommend trying some wego. I makes it so much easier to mange time and your force. It also opens up this beautiful world of the replay. With all the goodies in v3 its just a must if you ask me. I also think that with just a litle practice one overcomes the situations that can create frustration in wego (ex. not being able to stop a vehicle and reverse it instantly when danger apperas). One starts to act a litle more carefully. This is my experience as well, from way back in x1. Not sure if its true or its just believing that makes it so . I'll keep isuing new orders to have my units unbogg!
  16. More stuff modeled is good in my book so when we move on to the 41 time frame it would be nice to see it included. Other stuff could make its way in before then. Magnetic mines, AT mines, improvised AT, grenade bundles, molotovs etc. Not sure what direction BF wants to take but the RPG is a nice addition and I hope they keep moving in that direction
  17. +1 to this. Id love to see magnetic mines, grenade bundles, pzwurf mine etc. The later not in use in the 44 time frame IIRC.
  18. I don't think that's possible and something BF would have to change?
  19. Both grenades and satchel charges (rifle grenades, u name it) are rendered. See below, Italian inf and US paras exchange grenades:
  20. Tank busting with artillery is of course easier against the AI as it wont move as much as a human, or react to spotting rounds etc.
  21. There is a grenade throwing animation (for prone, kneeling and standing) so thats strange.. you sure it was a grenade? Thats true.. they also tend to be patient and have a grasp on reality. All bugs/problems are not fundamental flaws, in many cases they are not even bugs. And just because BF doesnt answer/look into something straight away dosnt mean it wont be looked into at all.
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