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Everything posted by Fizou

  1. @Emrys & 76mm - Both of you state your cases. We're listening.
  2. Anyway you put it we have a lot of goodnes comming our way
  3. I would probably go with option 2. I prefer to ambush the enemy as they move up to the choke point, than withdraw to secondary positions, coverd my MGs.
  4. There is still some abstraction to take into account when it comes to HE and CMx2. HE effect is nerfed down as Emerys touched upon. A direct hit is not necessarily a direct hit. The same thing can happen with small arms. A bullet can intersect with a pixel truppe and have that pixel soldier unharmed. Bunched up pixel men only being able to run straight up and the lack of micro terrain needs to be abstracted.
  5. Thanks guys. All maps are QB or scenario maps from FI that have been heavily modified to match the PzC hex as much as possible. For battles that are fought on the same map we also make a new version for each battle with added battle damage from previous battles.
  6. Cool Saferight.. looking forward to your other projects
  7. Awesome umlaut.. cant wait for the release so I can fool around with them
  8. You know they must be 1024*768 to show? If smaller, add a back field behind them. If bigger, shrink.
  9. Thanks for the clarification YD
  10. @Mord, To bad there is not as much data on the Soviets. Id still love to get my hands on the Germans and If you feel there is enough for the Soviets to put something together there as well. Impressive work as always
  11. Nothing like that at the moment. You will have to rely on the mk1 eyeball. I use the editor a lot and that really helps. Regarding bridges and what they can/cant support AFAICR this is not modeled at all.
  12. All eyes are turned to the Eastern front at the moment.. but battles continue to rage in all theaters. The Allied liberation of Sicily being no exception. I'm sad to say that I haven't been able to fix my problem with fraps on my new computer. The screens I take with it turn out very washed out. I will continue anyways and hope that I will find a solution down the road. Its turn 6 of our Sicily campaign and currently the Axis side is calling the shots. As the Allied combined force of Paratroopers and Rangers was able to take the 300 VPL location (destroying an Italian 75 mm battery in the process) during the last hour, the Germans have moved up their reinforcements and are about to counterattack over the Verdura river to take it back. These German reinforcements have already been engaged during the morning hours as the Rangers of 3rd Bn have occupied them and slowed them down. The Germans down here in the southern part of the campaign map/area have a capable force but they have been cut repeatedly by the Rangers and long range naval fire as well as air attacks by P-38 Lightnings. The German force is believed to be 3rd BN, III PzGren regiment, 15th PzGen Div. This force consists of a depleted Battalion of PzGren (with organic mortars and Guns) as well as five Grille SPA (150 mm). The Germans goal is surely to take the hex and then dig in to hold it from any counterattack thrown at them. There is one last obstacle in their way.. the determined and experienced men of 3rd BN Rangers and 504th PIR, 82nd Airborne Div. The allied force is depleted with 184 fighting men remaining (Rangers G and H Coy as well as the Airborne C and A Coy - and as a side note.. all these units where depleted as the operation began). Below, the map and the only surviving bridge (the other bridge was destroyed during the last battle by off map Grille fire - I'm sure the overall German CO is cursing the CO in charge of that action for this - It wont make it any easier to say the least). Blue bulges mark Allied defensive positions/lines of the Rangers and Paras. From my right, MG:s are trained on the Bridge. From my left, MG:s will have good LOS/LOF of the crossing. One of 11 MMG:s covering the crossing. Got to love the Rangers and Paras and their MMG heavy TOE. Further back in my center I have another couple of MMG:s able to provide long range fire as well as an FO ready to direct 60 mm mortars and 75 mm pack howitzers (off map) on enemy troop concentrations. My initial plan is to deny the enemy the opportunity to cross for as long as possible. I hope to be able to inflict a fair number of casualties in this process. As the enemy is able to establish a bridgehead I will start to conduct a fighting withdrawal to exit the map. I cant exit before 30 minutes have passed so its important to time this in a good way. Once off map I believe I will be able to send M4:s forward during the next operational phase to do a quick counterattack with the Rangers and Paras. This has sure been and will continue to be a back and forth slog between these formations.
  13. Priceless.. and coffee all over my work desk (again).
  14. Dont RT include what would be eastern Poland terrain already? Ukraine is another matter, might get something in a later module though.
  15. You sure about that? I have always done "helmet" then "helmet 2" etc. No number 1. As mentioned above I dont think number 1 is to be used. I have no problem having a lot of different helmets displayed (not sure what the upper limit is, if there is any), easily 30-40 different ones. What you need to make sure is that the file is named correcty. Just a small error and the helmet wont be displayed. Also that you dont have any other mod in the Z folder with helmets that can disrupt and replace the ones you want to show. Another thing, if the number sequence is broken this will result in that only the files up to that file where the error is will be displayed. Files after the one with the error wont be displayed. So the number sequence need to be unbroken for it to work.
  16. Cool, thats great news Phil! New graphics is great, and if FOW can be maintained its a win win
  17. This is great news EZ. Will it include something for the FJ? Thanks again for making your mods available!
  18. I wish they would do it this way also. Nice to have as much as possilbe in just one exacutable. Not sure if they think there is not enough new content in vehicles/formations etc to make sales if they go down this road. Same thing for Ostfront even if it might be to much there with 4 years to cover (but maybe two families instead of four).
  19. Im sure that BF wont close the door on CMBN with this pack. If sales are good and the opportunity is there Im sure they will consider making more than just one pack for the family. BN is one of the most popular parts of the war after all. Its interesting to see what will happen to FI. One more module for Italy.. what then. Might we see some action in Africa? So much material to choose from for BF when it comes to chooisng what family to creat content for next etc. Hope they are able to multytask as much as possible
  20. Hahaha.. the small things matters too
  21. I havent, but if Mord says its so.. I will believe it (with his modding portraits experience Im sure he has). At least that the way I interpret his post above.
  22. I played a pbem where a bridge was downed by 150 mm off map arty. Only one tube firing at a slow pace so it took a while, many shells dident actually hit the bridge so with on map direct 150 it would be done much quicker.
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