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Everything posted by Fizou

  1. Soldat-Hans, There is kind of an echo to some of the chatter files (0-2,4 and 6 if I'm not mistaken). I haven't tried them out in game yet though. Are they sounding ok in game? Great mod!
  2. Thanks for the update.. cant wait to get my hand on these
  3. Im guessing "heavy shot trail" is the sound to edit.
  4. Epic battle indeed . Tanks cant run over infantry or AT guns though.. just so you know for the next engagement.
  5. We're molotovs not fairly effective against tanks? I would think a flamethrower, at least if it can arc and hit air vents etc would be effective against a tank.
  6. That sounds like a bug. Are you positive thats what happens? Regarding modding the text, I believe its hard coded and thus not moddable.
  7. Interesting.. I would expect a flamethrower to be able to take out a tank, via vision slits and air intake for the engine.
  8. Your are a machine Aris!! Cant believe my eyes. Both the 251s and SU85 look gorgeous EDIT: Just dl the 251:s. Love them and extra thanks for all the decal options
  9. Thanks Again Aris! I use your terrain for all games and love em
  10. I have no idea, but could be the case. If most stuff for BS is done maybe the "A-team" is working on BNs first pack. That would be awesome news. Im sure Steve will let us know more soon.
  11. Not sure if you are asking, or have found out already. You use one of the move commands to have a unit switch places in the setup phase (only inside the setup zone, or it will just plot a move command). Ammo bearers are typicly keept close to the respective weapon they are serving, to shear with it the extra ammo they are carrying. They can also be used to go and aquire extra ammo and still have the main wepon stay in place.
  12. Maybe they should bail when taking fire if stationary and hang on if they are moving.
  13. I think it worked pretty well. Units with low ammo would only fire when the situation demanded it (not put down covering fire but only in self preservation). What we have now is better but we would need hand to hand to make it perfect IMO. The situation when two units just look at each other in close quarters when out of ammo is lame. Luckely such situations rarely happen.
  14. Left click to select, then use one of the many move commands to move the unit (only works within the setup zone). EDIT: I can also add that the mouse is key to controls if you use the standard commands. Mouse wheel to go up and down, left mose to move forward and backwards and right mouse to adjust in different directions. When placing units you want a clear blue line when you use the target command to have LOS to that pint (you are able to target ground), or a "reverse slope no aim point" text that indicates that you wont be able to target ground but you will spot units that move through that area.
  15. @pnzrldr Every CM release takes flak for campaign/scenario design. Mostly campaigns (ask PT). For every unhappy customer there are several that are happy. Cant please all and all that. Take what you find as constructive to heart and forgett the rest.
  16. Beautiful as always Aris! Thanks a bunch!!
  17. Sure thing, but might still be that the time spend vs time it actually gets used has been deemed unfavourable so far.. hence getting further down on the "list". With all the time I have spent playing x2 the times CQ would have been used are very few. I for one wouldent mind heavy abstraction in this area but Im not sure what way BF wants to take. Maybe they want to save it for later so they can "do it right". Im pretty sure we will see some kind of CQ in the future, question is how abstracted it will be.
  18. I havent tried this myself yet, but will do so this afternoon. I have a laptop with a nvidia card so fingers crossed. NP, c3k.
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