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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. Dude.....I had to pull the first three I posted, it's an old and thus sometimes not terribly PC comic and I figure I'm probably in enough grief for ranting in the CM:BS battlezone forum. Here's a couple of reasonably safe (ie: fairly modern) others: And here's a link to their current, rather more 'hun-friendly' site.....Yup, they are still going: https://www.commandocomics.com/
  2. The carnage they wrought in the modelling forums was tragic.
  3. Shame we don't have the really big bridges in CM:SF2.....Huge IED vs Huge Bridge Deathmatch! Fight!
  4. That should really cut both ways, frankly none of us should have got into this in the first place. TBH I'm not too happy about some of my posts above, sometimes you can take playing the Devil's Advocate too far.....Nevertheless I think we've all overdone it with the hyperbole tonight. For a man so well versed it's remarkable that you are only quoting half of what Assange said.....Good journalists do not reveal their sources. As for the rest, you can find their site, the same as I can. PS - Alt Right is an American thing, politically you absolutely could not be further from the mark and I don't take you associating me with your racists too kindly at all.....If this discussion were taking place at the pub, as you suggested earlier, me and you would be off into the car-park, for a very frank discussion indeed.
  5. I've checked and you are correct, VIPs as a group has not directly named Seth Rich as the source, presumably because Wikileaks asked them not to, at a guess.....Nevertheless if you read their work on the subject, the intimation is extremely clear, to an open minded person at the least.
  6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veteran_Intelligence_Professionals_for_Sanity https://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/Veteran_Intelligence_Professionals_for_Sanity
  7. ROFL! Pull the other one.....It's got big brass bells on! PS - That page has active malware BTW.....Great source! I really am done with this now.
  8. You are aware that a rather large number of former US Intelligence professionals fully support that position? If not, you should be.
  9. Yeah nice try with the drugs angle.....Did you see the video of the car exploding? Mercedes Benz were very, very unhappy about the claims made about the safety of their cars. Seth Rich wasn't a journalist, he was a DNC staffer and the probable source for the so called DNC hack.....But yes, another inconvenient American who suddenly got dead. Again you are utterly mistaken.....I just don't give the US a free pass, we have the entire western media for that. I really am done with this crap now.....I'm in the middle of building a massive and rather complex map and I would like to concentrate on that if it's all the same to you.
  10. FFS you are a citizen of the most lethal society in human history.....You are in absolutely no position to preach.
  11. Take a look at the current version of 'Heaven & Earth'.....We have 162 flavour objects!
  12. TBH guys, I'm sick of this ****.....I come here to talk about CM, not pussyfoot around subjects that are best left elsewhere. No government is saintly, nor any nation.....All of them resort to the expedient as required and we all know this.
  13. One way you could make this scenario dramatically more challenging for the Blue player would be to cut the time in half, add a Blue exit zone and mark the entire Blue force as a Red destroy objective.....This would force the Blue player to perform a less than ideal (but still perfectly feasible with the extremely strong forces at hand) 'Thunder Run' down the highway. Blue's losses would probably be slightly higher and mobility kills would count for more, which they probably should. Just a thought.
  14. Michael Hastings would be another very good candidate: Good NYT article here: http://nymag.com/news/features/michael-hastings-2013-11/
  15. Actually that was a sideways dig at the Saudis, but I'm up for the challenge.....We could always start with the travails of Julian Assange, but they haven't actually killed him yet, so let's move on. Let's go for Danny Casolaro for starters: No, you're getting confused with those NATO ones from Yugoslavia.....These guys were attempting to prevent the Georgians (under that delightful Mr Saakashvili**) from murdering their Russian speaking neighbours. With a bit of egging on from NATO the Georgians shelled them and then got handed their arse on a plate. http://www.cast.ru/files/The_Tanks_of_August_sm_eng.pdf ** NATO does love him so.....People who've lived under his rule, not so much.
  16. You have allies for that. That whole business of shelling the Russian peacekeepers couldn't have been a deliberate provocation by the Georgians, just an unfortunate accident I guess?
  17. I can probably find reasonably accurate numbers for around 2014, but these don't take any account of condition or storage as I recall.....TBH they are readily available with a bit of Google-Fu.
  18. Here's some revision for you: Governmental interference: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-26079957 Corporate malfeasance & governmental interference: https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2019/05/biden-ukrainian-gas-company Those two should keep you going for a while, but I can find many, many more to allow you to further your education.
  19. That's generally pretty fair comment, I guess.....One could argue that this: Is little different to the corporate media's tendency to publish their retractions of false stories on page 29, in very small print. Don't know about the Chinese, but the Russians here seem to be doing OK.....Maybe they are all Putin's elite FSB agents?
  20. To me, a line of BS is a line of BS, regardless of the motivations of the person attempting to feed it to me. PS - Have to agree though, the Reporters Without Borders report is pretty damning (but having said that, many of the same practices are being undertaken in the west by corporate entities such as Google & Facebook, rather than by direct governmental interference).
  21. These systems were in the inventory of both sides at the appropriate date for BFC's official storyline.....I believe that, after the T-64, the T-72 is the most numerous tank in the Ukrainian inventory (but not B3s as bellingcat loves to remind us).
  22. You've heard of 'The Devil's Advocate'? I'm his partner at law.
  23. The opportunity to support a small, independent game company, that produces some of the best WWII & Modern wargames in the world, maybe?
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