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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. To repeat (referring to Document 5): Please try to keep up with events!
  2. I'd been saving that specially! No bad feelings, to either you or @IanL I value your contributions (and a good argument with you) tremendously.
  3. Russia's done a few dumb things, but TBH as I said, since Soviet days, they've been pretty quiet, virtual dormice compared to US/NATO who have been at it non-stop, everywhere from Yugoslavia to Yemen.
  4. That's just one document you dotard. Here's a précis of another, from the link:
  5. Or US/NATO propaganda.....Have you looked at the link in my post yet? Or are we at the wilful denial stage? You don't seem to acknowledge that the Russians might have a perspective, why should you be treated with exceptionalism? Plenty.....But, since 1990, in comparison with the US/NATO, they are virtual saints, the facts speak for themselves.
  6. Go to the link in my post. Here's one example: https://nsarchive2.gwu.edu//dc.html?doc=4325676-Document-02-Mr-Hurd-to-Sir-C-Mallaby-Bonn
  7. Please do me the courtesy of actually reading my posts: It's there in black & white at the George Washington University.....Full links to copies of the original documents and notes are included within. Utterly ridiculous discussion.
  8. Thomas Becket: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Becket Apparently the proper quote is "Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?".
  9. Hold on mate, you just got caught telling porky-pies and now you want to change the subject! I was going to compile a list of all the countries that the US/NATO have invaded since 1990.....But I really don't have all night to waste on this.
  10. And NATO doesn't stop marching towards Russia's borders.....Give it up, you are kidding nobody. https://nsarchive.gwu.edu/briefing-book/russia-programs/2017-12-12/nato-expansion-what-gorbachev-heard-western-leaders-early Fact is, if the US/NATO genuinely push their luck in the Black Sea, they'll find out exactly how good Russian anti-shipping missiles really are, and we'll be in WWIII.....If you think that war will be restricted to 'foreign places' you are delusional. Wake up, smell the coffee.....The days when the west could throw it's weight around with impunity are over.....Ask your $200 million drone.
  11. I don't think CM can run Red systems that are better than Blue ones, its internal logic would explode.
  12. Really? Are you aware how much money the US government is spending upgrading ports in the Black Sea: https://breakingdefense.com/2019/07/us-upgrading-ukraine-ports-to-fit-american-warships/ Not that they would be able to access them in the event of hostilities. Really? Maybe you should ask a Russian how they feel about that and stop trying to preach at me? What he said.....With big brass bells on.
  13. What, apart form the continued security of their southern flank and total dominance of the Black Sea?
  14. No, it was spelled: GRIZZLY BEAR In the US report. This however, is a very valid point! PS - There's no way an Allied intelligence report ever spelled it 'Brummbär' for this exact reason.....WWII Allied typewriters did not have a 'ä' key.
  15. Agreed.....Considering the potential loss to Russia had they not 'enforced their claim' on Crimea, their action was a strategic masterstroke, cheap at twice the price.
  16. Actually neither is correct. As the name was actually invented by Americans, they can spell it how they like.
  17. Straightening up the rear hull sides & deck on the YPR, hiding the firing ports, would make a big difference, if it's possible?
  18. I had a feeling that thing was coming TBH.....It's grown on me, but I'd still prefer a proper M113. Would it be possible to put the fighting compartment deck & turret from that thing onto the M106 Mortar Carrier from CM:BS? Or is that a hack too far? PS - Totally agree about the weapon sounds.....The LMG sounds awesome.
  19. IIRC @HerrTom did some calculations for accurate fragmentation modelling.....From my recollection of his comments, you would probably notice something of a performance hit were this to actually be implemented in the game.
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