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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. Cheers for the heads up, always interested in decent maps.
  2. Pretty sure I know a man who could make this happen.....He's a bit busy at the moment with oriental engagements, but I reckon something could probably be done. This is the biggest part.
  3. The firing ports seemed to work on BMPs in CM:A.....At least that was my recollection.
  4. Originally it was the M231 FPW: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M231_Firing_Port_Weapon Not sure if they were ever changed to accept standard small arms TBH.
  5. Can't help with the latter issues, but the first one you may be able to fix for yourself: Check the map in the editor, ensure the Friendly Directions are set correctly.....If you were feeling really brave you could add facings to the AI plans.
  6. Keep in mind that if you do this you cannot set enemy Destroy Unit Objectives on the player's units, or any that you do use must be placed only on units that must exit the map (somewhere or other).
  7. I tried to commit some when I played @MOS:96B2P's Coup D'Etat from a jihadist perspective.....It wouldn't let me. For some reason the two dudes in the background just would not show the white flag.....They were still there at the end of the battle, not less than thirty minutes later.
  8. I used to love parking my Matildas on Italian 47mm ATGs in CM:AK.....After a turn or so the gun crew come crawling out and usually surrender, just like in real life. That said, KV-1s vs. Romanians/Hungarians/Italians was even funnier!
  9. You should immediately report the offending unit(s) to the CM:Police.
  10. @37mm I can give you an interim fix (for a human played force only).....Build a tall walled compound, paint all interior squares as an exit zone, then place BTRs within. Advise player that he should take advantage of the supplies in the BTRs at setup and that the compound should be vacated by non-BTRs prior to game start. Once he clicks the red button, those BTRs will vanish, nothing that he might attempt will get them out of that compound before they do. I've used this technique with some of my more complex small unit stuff, the exit zone can double up as an exfiltration route or whatever (It will remain live, so why not use it?).
  11. New UI is looking slick dude. Need to finish the delta map.....There's quite a choice of 'playgrounds' on that one.
  12. What he said. And that too.....Really looking forward to seeing 'that map' Ben.
  13. Actually this one was about buildings rather than bunkers.....Not sure a 81mm mortar round should penetrate those, other than via the firing slit, but as you say, there are bunkers and then there are bunkers.
  14. This makes good sense. Sold.....Where do I send my money?
  15. Possibly of interest: https://interactive.aljazeera.com/aje/2019/whats-happening-in-libya-explainer/index.html
  16. Contours & elevation are an art-form IMHO. getting them looking and playing just right takes experimentation & practice and it doesn't follow any hard & fast rules, what works in one area may not in another. Usually I'll set the broad elevation by drawing contours, the local elevations will then be tweaked and building clusters locked to a suitable elevation. I may determine certain slopes by ditchlocking the elevation of a road or stream, or other feature that traverses it, removing the nearby locked 'contour elevations' if necessary to get the look I'm after.
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