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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. Are you aware of the ownership structure of the western 'free press'.....Western mainstream media is little more than the mouthpiece of a select billionaire's club. Next.
  2. Just teasing. As you said, were not likely to see any of these systems.....What I would like to see are some older Soviet/Russian systems so that we can better depict the actual forces of the respective sides and also use the game to model some of the other conflicts on the former Soviet periphery.
  3. Oh FFS.....Do you have any idea how utterly ridiculous that sounds. I'm not going to dignify such petty childishness with a response, frankly mate I expected better.
  4. Nevertheless it set a precedent and simultaneously undermined NATO's ability to take the moral high-ground.
  5. TBH I think Russia is fortunate to have that 'famous guy'.....It's an outsider's perspective, but there you go.
  6. I'm not stirring anybody's pot.....The Ukraine appears to have ambitions to recover these territories and to join the EU. They can't do the latter while they're still squabbling over the former, it's against the rules.
  7. Without enemy fire their behaviour appears to be precisely as the designer intended (fathoming that is always tricky with someone else's work). I could re-script them slightly, see if that will bake whatever it is back out again? PS - Interesting to note that the problem team are in the tile adjacent to a bocage-gap tile in Plan #2.....I seem to recall that being mentioned as a feature of the Roadblock scenario too. PPS - If the MG Team is starting on your right, that makes it Plan #2, if they are just right of your centre it's Plan #1.
  8. Just wondering why you flattened the terrain? I really want to see this damned thing diagnosed. BTW - When I ran my tests I used the original unaltered map, not the version with the crops replaced by grass. That was used only to enable me to see the AI painted orders more easily.
  9. So I ran it in author test.....Setup was as desired and without any sort of player interaction, the MG team does not cross the hedge-line in Plan 2 (three iterations). So then I ran Plan 1 the same way.....They didn't cross the hedge-line in those tests either. So it's not the plan alone that is the issue.
  10. I'll take a look. It's hard to see the orders on the normal map (too many yellow crop tiles).....I've replaced them with grass. There are two AI plans. The team in question appears to be A4. It's default setup in Plan 1 is at a hedge break further to the east, no tile is painted, that is where the unit is placed. It then seems to run backwards & forwards a lot, but at no point should it approach a break in any bocage after the initial setup. The scripts in this plan seem oddly written, the timings seem only partially finished to me (at a very cursory inspection). In Plan 2 the team is set up in what appears to be the adjacent tile to problem location, by tile painting. This could be the source of the issue, the AI may be placing the team the wrong side of the hedge at game start because the tile covers both sides. Thus they may not be fleeing through the bocage, because they were never behind it in the first place. They then change position before moving forward to the hedge-line at Order #3. Again it is possible they are attempting to cross the hedge-line rather than remaining on the friendly side simply because the painted tile covers both sides. After this they do not approach any bocage tiles. My suspicion is that the issue lies with Plan 2 at either Setup or Order #3.....Just running it in Author mode with Plan #1 disabled to see what happens.
  11. As I recently told my nephew, when he mentioned an interest, 'there's a clue in the name'. Outta likes, I owe you one.
  12. Missed this.....Check your spam e-mails, or log into the Helpdesk and check your ticket there. I've NEVER known BF to take that long EVER. @BFCElvis Are you about fella?
  13. That's where you need the ticket.....John got me sorted on a vaguely similar issue in under half an hour from my issuing the ticket. Give 'em a try, I'm positive you'll be playing tonight.
  14. Have fun fella, I really look forward to seeing what you do with them.....I've been very impressed with the stuff you've been making.
  15. Actually, come to think of it, when I reinstalled CM:BN, I had a similar issue.....I input all activation keys and it just wouldn't work. For me inputting my original CM:BN key again fixed it.....Maybe worth a try before opening a ticket? Definitely open one anyway though.
  16. Sounds like you need to open a ticket.....If they are up to their usual spec (mark it urgent) you might still get a game in tonight: https://battlefront.mojohelpdesk.com/
  17. I wouldn't so much 'blame' social media, as 'put it up against a wall and shoot it in the base of the skull' TBH.
  18. If I might make so bold, your mass media do you no favours whatsoever, none of them.....Ours are just the same. Provoking division is easy and profitable, but fixing it takes a lot more effort and the rewards are rarely immediate.
  19. Assuming the DPR/LPR were ever to reintegrate (unlikely as that now seems), somebody will have to pay to clear this mess up.....If you think that will be the EU, you are going to be in for a rather rude awakening.
  20. Sorry, editied my post to add a link. Only one 'e' in 'aerosols'.....With the extra one it looks kind of rude! What makes these versions so special, if anything? Are we sure they are just smoke generators?
  21. I was just searching a few sites, but they are singularly unhelpful.....Do you know anything more about the pyrotechnic devices fitted to the 2S42 Lotus 120mm SP Mortar? http://gurkhan.blogspot.com/2019/06/242.html If they can indeed defeat Javelin's IR seeker, that would be a game changer. Presumably these are what are to be found in the directional launchers and vertical launch cells on Armata's turret?
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