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Everything posted by Fizou

  1. Umlaut... WOW! They look super cool, amazing details. Im happier than a pig in **** but if I could make a suggestion. Maybe one with the mammoth of the 502nd Schwere PzA. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/502nd_Heavy_Panzer_Battalion
  2. I dont think that works. Just like with the background sound.. only one file can be picked. Just talking about immersive troop portraits leads thoughts to your impressive mods for BN and FI. Will there be one for RT? No rush or anything, I know its a huge undertaking. Can only say that I enjoy these mods immensely for both BN and FI.
  3. Awesome SF, both this and your helmet mod. Five starts!
  4. Thank you Aris. Panthers stunning as slways
  5. Sure, but if other weapons of the same caliber make a much louder bang its a bit out of place.
  6. Well, tried it out in game, and it does sound a bit "light" compared to other weapons.
  7. Looking good EZ! And thanks for releasing these
  8. Dont hold your breath. Id be surprised if the next/first RT module is released before 2015.
  9. I think it looks good either way. The effect on the zimmerite actually looks really good.
  10. Looks really good umlaut! So grateful you decided to give it a shot
  11. Hey Dennis, Any chance you will try and make some decal options for the KT? Id love to see some randomization on this epic tank
  12. Starting to get ready for "beach 2014". Any progress Marco?
  13. Yes they are indeed different. @waclaw, I like the new MP40 sounds.
  14. Any tests to back that up VaB I would think that small arms from longer range etc would result in less dead and more wounds. Also getting caught in barrages in ways that did not happen as frequent in RL might also cause higher dead to wound ratios. The way a battle unfolds will effect the dead/wound ratio. It can be a set ratio that is not effected by things happening in said battle.
  15. Once again you stun us with the beauty and speed of your work Aris. Another masterpiece Would you consider some decal optios for the henchel KT turret? .
  16. Steves guestimate was 2 months after RT release.
  17. Release a few alteratives and Im sure you will cover most users fancy. Thanks for doing this mod Tanks a lot!
  18. I dont understand the obsession of real world data in this case. One cant expect real world dead/cas ratios when one plays/fights in way that is much different to what happened in real life. Playing agressive and pushing harder than in RL will give different results (which is what most players do). The solution is not to alter the statistics/mechanisms to 3:1 in favour of wounds, its to alter tactics and gameplay.
  19. Good looking vehicles and the terrain mod rocks Aris. Im woundering if you would consider taking MikeyDs lily pond terrain tile and edit it to fit with you terrain mod? A great tag addition in my mind. Looking forward to getting home and checking out those Su-122s
  20. @TaL, a lot of players would love that (me included). I dont think Rambler would mind. If you want you can alwas list him as having the"original idea" in your credits.
  21. Create a Z folder in your data folder. Put the music file (wav format) in the Z folder and name it "music end of battle.wav" without the "".
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