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Everything posted by Fizou

  1. I cant relate to this. My missions are on target in all but the very rare exceptions. From what you say, I cant see any reasons why yours should be off.
  2. Gamey?! Hell Vin, In my book thats cheating.
  3. Steve gave a estimate of about 2 months after CMRT release. So no need to buy RT if you dont want to.. upgrades for CMFI and CMBN will be released.
  4. Ohhh we really need your UI mods for the east front Juju. I hope to see both you and Marco release your quality stuff.
  5. Awesome Bil! Have been looking forward to see how this plays out, and learn a thing or two
  6. It has to do with fraps in some way. Will see what I can do to fix it. ----------- Below map shows the current development. The Italian forces blocking my main force passage over the Maggazola river have moved out from their entrenched positions, pulling back towards Ribera. This is a bit of a surprise as I thought they would remain in place delaying our force for another two hour turn. But the extra amount of men holding Ribera will be increased and it will be a light fortress by the time we are able to mount our main assault on the city. At the same time, further to the west. The German force that has been in contact with the Rangers of 3rd Bn earlier during the morning hours are now following my force and prepare to assault over the Verdura river to the 300 VPL. The move that my units did during the allied assault phase. The VPL hex is framed by a yellow rectangle. They only have one bridge to cross over which will make things easier for the Rangers and Airborne occupying the hex. I was able to inflict another six casualties to the PzGren of the 15th PzGren Div as they moved into positions (during my defensive fire phase, caused by the Rangers/Airborne as well as the pack howitzers that I will be able to call upon once the Germans attack). Its unfortunate that this fire didn't disrupt them as that would have made it impossible for them to assault this turn. Buying time for my reinforcements to move in. The Rangers and Airborne will have to fight again. The Rangers involved will be in their 5th CM engagement in this operation. I expect to be outnumbered by 1.5:1 and the Germans will surly bring their Grille SPA:s (I believe 5 are remaining). The Germans will also be able to call on their Bn organic weapons such as 81 mm mortars (Im not sure if they have any 75 mm IG:s left or if all of them was destroy earlier in a USS Buck barrage - I'm hoping they where all destroyed). The allied force is a mix of Rangers of 3rd Bn and Paratroopers of 504th PIR - 184 men in total. They are supported by 4 pack 75 mm howitzers. The force still has high to normal motivation. Some units are low on ammo, and one is severely low. A tough fight lies a head...
  7. That is weird.. I have never seen this behaviour before. Hope a beta tester will check on it.
  8. So dont pre-order. Wait for the release and get download only. Whats the big deal?
  9. One thing that puzzles me after my change to a new computer is the way my screen shots come out. Im using fraps and paint on both computers. Below a screen captured with the old computer and thats actually what I see when playing with the new as well, the screen shots on the new, as you can see in the posts above come out very washed out for some reason. Any ideas why? From kohlenklaus battle.. so vibrant and colorful! Screen taken with my old computer. ---- A few more thing concerning the campaign. The two assaults that I played (Rangers/Airborne vs Italian gun batterys) was pretty easy and straight forward to edit. Kohlenklaus battle had more different units and as per the rules we use the casualties was high enough (over 40%) to induce a morale drop of two levels (a drop at every 20% losses). When editing the morale level of the PzC unit one needs to keep in mind that the PzC units morale will shift during a PzC scenario for various reasons (it will get lowered when the unit is low on ammo or isolated for instance, it will get higher again once these situations are resolved). To get it right I should therefore lower the PzC unit morale (in this case) by two levels based on what level the unit has in the editor, not what I see in the PzC scenario a the given turn. Example: a PzC unit that starts out a scenario with B morale (this is also the value that you will find in the editor) and is reduced to "LOW AMMO" in PzC will drop down to C morale. If this unit then is involved in a CM battle an lose 40% of its men, it will drop a further two levels of morale. In the editor I will change from B to D. Not to E (C which is the actual morale at the current time in the scenario minus two levels would be E but PzC will figure this out by itself as that data is saved for the current scenario). Not sure if this made any sense at all --- As for the campaign Im awaiting the Axis side to update their part of the OOB. When this is done I will use the PzC assault function to take hex 13,12 and 10,8 and destroy the Italian units holding these hexes. After that its time for the Axis movement phase where they are forced to vacate the hex 18,7 which kohlenklau fought (as they withdrew).
  10. poesel71, Thanks for your perspective. You did what you could with limited means. Some casualties inflicted and that's a few less men to deal with in your inevitable coming counter attack. Kohenklau, Thanks! Thanks nathangun! Cool that you want to try it out. In a lot of aspects I think that you should use the rules that we use here (and the ones noob has presented in various ways) as inspiration and change/alter in a way that fits your group of players and what you find realistic/reasonable etc. The way that we would handle an attack on a PzC HQ unit (which has yet to happen in our campaign, but it might in the next turn actually) is to use a fitting formation as its base and build on the Bn Commander with a number of infantry platoons to fill the PzC headcount. No heavy weapons such as MGs or mortars attached at all. I have Ranger HQ (use the Ranger Bn as base), Airborne HQ (use Airborne Bn as base), and regular infantry HQ as well as armored or higher echelon HQ:s (for which we would use the Infantry Bn as base). We check the PzC units information panel (hold right mouse button) to see if any given unit has transports (motorized/mechanized etc.) In no case do we allow a PzC HQ to take part in the offensive part of an assault (as it is not possible in PzC). In many cases the HQ will have a lower morale value than its subordinate combat formations which nicely simulates that its not supposed to take part in actual combat (we use morale in PzC to simulate motivation in CM). ----- The advance continues at a slow but steady pace. The trap closing and soon fire fights erupt around the Italian defensive positions. The Italians don't have much fight in them and are soon overcome. Paras from 2nd Platoon C Coy use grenades and rifle fire to rout out the last Italian defenders. All exits covered by long/medium range MG:s, or in close by the units of 504th PIR and 3rd Ranger Bn. Overview of the situation above. Nowhere to run. A bit further to the NW a few men with their guns are trying to move out to a new defensive position. The guns slowing them down soon have them caught by the Airborne of 504th PIR. The Airborne use defilade to close the distance to the enemy guns before they open up with small arms. The last two guns are soon abandoned under heavy fire. End result as the Italians surrender.
  11. Its not criticism in its self that is jumped on, its the way it is delivered. Remember that someone has put down countless hours making a campaign/scenario and others have playtested etc. Using thumbs down and rolleyes smiles, stating that its utterly ridiculous and a puzzle more than a tactical challenge might not be the best way of doing this.
  12. Guess you only suffered 73 cas. Impressive result Bil, and as always a stunning AAR.
  13. I think its been said there will be no more modules for Normandy but rather a pack or two (containing units/formations and scenarios/campaigns incorporating these units). Im sure the next/first CMBN pack will include flame units as well as the Grille as the latter already is "done". Id guess that pack will arive this year, Q3 or Q4.
  14. Welcome aboard Erik! Nice with another Scandinavian neighbor
  15. If you wait until v3 is released, yes. Once v3 is released Im guessing V2 will be discontinued.
  16. FroBodine, As mentioned earlier a 3.0 upgrade for CMBN will be released around 2 months after the release of CMRT. It will probably be 10$ so total of 55$ including basegame and 2.0 upgrade. Same as pre-order for CMRT.
  17. I remember multiple cook offs from CMSF with fondness even though it really hurt me a few times. After that no one goes near a burning tank if I can help it. Thinking of it, I cant recall multiple cook offs in CMx2 ww2. Are they still in or are there only one cook off and thats it (Im guessing that would be more realistic that when things cook off, everything goes in one big explosion)?
  18. Their estimate is 4-6 weeks but it might take longer, no guarantee. But at the same time they have never deviated by much from that estimate. BFC is a small company and have had their problems with big publishers, now they do it on their own and do it right. If you’ll take the word of a stranger on the interwebz I’ll tell you they have a excellent track record and great customer service. As to what game to start with.. it’s very dependent on the theatre you find most interesting. I’d probably go with your gut feeling (being Normandy). Normandy was the first CMx2 ww2 game released so there is also plenty of additional content to expand the game with (modules). One module covering Commonwealth and SS forces. And another covering Operation Market Garden. A module includes scenarios and campaigns focusing on the new forces (formations/vehicles etc) present in the module. In some cases new terrain (like in Market Garden, terrain specific to the Netherlands) is also part of a module. New engine improvements are often introduced in a new base game (in some cases in modules). The CMx2 engine is adaptable so that new improvements in new games can be back ported to earlier titles. As an example, the “hit decals” that will be available in CMRT will be able to be used/back ported to CMBN for a small upgrade fee (usually 5-10$ - and thats not for just the hit decals but all the engine improvements in CMRT). This upgrade will probably be available some 2 months after CMRT has been released. The same will be possible for CMFI. Between this patches are released that fix bugs etc (which are free). Important to note that new improvements are not available in free patches but in upgrades as mentioned above. I’d download the demos of CMBN and CMFI and try them out.. see what you like.
  19. I love the addition of hit decals. With CMx2 detailed calculations and physics its just awesome and gives us more from the engin that is otherwise mostly hidden. And If I have just run my opponent through.. Im fine with him trying to make out where the round came from. Examining angles and hit decals wont win you battles..
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