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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. Fragmentation modelling doesn't deal with blast effects, and blast can easily cause things like slates to fall off roofs, even on the far side of the building!
  2. It looks a bit different to me at the moment.....Kinda jungly!
  3. IIRC they were active along the Adriatic Coast (see Post 1943 Operations): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long_Range_Desert_Group I've got a decent book about it somewhere.....Not exactly high-paced action, but I think there's a scenario or two in it.
  4. I'd probably strip a platoon right back to the HQ and then reassemble it with 'Individual Teams' to give it some extra capability, but the overall effect would be much the same. PS - Nice map.....What is it?
  5. Nope.....The 'Weight' of a building is determined by its size, the bigger they are the tougher they are. The skins mean nothing.
  6. It was on a variant of the Ramadi map for me too.....The AI doesn't like @LongLeftFlank's broken tall walls very much. In my Mosul variants I remade quite a few into full enclosures, which the AI deals with much better.
  7. TBH, this doesn't look much like Syria either: The Acme Plantation House.....Same map as the coastal village above, but about a kilometre and a half inland!
  8. Another chunk of Mosul (formerly Ramadi) for all your MOUT needs: A little bigger than its predecessor, at 400m x 400m.....Equally challenging. https://www.dropbox.com/s/44fget6wogyrxju/[Map] The Crusher.btt?dl=0 Kudos once again to @LongLeftFlank, this area was once the eastern cemetery in Ramadi, it's also the 'River of Martyrs' in @MOS:96B2P's awesome Coup D'Etat, which I found very appropriate indeed.....You'll see why when you try the scenario I wrote on it!
  9. I was never sure if the TOE would update to the new date setting in the scenario and TBH, I just like making unit cores......Either way it can be done. CM is incredibly flexible, especially if you come at it from an odd 'angle of attack', the things I've watched @MOS:96B2P & @37mm do to it in recent months have really blown me away, it's just staggering what can be done.....Best PC wargames in the world, bar none, IMHO.
  10. Yup.....My first thought on seeing that version is definitely not 'Afghanistan'!
  11. Cool....IMHO Tamro Group should make Jackie their corporate logo. I'd happily buy my drugs from a Hitler impersonating dog!
  12. Cool Ploesti story I hadn't encountered before: https://warfarehistorynetwork.com/daily/wwii/princess-ecaterina-caradja-angel-of-ploesti/
  13. You can pick your Italians at an incorrect date, save them along with your Germans as a core file in the same way you would for a campaign and then import it into a scenario set to the correct date.
  14. I'd love to see the Gran Chaco War in CM.....If we ever get Barbarossa I reckon we should rustle up a crew and mod it for the job. PS - Anything Turkish on the horizon at all?
  15. If things are falling from above, being prone is no advantage. Explosions are no fun to be around.....Actually that's a total lie, they are a hoot, but only in carefully controlled circumstances. You'll notice when folks blow stuff up on TV etc. they go way overboard on the safety devices, that's because explosions can do unpredictable things that can really hurt you!
  16. That's why I was wondering about a brute force fix like weighting.....But I know SFA about the game's inner workings, so I could be talking out of completely the wrong end.
  17. Is it possible to 'weight' an AI unit's perception of the surrounding cover? A simple modifier to the perceived value of cover in the direction of enemy units or even the enemy direction might mitigate the issue. TBH I've no real idea what I'm on about!
  18. Classy work sir.....One tip that you might find advantageous is to 'Ditchlock' the elevation of building clusters to the same level. This ensures that flat roofs are flat and that internal doors are always useable etc. Sometimes this may mean modifying your contours in a slightly inauthentic way, but I'll take 100% playability over 100% accuracy every time. Finding a system that works for you is a matter of trial & error and it can be time consuming, but it does reduce the risk of the 'zombie-pixeltruppen-march-of-death', even for the imbecile AI. When using multiple modular buildings to create a bigger structure I always use the same skin & window types on all modules, to help the player perceive it as a single larger structure. HTH, keep up the good work!
  19. There are other peculiarities related to vehicle crew too.....Don't remember exactly what it was now though.
  20. This is kind of what I mean by it mystifying me sometimes.....I can't create certain things in quite the same way in CM:SF2 that I could in the original, however if I create them in the original and then import them to CM:SF2 they seem to work just fine. The game doesn't seem to want to impose its own TOE on imported units.
  21. Apologies.....My mistake. Either way, it's really hypnotic.
  22. That's one full container of ammo, two belts.....Nothing extra being carried by the squad itself. That does seem a bit light to me, but I couldn't point you to any documentary support for that feeling.
  23. I just don't see those as WTF moments. For me a CM WTF moment is when my cunningly concealed T-55MV tracks the side on Abrams right to the end of the turn, then mysteriously loses sight of it just in time for the orders phase!
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