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Everything posted by Fizou

  1. Our thoughts are with you Aris. The T34 looks great.. you make the text so realistic. Superb.
  2. Hope to see it resolved eventually
  3. That preview looks sweet Marco. Cant wait to play with it. I hope you feel better and big thanks for doing this
  4. Thats great GaJ. I will make a donation both for CMMODS and for H2HH! You contribute so much to the community. Big thanks as well!
  5. Sorry to hear that Aris. I have had (and have) cats and dogs. They become part of the family and its really hearbreaking when they pass away. One can only take solace in the fact that they wont suffer anymore if they have been sick. I also want to say that the T34 looks great and Im happy you have taken the time to also add decals.
  6. As Apocal states its been like this for a long time. Nothing new. No excuse made. Steve has called it a bug that Charles is looking into. They havent sorted it yet though.
  7. In BN and FI mortar HT:s could not fire their main weapon from the vehicle but had to dissmount and set up to fire. Has this changed in RT? If not.. any feeling for where this might be on the list? I cant recall what Steve has said on the matter, how hard, worthwile it would be to implement.
  8. Really like it, and wouldent we be able to use both versions? There are [muddy] tags avvailable in RT i guess
  9. Its been like this for a long time and I dont think it will change. No radio needed to call in off map arty. You would need a radio however to keep in contact with on map assets that are far away.
  10. I have seen the same in CMFI. Once I hit go (playing wego) the gun returned to its normal position. In that case it was a HT and a US 37 mm AT gun.
  11. Nice Umlaut.. looking forward to trying it out
  12. Also hoping that Marco will release his awesome UI mod for CMRT. I really need penetration/armor data
  13. Or one could just read the briefing. Great scenario btw.
  14. Cool Saferight.. love what you have done so far
  15. Well each to his own.. Im not saying the current UI is perfect. But it has been improved upon alot since CMSF and I really like it. BF is doing a good job if you ask me.
  16. Id say release as they become avvailable.. but whatever is more convinient for you is fine of course. Really looking forward to getting my hands on your work
  17. Steve has opened up for a "what if" pack so fingers crossed
  18. There have been some issues identified (units avvailable in the editor but not in QB), this will be corrected in the first patch.
  19. It would be nice if BF could expand on the possibility of random hit decals. Is it possible to add with a patch, or is this one of those things that would hog to much computing power and best left undone. Really like you mod saferight.
  20. Got a third option if you havent been sorted Mord.
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