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Everything posted by Fizou

  1. And as a new game/module/upgrade or whatever is about the be released they are usualy not as present on the forums as they are otherwise. Steve will soon show up again to adress stuff like this, Im sure.
  2. Also, WYSIWYG, is only partialy true as microterrain is abstracted as well as HE being nerfed. In most cases the game handles situations as I would expect. One shouldent forget that some of these prepared positions was extremely tough to take out.
  3. Definately.. really looking forward to more news from BF in what form this will be done.
  4. In addition to what womble said.. I have never seen half a dozen tanks firing at a foxholde for several minutes and have anything survive/stay in place. This sounds like an outlier.
  5. Im not sure why it is the way it is. By choice or a bug. One thing is for certain though and that is that it wont change. CMSF is no longer suported. But its something to keep an eye on for CMBS and the probable new version/revival of CMSF.
  6. See of it as the old cmx1 command delays
  7. Looks great Juju and thanks for doing this. One of the true must have mods.
  8. Yes, you can have the new teams under the CO you want. Be it Bn, Coy or Plt. Or a mix of these.
  9. I casualy play WALB but it cant be compared to CM at all. The first is a fun game, a bit to much of a click fest and I wish there was an option to pause the game but stil fun. The latter is more of a simulation and a work of art
  10. Id buy ww1 for sure, Id prefer early ww2 though. Poland, France & Low Countries etc. N. Africa. Man there is so many possibilities. Might be that a big ww1 title would offer better sales numbers than earlier ww2 though...
  11. Also, keeping in mind the size of the shell, the nerfed HE for given reasons as well as abstraction for micro terrain, it might be your expectations that are flawed TimoS.
  12. Nice Vin! Will have to check those that deviate from my current mix
  13. I have to agree with what others have said about this already. IMHO dedicated medics would move the game away from the tactical combat simulation. It would be hard to depict in a realistic manner.
  14. I would hardly call it worthless, I had a pbem not long ago where they where causing a lot of problems. I was on the recieving end. Id say in most cases, the situation you described above will result in casualties. In some cases, more uncommon, it wont. One will have to chalk it up as micro terrain/ abstracted spread out forces intervening. This is being looked at and might make it into CMRT (not sure), if not than probably in the next set of patches released for the respective games.
  15. Yes. The files must have the correct name, or it will not be loaded. gun.wav can not be named zgun.wav. That file would not be loaded and any other gun.wav sound in the Z folder would be loaded instead, if no other present, then the game would load the original sound. In several instances you can have more than one file used to create a random pattern (works for most sounds, battle loading background pics and for unit skins). Ex: gun.wav gun 2.wav Would both be loaded, each time its used there would be a 50% probablility that either one is played. Its important that they are correctly named and that the number sequence is not broken or only the files before the error will be used. Ex: gun.wav gun 2.wav gun 4.wav gun 5.wav gun 4.wav and gun 5.wav would not be loaded as the sequence is broken. Yes.
  16. No, everything in the Z folder will work/be loaded, even if in a subfolder within another folder etc. -Z (folder) --Sound(folder) ---Shots(folder) Will work just as well as: -Z (folder) --Shots (folder) What will happen is that the game will read the files in a specific order. So if you have two files that are identical, the game will read only one of them, and it will choose the one that is in a folder with the first letter further down in the alphabet. ZSounds will be read before Sounds and so any file in the ZSounds folder will have priority to the ones in the Sound folder. You only have to worry about this if you have duplicates in your mod folder (which might happen down the road if you don’t keep it tidy and clean up once in a while).
  17. Thanks Ken. But I think we all need to learn this the hard way. So will it be out this week?
  18. If Im not misstaken, CAS, will be handled in the same way as in CMRT once FI and BN is upgraded to 3.0. I.e. one does not call them in, they roam freely. And +1 for changing the version name/number of each game to reflext the current engine version. CMRT to be released as 3.0 instead as 1.0.
  19. Remember that micor terrain is not featured so its instead abstracted. We also have an abstraction for pixelmen staying to close together which has nerfed HE power.
  20. Focus has been spent on other areas. In the beginning several weapon where using the same sound so BF has really appeased us by bringing in individual sounds for each weapon. The reason for this was to save on computing "power". And as you say.. use one of the awesome mods.
  21. Missed out on this as I dident check the CMSF forum often enough.. glad I did now. Cant wait (dont know if Im more exited about CMTR or CMBS)!
  22. I haven’t seen it mentioned, and so close to release I wouldn’t count on it unless it wasn’t on the list already. I can’t remember seeing it being raised here on the forum before. I just recently started to use this feature (playing CMx2 since the beginning has had me used to not being able to do it – so I just replotted). It’s very handy but I haven’t seen any problems yet, but as mentioned I haven’t used it very much yet and usually use split teams which will mitigate any strange behavior. One thing’s for sure, the developer is not ignoring this or anything else. I’m sure they will look at it as soon as time permits.
  23. I guess the depth is still a little bigger in CMBN (two modules) compared to CMFI (only one so far). We are bound to see more content released for both families, next up is the v3.0 engine update and this will in some way be incorporating or be followed by flame units. After or including this will be at least one “pack” for CMBN and another module for CMFI (maybe also a pack). When it comes to depth one should also remember that the CMFI family will cover a longer time frame than the CMBN family. A lot happened in the Italian theatre during this time which will give a very varied tactical challenge (OOB variations from 43-44 etc.). For me both are a must and I would hope you can acquire them over time. If I had to choose I would probably go with CMBN and complete that family before I moved on to Italy. Normandy (with Market Garden) is probably the most popular operations and you will find more opponents owning these titles if you want to play H2H.
  24. IIRC it has been stated that this is, if not impossible, very far off. I started playing CMx2 in realtime but have moved over to wego as the action replay is just to good to miss out on.
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